46. Where is Steve?

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Two days , since two days no one had seen Natasha. She didn't come out of her apartment. Rest of the team suspected something but didn't dare to question her. Clint was sure that something happened between Steve and Natasha because Steve's routines started to change by no reason. He had skipped the breakfast and didn't answer clearly. He didn't even go to training.

The morning of third day Steve got a sudden massage from Fury. He went to the security room alone and turned on the screen. Fury said in hurry through the screen ," Captain, there is an emergency mission. I just got an information through a reliable source, in Russia some scientist managed to duplicate your super serum and I don't know how. Inform the team about it. The less people will go is better. Maybe two or three. "

Great. He needed a distraction. Since his confession to Natasha, he didn't see her at least once . It's the perfect time to stay away and give some space to her. " I'll do it on my own. I'll go alone. "

Fury raised his eyebrows," Are you sure?, You can take Barton or Wilson?
And...you always go with Romanoff to this kind of mission. "

He stopped him ," As you said , The less we go it's safe more. I'll manage it. Send me the details. " Saying he cut the line. He packed his bag immediately and reached at airport. Before boarding the plane he send a text message to Sam , just few words ,' I'm on a mission. Back soon. '

That afternoon Natasha stepped out of her apartment and went straight to the kitchen. There everyone having lunch except Steve. Unaware of her presence , Sam was informing everyone," No , he didn't said anything more , just coming back soon. "

Clint noticed her ," Oh , Nat , come join us ." Everyone smiled at her. She too offered a smile and sat with a plate. During eating, her eyes were roaming around the table to find Steve. But she couldn't find him. All of them noticed this but didn't quesstined her.

A week passed just like that. No news of Steve. She was going restless but didn't mention it. She figured out till now though. He was on a mission. But
She had no more details about it. Yes she was worried about him. He loved her , he told her that. But she had no idea how to love someone. She had never had a loved one before...Steve.

Now he was nowhere to seen. She walked in to Wanda's room. " Where is Steve by the way?" She asked her during their conversation.

" Oh , You didn't know. He was on a mission. No one knows where. "

She nodded and went to her own apartment. After two weeks , Fury called for an emergency video conference to all the Avengers. When Natasha reached there , Tony was already arguing with him. " And you didn't think it's important to inform us ?!!, Great. " He yelled at him.

Fury looked at them apologetically," Listen , I know I should have, But he said he can handle it and I had fully faith on him. I still have. The worry is , his trancmiter went off two days ago. And I think he might be in some trouble. "

Natasha stopped in front the screen," Where did you sent him ?"

" To...Russia. Some scientist found his duplicate of the super soldier serum."

Her breath stopped on this. Steve has no knowledge about Russia. He was alone there. His trancmiter was off. He was in trouble. It's because of her. She ignored him and that's why he wanted some space. That's why he went to Russia without informing anyone , without informing her.

She stood in deterioration," We're going in thirty minutes. " and went straight to her apartment. I'm coming for you Steve.

They reached at the last location of Steve. It looked like, a tunnel which led to a white colored warehouse.

Meanwhile when Steve woke up, again that same man , wearing some old military uniform stood in front of him. Since two weeks, he was tasting his serum in Steve's body. He started to feel like numb. He can't even stand on his own. That man inserted the cyringe at his neck when he heared some explosion noises from outside.

He understood, his team finally found him. But that man had other ideas. He set a sensor at the door and connected it to a machine gun right beside him at his back. So that , whoever walked in through the door, the gun would shoot automatically. With that he ran out of the room through the backside door.

Natasha and Sam ran through the corridor, checking every room on their way. When Steve heared a faint electrical shock noise, he understood it was Natasha , who was coming to this room. He struggled to free himself from the chain but failed. The door opening noise was coming closer.

He tried to drag himself in front of the gun , still tying on the chair. With so much trying, that chair moved an inch. When footsteps stopped at the opposite side the door, he tried to scream but he couldn't. The gag in his mouth was tied so tightly that there was no slight mumble could be heared. " Just wait a minute Nat, please don't open it." He thought to himself. When Natasha heared the clicking noise of the metal chair, she understood, he was here.

He tried again and his hands started bleeding and tears continuesly flowing from his eyes. " Please, please. Wait a minute. " He dragged himself again, and now he was right in front of the gun. Unsure of the result, he mumbled to himself, " I love you Natasha. I love you so much. "

Then the door flew opened with a bang and three bullets pierced right at the down of his back of the throat. When Natasha saw this , everything went to slow motion. The chair on which Steve was tied up, that fell forward but his eyes never leaves her.
His face slammed on the concrete floor and his head started bleeding heavily.

She let out a horrified scream  ," STEVE." and ran towards him. She quickly untied him and dragged his upper body to her lap , pressing his back of the neck tightly. She checked his pulse and it was vanishing with every passing second.

She had so much to say , but not even a single word coming from her mouth. Then Steve coughed blood through his mouth and nose. Tears streamed down her cheeks ," Clint , Sam , I found him. He is ....shot." She announced through her earpiece.

When Steve opened his eyes faintly , she couldn't hold back her tears ," Stay with me, Steve. Please stay with me. Don't do this to me. I can't loose you, Please. "

Steve squeezed her free hand and weakly whispered," I'm sorry. I never imagined to hurt you . Because of me your nightmares started again. I'm really sorry Nat. "

God. He knew she was having nightmare through the whole two weeks of lock down herself. No one had any idea if she eats or not while this man cares that much that he knew she can't sleep at night. She cried," I'm sorry, I'm sorry , Steve. Please stay with me. I'm gonna reschedule our date as soon as we make it to New York okay?. You have to stay with me. "

Blood flowed more from his mouth when he chuckled weakly," You do realise that you're having a horrible timing right ?." His eyes were giving up, but he fought with it ," Just know that, I really.....I...I Love You. " With that his eyes closed.

She desperately patted his cheeks shaking his chest ," Steve?, Steve??!!. You can't do this , You got me ?!!. You can't just leave without hearing those three words. I LOVE YOU!!!. You heared me ?, I LOVE YOU TOO. STEVE ??!!"

It was really painful to write. Literally I was crying at the last few paragraphs.

Will Steve make it ?


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