70. The Beginning of the End

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Sam was driving while Wanda sat beside him, Natasha and Steve with James sleeping on his shoulder at the passenger seat at the back, as they were moving towards Clint's house. They decided to head at Scottland immediately as Vision had turned off his transmitor. They would drop James at Clint's place and take the queenjet which was at his farm.

Their car came to a halt in front of the green farm , Clint was standing there, Natasha stepped out of the car and Steve handed James to her. Clint led them ahead as everyone followed him ," Anything serious ?,"

Steve shook his head shighing ," No idea. But we can't ignore the possibility. "

Wanda looked at him ," I think there is something terrible. His mind stone never sends unusual signals. "

Laura opened the door and they stepped inside. She led Natasha and Steve to upstairs to put James in bed as it was only three in the morning. Natasha made him sleep next to Cooper on the bed but he stirred his eyes and opened them due to the sudden movement ," Momma ?" he mumbled in his sleepy voice.

When they heard his voice they realised how wrong they were gonna do by leaving him without him knowing. Natasha sat on the bed facing him and cupped his cheek," Jamie, your daddy and I going somewhere for sometimes. So you have to stay here with aunt Laura." And glanced at Laura and she smiled at him nodding her head.

His innocent blue eyes moved towards Steve who was kneeling beside the bed. He put his palm on his back ," We'll be back before you know it. You can play and have with your sister Lila and brothers Cooper and Nate. " He smiled at him.

His eyes roamed to his side and he saw the Barton kids are sleeping. He nodded with a pout , Natasha smiled and pulled him to her heart , hugging him firmly. " Love You my baby. We'll be back soon. " And kissed on his head.

James jumped to his father's arms as he hugged him , he pulled away and caressed his cheeks ," Be good to your uncle and aunty okay ?, love you. Now go to bed."

James moved back on the bed and Natasha tucked him with covers. " I love you mommy , love you daddy!,"

They smiled at him and moved out of the room and Laura closed the door slowly. When they came downstairs they saw Clint was getting ready with his with his bow and arrow. Natasha stopped him ," You will stay here. With the kids. "

Clint raised his eyebrows in question and ignored her ," Are you kidding ?, don't be silly. "

Steve shighed and grabbed his shoulder," I know you want to come with us. Believe me. But Nat is right. If there could be any potential threat then it's better if someone would be here with our kids. " He paused and shighed a deep breath," In our way , we don't know what could go wrong. So we can't risk it. We can't risk them.
Besides our government has charges against you, being house arrest. They'll hunt you down if you step out of the city. So stay here , if you'll be needed I'll inform you. "

Clint reluctantly agreed nodding his head. At the door step he yelled at them as they were heading towards the queenjet ," Be careful okay?!, I can't take care of your troublemaker if you decide to kill yourself.!!"

Natasha rolled her eyes and others chuckled on his comment as they boarded the jet. Sam was at the controller and Natasha , Steve and Wanda sat behind him where unsurity and fear of something terrifying gonna happen was eating them.

When the landed Wanda ran to locate Vision while Steve, Natasha and Sam searched everywhere. But when Wanda found him , he was already in danger. Some aliens were attacking him , rather trying to get his mind stone. She rescued him with so much difficulty. But the aliens followed them.

Steve was about to run towards them but a metro sprinted in front of him making him stop in his track. When the metro passed he saw a sharp and long weapon flying at him with the speed of light. He caught that swiftly and noticed Natasha was running towards them and he threw that weapon at her. She stabbed on of the aliens right at the stomach. Sam assisted them and altogether they cornered the aliens.

But they faded in space after warning them that they'll be back to get the stone. They helped vision to get on the jet. Sam was at the pilot seat," Where should we head Cap ?"

Steve looked at Natasha then shighed ," It's time to go home. "

They landed in front of the Avengers facility. When they stepped out of the jet a wave of bitter-sweet feeling ran through them. They never really thought they had to be back here ever. Once they all shared a reassuring look and began to walk inside.

As they walked inside they saw Rohdey was having a meeting with General Ross through a graphic hologram. Ross stepped towards Steve and Natasha, and looked at Steve," You both betrayed your country. Now you think I'll forgive you ?"

Steve badly wished he were physically present in front of him so that he could through a solid punch. " I'm not looking for forgiveness from anyone, for anything. Earth lost its best avenger , Tony is missing so we're here to fight. And if you try to stop us, we'll be happy to step on your moment. " Natasha would have smirked as Steve used her words but stopped herself.

They could swear Ross looked confused and scared at the same time, but he masked it and turned towards Rohdey ," Arrest them."

Rohdey clicked something to make him disappear before nodding," Sure sir." Then he turned towards Steve ," Welcome back Captain."

Steve smiled and hugged him," Good to be back. " Then he greeted Natasha as well.

Sam tilted his head with a smile ," How you doin ?"

Rohdey and Vision looked at him in confusion while other three shook their head. Natasha shighed," He's a FRIENDS addicted now. "

Rohdey shook his head then became serious ," We could definitely use you help. " They narrowed their eyes at him in confusion. He nodded to his right ," Yeah we've a familiar guest."

And there appeared Bruce Banner. He was directly looking at Natasha which boiled Steve's blood. He couldn't suppress the urge to grab Natasha by her waist and make him see that she belongs to him now. But he knew she would smack him so hard that even his super serum couldn't bear.

Natasha caught off guard for sure. She couldn't react for a few seconds. They were a 'kinda'  thing five years ago , even if she never thought more than just a calligue, a friend , still he left everything unfinished. She feared he would bring that topic back. But once she looked at Steve beside her , his calm posture eased her nerves. She nodded at Bruce with a small smile," Hey Bruce. "

He smiled and walked a step ahead ," It's good to see you after so long Natasha. "

Natasha stiffed in her place and smiled uneasily. Steve shighed to calm himself. Sam looked at Wanda as she was gesturing him what now . He looked at the stiffed figure of the Rogers couple. " Well , this is so awkward. " Vision looked at him questioningly, he nodded at him with a look of later.

Be ready. It's coming.
Well , that "how you doin?" line is a reference of FRIENDS , Joye Tribianee😁😀


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