75. A New Hope

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After few months, Steve got a phone call from Tony at one o'clock of night. He made sure Natasha was still asleep beside him and got up from the bed. He came out of the bedroom and received the call. " Did you talk to red?", He asked from the other side.

Steve shighed," Yeah, but she's still refusing. To be honest, I don't have the heart to pressure her to change her decision. "

Tony shighed knowing very well how determined was Natasha when he told her about their time heist plan. All of them agreed to try, except Natasha. And as usual, Steve couldn't go against his loving wife, so he supported her. "Could bird-brain be a little helpful ?", he asked hopefully thinking Clint might help to convince her. Tony searched around the world and found him in Japan a week ago.

Steve threw his head back, not knowing what to do," He's back just recently. So there is less chance of her killing Barton. So it's worth a try."

Tony chuckled from other line," Okay. I'll send him tomorrow morning. "

He hang up and went to bed, cuddled her and slept, hoping for the best. Next morning Steve was making breakfast when Natasha walked into the kitchen, hugged his torso from behind resting her head on his back. " Good morning Rogers. "

He smiled turning off the stove and set the breakfast on the counter. He kissed her forehead gently," Same to you Rogers. "

She clung on to him , wrapping her arms around his neck, her feet was hanging. He supported her holding her waist. She chuckled kissing his neck," You're still nervous to touch my but*?. Remember old man, we've been married for over nine years and there isn't any part of my body you haven't seen naked yet."

" The whole night wasn't enough for you two ?", a voice from the doorstep interrupted their morning cozyness.

They looked at that direction and saw Clint was standing there with a sad smirk, seeing his two best friends after a long five years. Steve smiled at him with a nod, she let go of him rolling her eyes as she knew Clint was back because he agreed with Tony to try their crazy time heist drama. He shighed," Comon Tasha, at least say a Hello?" , he walked further.

She sat at the breakfast table serving herself," You said to yourself, so there is no need anymore. " Saying she nodded at Steve to sit.

Steve hugged Clint then pulled a chair for him," Comon join us."

Natasha rolled her eyes with a shigh," How did you get inside?, I had locked the door sure?"

Clint served himself then showed the keys," I have the spare key remember. I had arranged this house for you. " They ate silently then he started," You've already gussed why I'm here. Tasha, this is our last chance. " She looked at him almost hatefully. " I know you're reluctant about it, whether it'll work or not, if it'll have any alternate consequences. I tested it myself. I went back in time, but I don't know what year it was. I saw there Lila chasing Cooper into our garage. Laura shouting them to be careful. "

He paused for some seconds looking down at his plate," I picked a baseball globes of Cooper, just then I came back to realtime. And I was still holding that globe. That's why we're sure it'll work. We can bring things from past. We can have everyone we've lost five years ago. We'll have... James with us if it works...", she interrupted him angrily.

" If, there it is. If it works. You said you tested yourself but you're still not sure. I cant throw the one last thing I have on the line. I can't risk Steve. He's all I have. I'm all he has. We can't risk each other. " She blinked to stop her tears. " Now get out. You're not welcome here at all. " Steve held her palm, moved to sit beside her, knowing good enough that she was gonna cry any moment.

Clint was about to stood up, but sat back ," You know, years ago, You were the only one I had to call a family. After rescuing you from the snow filled forest at the border of Russia, I considered you as my own sister. I promised myself that I'll take care of of you and your happiness as a brother. Not sure how much I've succeed , but I tried my best. Just like that, five years ago, I promised you that I'll protect your son, but I couldn't. I failed to...",

Again she cut him off," This wasn't your fault. Nothing is your fault. You don't need to blame yourself for that. "

He looked at her in teary eyes;" Belive me Natasha, when I heard Tony's plan, the first thing popped up in my mind was...James. My promise I made to both of you. So I agreed to do anything if I can bring him back. Then I thought about Laura and kids. You were and you still are my first priority. Because you're my first family. Then comes my present family." He finished and left the house.

She refused to talk anything for now and went to bedroom, leaving Steve in  daliema. She thought about it. Before Steve, she had Clint's family as her own. Lila was like her own daughter. She got the chance to name her, Clint and Laura gave her the chance to name their first born. The first time she realised what real happiness was. When she held the tiny Lila in her arms, when she held her finger with her little hands. When she smiled at her first time. When she called her 'aunty Nat'  for the first time. Thinking all this, she sank into her husband's protective and loving arms with a peaceful sleep.

Next morning at the Avengers head quarter, Clint and Tony looked in deep thought. They had two of the successful scientist, super genius man of the world. An experienced US army chief. A dumb but creative man, who wouldn't stop talking. Clint himself was a tactician. A God from another planet. But still, they lacked in something. Two things. Her wittynessn, confidence, the glue that holds the team together. And His never give up attitude, stand for what is right, the leader, the Captain of the team. The two back bones of Avengers.

Heavy footsteps snapped their attention, they looked back and saw the woman they were thinking about . " For a second I thought you both fell asleep. Move your lazy as*."  And walked towards the quantum tunnel.

Tony turned ahead and saw Steve with a bag which had his and Natasha's sutes. Tony stood up and nodded at him ," Follow me, I've got a present for you. " And both walked inside.


Don't think Natasha is a little out of character here . She became a wife and a mother. So she has changed so much obviously, than MCU. So she's reluctant to do that because she's afraid if she'll loose what she has now. Just like Tony did in Endgame.

So a painful ending is coming 👀


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