1. To Save the World

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"Peggy it's my choice "
"You remember our dance, right?"
"I'll be there"
Suddenly the alarm clock interrupted  his nightmare.
His blonde hair was shining as the morning sun rays scattered through the window. His breathing was heavy and cold sweats flowing down his forehead.'So that's how nightmare feels like' . He thought before waking up from his bed.

Steve's POV-
I picked up a heavy punching bag and hung by the bar of the roof and began to punch it with everything I had.

I was lost in my own  thoughts of Bucky, Peggy,  Red Skull , the jet , mainly just Ice. Then I punched it hard and it burst and flew away with all piles and sand.
At the  very moment I heard a familiar voce of the SHIELD Director ,
"Trouble in Sleep?"

While unwrapping my fists I replied "I slept almost seventy years sir, fulfilled sleep of my whole life"

There is some bitterness in my voice and it didn't went unnoticed by Fury.

"Then you should go out, visit the new world " he said trying to cheer me up.

I understood something is going on in his mind , the way he was talking. So I asked "Are you here for any mission sir ? clearly not to give me company for visiting the World ".

"To Save the World " He instantly replied and I got that something is serious. Then he proceeded, by handing me a file and explained me how Haword Stark find the Tesseract and some one named Loki , captured it who belongs to some another planet.

But I choose not to give any attention and walked past him , with the duffle bag in my hand.
Then I heard Fury called from behind "Is there anything we should know about it?"

  "You should have left it in the Ocean." I replied without glancing back.
Next morning I saw a package of files in my apartment.
Hesitantly I opened it, it reads "Avengers Initiative ". and inside it also had a SHIELD logo, which I have seen many times on Fury's shoulder arm .
  The first thing caught my attention was one of the file named 'Agent Margaret Carter'  with a small picture placed beside it.

  It's Peggy's picture! She looked somehow old. It also reads  'Founder of SHIELD'. And then it hit me that she was still alive, also there was her address and phone number.
I slowly reached for my phone to make a call to her, but I stopped myself. If I'd call her what would I say ? I thought to myself.

Then I picked another file named 'Anthony Edward Stark '. Another familiar memory. This guy is Haword's son ! And he had some modern technical armour. He also called as Iron Man.

  Next was named some Dr Bruce Banner.Who becomes a green beast by some experimental accident.

 Next was named Clinton Barton, a SHIELD agent and also a member of Avengers Initiative.  He was an Archer.Who had some technical bow and arrow and many more details.

 Last one was a female SHIELD agent and she was  a member of Avengers Initiative too. Her name was , Natasha Romanoff.

  I felt strange to see the picture of this lady. Some unknown sensations. She had short curly red hair hung down to her shoulder and skin tight cat suit.

 But it got more weird when  I moved down my gaze to read , I noticed somethingwas missing from her file than others .

  Then one thing caught my attention that her birthdate is missing, there just written 1984. That's it...nothing else.

Something is strange there. I  was sure of it.

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