37. Pushing Away...

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After 14 hours , Steve got conscious and saw Clint and Tony cat there by his bedside . Tony stood up and tried to hide his smile by his sarcasm ," Oh look at this , who finally decided to wake up." Saying he went out of the room to inform the doctor.

Steve faintly whispered," How long I was out?"

Clint shighed," Almost twenty hours. "

Then Tony returned with the doctor and Thor , Maria and Pepper too. But Steve's eyes were searching for someone else. The doctor checked his pulse and heartbeat," Your vitals are safe , Captain. You just need to rest for some days that's all. " Tony thanked him and all of them left the room wishing Steve to get well soon, except Clint.

He explained him what happened with Bruce. Steve nodded then looked away," Uh...where is Nat ?"

Clint didn't know what to say him. Natasha didn't visited him since last twelve hours. She was acting really weird. She even told him that, right now Bruce is more important!!. He replied with a little bit hesitation," She is..uh with Bruce. I mean, she is taking care of him."

Steve reluctantly nodded but Clint could see the disappointment in his eyes. Then he went to Bruce's room where he found her sitting on a table lost in her thoughts. He didn't said anything, just went back to Steve's room.

After three days Steve was ready to discharge from hospital. It's been three days, Steve didn't saw Natasha.
He would ask Clint about her but he never answered clearly. During walking towards his room, Clint supported him by holding his shoulder .

Clint made him seat on his couch and handed a glass of water and some medicine, then he sat with him. Steve took the medicine," Thank you, Clint. Can I tell you something?"

He nodded and Steve continued," I had a friend, his name was or is Bucky. He is still out there somewhere. I tried to find him but failed. He was more likely a brother to me. And now when I look at you, I feel like I found him in you. " and smiled at him.

Clint returned his smile with a greatful expression. He couldn't believe, Captain America saying him that he was like a brother to him !!. " Thank you, Captain. You never treated with me as a team leader or just an Avenger , You too always treated me as your brother. "

After sometimes Steve asked ," You sure Nat is okay?"

Clint shighed," I think you should talk to her. She is kinda acting wired. Even I think she's ignoring you. "

He narrowed his eyes," But why ?, We never had any arguments or anything...or She...." He stopped in mid sentence , then nodded in understanding," She's blaming herself. That whatever happened to me is all because of her. "

Clint nodded in realisation," That makes sense. She never wanted that anyone get hurt because of her. But I don't understand why she always lingering with Bruce?"

His heart twisted on this question, but he shook these thoughts away. " Maybe Bruce is blaming himself for what happened to me and she is probably consoling him?"

Clint raised his eyebrows," Are you being serious now ?, He was discharged from hospital right after twelve hours. And you discharged after three days. And Tasha can't find a reason to see you at least once?"

Steve closed his eyes then shighed," Clint...let it go. I want to rest sometimes. " Clint nodded and left while he kept thinking about, was Natasha really ignoring him for Bruce?

Clint went to living room and saw Natasha picking something from fridge. He walked towards her," Steve was asking about you."

She raised her eyebrow," Why?", like it's nothing.

Clint gave her a annoyed glare ," Are you kidding?, It's been three days you never saw him once, he can't even walk on stairs without support, sometimes he is having difficulty in breathing and you're asking me why ?"

Instead of concern for Steve, she glared at Clint," Listen , Bruce needs someone too. He is also went through a lot. Steve is not the only one. "

Clint's eyes widened in disbelief," What ?!!", he can't believe on his ear and eyes. She was not showing any concerns for Steve. Instead she was overprotective for Bruce . He shook his head in annoyance and walked out of the room.

She shighed closing her eyes and shallowed a lump in her throat. Her heart falling apart. Clint has no idea how much it was hurting herself talking about Steve like he doesn't matter. But she had to . She had to push him away.

Later that evening Steve decided to clear things between him and Bruce. So he walked towards his room which was unlocked already. He pushed it open and the scene in front of him was heart dropping.  Like someone ripping the vains of his heart one by one.

There stood Natasha....in ...Bruce's arms?!!! They were hugging each other tightly. He stumbled on his feet and held the gate for support. With this noise Natasha quickly separated  herself from Bruce's hold and looked at Steve. He looked at Bruce.  " Sorry , I didn't mean to interupt you both, I just wanted to talk to you. I think I should come back later." And turned his direction towards the exit.

Bruce stopped him," No no , It's okay, Captain. I wanted to talk to you too. I just can't find words to say. Captain...I'm.."

Steve interrupted," There was nothing your fault Bruce . I want you to know that , I'm not holding you for whatever happened. It's okay. " And smiled at him who was stood there lowering his head.

He didn't looked at Natasha, because he knew,  he came to a conclusion,he was nothing to her. He was dying to see her once. He was not sure even he would be able to alive or not after his surgery , and here she was with Bruce, in his room, hugging him and not saying a word to him ?!!

He cleared his throat," I should get going. And sorry to interrupt again. " With that he walked out of the room limping and holding the stair reling for support, and walked upstairs to his room and quickly closed the door worrying that anyone can see his broken hearted face.

Natasha rushed inside her room , because while she was passing Steve's room on the corridor, her heart was screaming for go inside and hug him tight. But she couldn't do it. She had to be strong for him. When she saw him in front of Bruce and her , the hurt look in his eyes were killing her .

She never said a word to him since two weeks. She didn't even faced him , ignored him all the time. But that evening he was nowhere to found. Because she had decided, she would talk to him about everything whatever was going on.

All men were there at tower except Steve. She saw Clint at kitchen and walked towards him ," Where is Steve?"

Clint looked up to her and saw the eagerness in her face , the same thing he has been seen in Steve's face. Steve went to meet his psychiatric for his check up. And Because of Steve became like a brother to him so he decided to make her pay for whatever she did with Steve. He looked back to the coffee machine," He is on a date with ...who's that....um..yeah, our former SHIELD agent , Agent 13 , Sharon."

Her face fell in hurt. She just nodded and shallowed a lump and went to her room. Okay no one to blame for. She was the one who was responsible for all of this. She did hurt him , now it's her turn. GREAT.....


She knows how much it hurting him , then why does she doing this????

Told you it's really heart broken. I don't like to write about sad and heart broken stuff s , but I have to. 💔😢

Hope they short things out between them. 😍


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