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A/n since it's been a lot these last chapters I'm giving you this. As a gift.

Lexie pov

"Hurry up Lexie, i need to shower before i leave" Alex calls in through the bathroom door as he violently knocks.

"I'm almost done" i call back out and let the hot water fall onto my face. I've just gotten home from a long nightshift, it was exhausting.

"Hurry up" he continues to knock but i don't make a move to take away the steaming water from hitting my cold body.

"If you're in such a hurry, use Mers bathroom"

"I can't, she's using it, with Shepherd" his voice is just a little bit lower so that the people in question don't hear him through the walls.

"What's going on here?" i hear Y/n's voice joining into the conversation and only the sound is making loving chills fall down my back.

"Your girlfriend is taking forever"

"Hey, i just got in"

"If you were in such a hurry you should have occupied it before she got in"

"Whatever, just hurry"

"Well, i'm going to take a shower"

"Oh come on" Alex signs but the door opens and then closes again. I don't even know how she got in, i locked the door. Grumpy steps retreating in the hall and the rustling of clothes.

"How hot water do you actually shower in?" she laughs carelessly. I used to think it was weird that she can do that when everything seems to go downhills. That was before i realised it's a part of who she is.

"It's how i stay warm. What? You think it's our cover that's warm?" i admit just as she pulls the showercurtin aside. My eyes are automatically drawn to scan her every feature, her legs, her stomach, her chest, her arms and her face. It used to make her self conscious as she thought i was looking at the burn scars and so on, until i explained that i most certainly did not. But on her face, it's just a simple loving smile. Nothing else, no ulterior motive than a hi.

"I should say thank you then" she says as she takes the step into the tub and pulls the showercurtain back. She's unfaced by the hot water. Perks of growing up in a warmer part of the country i guess.

"What for?" i ask, biting the inside of my bottom lip as she looks at me the same way i had done for her. Every imperfection, every... part of her, in my eyes it's perfect. She's perfect, with all her imperfections. Both physically and mentally, what's not to love about her? If she was perfect, what would be the fun in that? This about it, if everyone was perfect, no one would be.

I'm forced to turn around and wash the shampoo out of my hair as i've noticed it dripping down my face, almost into my eye. It got in my mouth, not exactly a delicacy.

"For warming me through every night" her voice is but a whisper as she comes closer to me.

"Your welcome" i answer, trying not to turn towards her as i continue to wash my hair. Alex needs the shower and it would be rude to take forever. But her hands trail around my waist and she puts her head in the crock of my neck. Somehow avoiding the shampoo and the hot water. I don't know how she does it, guess she really is a wish, magical.

"Now what should i do if i'm cold now?" she asks with a smile and i can't help but let out a little laugh. You know the part of the relationship people call the 'honeymoon phase', yeah, well ours hasn't ended yet. And one can tell, considering everything that's going on right outside that bathroom door. But in here, we're untouchable by anything but each other. "May i?"

"Mhm" my breathing is already heavy but she steady her hands till and her body pulls flush against my behind.

"Use your words mi amor" her hands doesn't move, only her head inclines to press her lips against a soft spot on my neck.

"Y/n" it's more of a breath than her actual name i guess. But her smirk against my neck tells me that she's more than happy with getting that reaction out of me.

"Was that a yes?"

"Yes" i breath out and before i know it she turns me around and pushes me against the cold tiles. Our bodies flush against the wall, breathing heavily as our lips connect. Her lips are cold but soft and i feel how my warm meets hers. Mine part slightly, allowing her tongue to slip in.

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