My dear brother

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Lexie pov

"Your time is up, it's been 48 hours so you can go if you want to" Dr Shepherd say as he is approaching to repair the bleed.

"No it's okay, he's my patient, my responsibility" i answer and he looks at you as he says.

"You have started to raise them well, maybe you'll be the new nazi"

"Please we all know thats gonna be Christina, she can't even remember the names of her interns" you say back and he lets out a laugh.

"Wanna grab a drink later Diaz?" i can see that the question catches you by surprise.


"No? Why not?"

"I don't like you"

"You don't like because of Meredith?"

"I don't like you because you're you" you say back and look back up to me. "Go update the daughter again"

"Sure" i say and leave out the door, happy to not hear your continuing gabbing.

"Your Diaz intern?" a deep male asks, grabbing my attention just as i'm about to approach Miss Deacon.

"Yes, that i am" i answer turning around to see Mark Sloan stand there. "What can i do for you dr Sloan"

"I'll need you to get Diaz to meet me at Joe's tonight"

"And why would i do that?"

"Because your an intern"

"What makes you even think she'll listen to me? As you said, i'm only an intern"

"Because you don't want her to get fired do you?" okay now i'm officially confused.

"Why would she?"

"She's distracted by other things and i can help her. A doctor, a surgeon that's distracted is untrustable" what he says actually makes sense.

"Then i'll see what i can do" i say before turning back to go to sit with the daughter.

"I just wanted to come out here and tell you that everything is going just fine, but there was a complication so it might take a little longer than we expected." i say, sitting down next to her.

"But he's gonna be okay right?"

"For now yes, but when he's out off surgery we will need to keep him for observation"

y/n pov

"Good work in there Diaz" Derek says as we're back in the scrub room, washing up.

"You too" as im about to walk out he stops me.

"Have a drink with me"

"Why would i have a drink with you?"

"Just come to Joe's at seven tonight and you'll see"

"You know i hate surprises right?" you say with a smile that makes his grow bigger.

"That's why this is so fun" he says, letting go of and walking out. Leaving me in the scrub room by myself. I wonder what he has in his mind, i think to myself as i look at the clock. It's six pm so i make my way out the door to walk into Lexie.

"Your still here Grey?"

"Yeah i was gonna stay to check on Mr Deacon and just wanted to say that you were awesome in there today" she says as we begin to walk towards the residents' lounge.

"Thanks but you know you don't have to stay, you should go home and get some sleep"

"I'll sleep here, but i also have a message for you"

"Yeah and what is that Grey?"

"It's from Dr Sloan, he wanted me to tell you..." i cut her off as i push the button of the elevator.

"Grey, i don't want to hear it"

"He said he wanted to help you"

"Help me with what?"

"He said you were distracted and no one trusts a doctor that's distracted."

"Did he also say he is the reason im a little distracted?" she shakes her head i a no and i step into the elevator."He slept with another woman the same night he told me he loved me"

As the doors close i leave a very shocked Lexie Grey standing there. Just as i'm about to break down in the elevator at work my phone starts ringing.

"Hello" i say, answering it.

"Is this y/n Diaz?" a man says and i'm confused.

"This is her"

"This Hank Mathews with the Seattle police department" he say and I already know what this is about. "We're calling about a Jonas Diaz"

"What has my brother done now?"

"Nothing to bad, he was caught for a DIU and from his records i see why your not surprised"

"Where can i pick him up?" i ask more hopeless than ever before. I really thought that he could keep himself away for more then three months, but maybe he inherited that from our father. That was the only thing he had to do to live with me in Seattle, be sober. Now Meredith will kick him out the house.

"West precinct"

"Thanks, i on my way right away" i say before hanging up and walking in the lounge with angry steps.

"What's wrong?" Izzy asks and i notice the others sitting there.

"My brother"

"Please tell me he didn't" Meredith says but i just sigh. "He had one thing to keep to to live with us"

"I know, i'll have to send him back to dad"

"Or you could just send him to rehab" Alex says but he just don't understand. "What? Did i say something wrong"

"Her mother died in rehab" Christina says and i turn to her.

"I'll see you later, tell Callie i'll be back" i say before almost storming out the entire hospital. Sitting down in my new red Toyota Camry, one of the most wanted cars here and i had gotten the last one.

I pull out of the parking lot and remember that drink with Derek at seven, thats not gonna happen since it'll take at least one hour just to get him out with paperwork. So i decided to call him"

"Derek Shepherd speaking" the all too familiar voice of Derek filles my car.

"It's y/n, i won't be able to make it to Joe's"

"Have you changed your mind or do you remember how you hate me?" he says with a laugh.

"No, my brother came up" i say and his laugh stops.

"Okay, maybe another night then, be safe"

"You too" i say before hanging up. I can't believe im doing this again. I'm really considering leaving him in that cell for the night and just pick him up when he's sober tomorrow.

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