31. The Torturers

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( Trigger warning - slight physical abuse sense is there.)

Natasha shook her head," How did you got caught by them ?"

He shighed," I was searching for Bucky, in Chicago.  I thought I saw him so I ran in to a motel , but they injected something to me ." Saying he showed his neck. He looked at the window, it was already dark outside. " Where are we now?"

" I don't know, but I'm sure you're not in Chicago anymore. " She smirked at him.

He chuckled," Yeah I figured. ", He shighed then started," How did they find you ?"

She was reluctant to reply the truth, but she trusted him , like he did. " I was in Russia, dealing with something. They also injected me from behind. "

They sat there in silence for some minutes. Steve dragged himself and leaned against the wall . He was in more harsh position than Natasha. His hands were numb till now.

Then the metal door opened. Four men came inside with their leader. He laughed," Oh welcome back Captain. I didn't expected you to come to your sence this quickly. "

Steve glared at him," Who are you and what do you want?"

He dragged a chair and sat in front of them. " Good question Captain. So tell me , Captain Rogers and Agent Romanoff, where is Nick Fury ?"

Natasha looked at Steve, both wanted to laugh on his question, but the situation made them stop. Still she lightly chuckled," Please do us a favour and find him. He stole something from me without my knowledge. "

Steve bit his lips to control his laugh on her comment. " We have no idea where he is."

He stood up and walked towards Natasha and held her chin roughly," You think it's funny. Don't try to overtake us Romanoff. "

Steve's blood boiled," Can you talk without touching her?". Natasha wanted to smack him. He just can't shut up in this scenario.

That man held her chin more tightly and raised his eyebrows smirking at Steve," Why , Captain?. Is this bitch so dear to you ?". He slowly slid his hand to her throat and applied more force. She was biting her lips to control the sob which  was forcing to let out.

Steve clinched his fist," Get your hand off her ." he growled in venom.

But he didn't. " Then answer me , Captain. Where is Nick Fury?"

He impatiently replied , " We don't know anything about him. Please she was going out of breath, leave her."

He left her throat and she threw her head back panting heavily to gain her breath. He turned towards Steve," Till morning, decide what you want to do. Reveal about Fury or you both gonna die here." He left the room followed by his associates.

Steve struggled to free himself from the chain but failed and grunted in frustration. "Natasha, you okay ?"

She nodded," Don't worry, I have had worse. "

After some time of silence Steve said ," You know, right now if I hate someone most , it is Fury. " She didn't said anything. Just nodded in response. "Got any plans?"

She shook her head," Not yet. First we have to find out who they are and where we are."

They sat there in silence the whole night. Next morning the same door opened and again and again the same leader walked inside followed by his associates.

He bent down at Steve's level ," So Captain, what did you decided?"

Steve didn't change his posture ," Listen, this is the truth. We have no idea about his location. "

He walked towards Natasha," Agent Romanoff, What about you?" . She didn't said anything, just glared at him. He nodded and gestured towards his associates at Steve.

Two men walked at Steve with a electrical weapons. The leader looked down at Steve," Its your last chance, Captain. " He remained silent. " Make him."

The electrical weapons charged at Steve's back of the neck but he clinched his jaw to prevent from yelling in pain. Natasha's eyes widened in horror. She knew how painful this could be.

They stopped then charged , stopped then charged again and again. Finally he let out a painful grunt which welled up tears in Natasha's eyes. " Just stop it. He don't know anything about him. "

He walked towards her and scanned her body. He noticed her tears,"Is the tears are for Captain Rogers?. Oh miss Romanoff, I thought the red room taught you not to fall in love."

Her eyes widened " Who the hell are you and how did you know about red room ?"

He laughed at her question," You surprised?, Well let's reveal it. I'm the chief commander of Barren Strucker. Leader of hydra. " Then again he turned towards his men ," Charge him again. "

Steve struggled to free himself but failed. Natasha yelled," Let him go. He has nothing to do with it." But they still charged him and he yelled in pain. Two stains of tears dropped from her eyes.

They stopped when Steve was nearly unconscious. Their leader walked to Natasha." Now it's your turn Agent."
Saying he fully ripped her leather jacket by a knife which revealed her tight tank top. Again he ripped her tank top by the same knife, just to leave her in a sport bra.

He lustfully smirked at her, " Tell me one thing, how many times did you slept with the Captain ?"

She glared at him more," Many times, and every time he felt really amazing. "

When Steve saw this his heart dropped," Stay away from her, You monster.!!"

He gave him an evil smirk and put his hand on Natasha's bare waist. Steve squeezed his eyes tightly and tried to pull his hands out of the chain grip. But he failed again and blood flowed from his wrist and elbow.

But he didn't stop and tried more. Natasha was crying now. " Steve...stop it. Steve..." Her voice was cracking , because she knew what was coming. What's gonna happen to her. But she didn't want it to happen in presence of Steve.

Their leader moved his hand to remove her jeans," Open your eyes, Captain. See what's happening to your girl in front of you. "

A cruel sob came out of Steve's throat," Leave her alone. Please, please. She don't know anything. Please. " He desperately pleaded still closing his eyes.

But all gone in vain, the leader harshly slid down her jeans and all Steve heared were , her cry, her pleading screams. They charged another sharp electrical weapons right above his ear and demand him to open his eyes, but he didn't and yelled in pain.

She cried more . But because of Steve, not for how she was felling disgusting right then. " Open your eyes, Steve. Ahhh...I don't care what's happening to me , just open your eyes and look at me. Ahhh... if you don't they'll kill you."

Steve squeezed his eyes more tightly listening her painful scream . Tears were flowing continuesly from his eyes. After some time they opened her chain and threw her to a corner of the room. They untied Steve too and threw him against the wall and walked out of the room.

Both fall there like lifeless corpus in that room. Just Natasha's silent sobs and Steve's sharp breathing.


It was too painful for me to write this.
No one deserve this kind of treatment from anyone.

How will they rescue themselves from this situation??


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