16. Protective or Possessive

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It was 7 in the morning when Fury sent a message to Natasha and informed her to bring Steve with her as well, quickly.

She arrived at his apartment and didn't see him . His door was locked . A blonde girl came out of a room which is exactly across Steve's apartment. She nervously smiled at Natasha, like she didn't want that she should meet her. But Natasha found something familiar, like she had seen her before somewhere.

She smiled at Natasha," I think you didn't find him.  He might be on his morning walk outside. " In a formal tone.

Hearing her voice she could swear, she knew this voice before, but she didn't force it. She nodded at her," Okay . I think I'll wait for him outside. ". She turned to leave, but she didn't know why , she felt like she should know something more , so she stopped on her track," You know him, I mean the person lives here?"  She gestured towards Steve's apartment.

" Oh , Mr. Rogers? well I can't say I know him that much.  But we are living here from last one month, so we're not complete strangers anymore. We know each other just as friendly persons." She finished with a shy smile, which boiled something inside Natasha.

She just nodded and hurriedly came down stairs of his apartment without even asking her name. She didn't know why, but felt something uneasy feeling ,seeing  her shy smile while saying Mr. Rogers. And not to forget, she said they are quite friendly with each other. 

She came out of the building and stood there leaning on her car , with her arms folded on her chest and a slightly angry expression could visible on her face.

After waiting five minutes, she saw Steve walking towards her with a guy beside him laughing hard on something they were talking. Seeing his carefree laughing face she wanted to smile. But something stopped her. She didn't realise, it was the anger inside her , knowing some other woman knows Steve better than her.

When Steve and Sam came near to his apartment, they part ways and Steve noticed Natasha standing In front of his apartment building by her car.

But she noticed something and her eyes widened. A huge metal box was about to fall on the exact spot where Steve was standing, from the balcony of the building across his. She ran towards him in horror," STEVE! WATCH OUT! ". She screamed in top of her lungs.

Steve heared her scream and looked up to find the box was nearing to fall on him. He jumped to his side , and the metal box fell there with a loud bang noise.

She looked up to the place, where the box was placed , and found  their target.  The man who escaped from the warehouse, where the mission failed , to whom they tracking down from nearly three weeks. 'It's up to us , what should we prefer.' His voice rang in her mind. And she preferred.

She ignored their target and ran towards Steve and helped him to stand on his feet. ," You okay?". She was experiencing many things for the first time. She felt obliged to him , she felt attracted to him , she felt respected to him , she took someone's advice, that's him .  She felt little jealous for the first time in her life, for a reason she didn't used to. Now she is concerned for him , like she really cared. Which was beyond the reason of just a co-worker.  Just a partner. It's something more.

Steve felt little overjoyed inside seeing her cared and concerned expression for him. Which she never revealed for him . He is very sure, she never did it before for anyone. He nodded," Yeah I'm okay. Thank you. ". He gave her a appreciate smile. She was still grabbing his right arm , but both didn't notice yet. 

Sam who was walked only few steps ahead leaving Steve behind, came rushing towards them. " You okay man?" He too looked worried for him.

 Natasha abruptly took her hand back from his arm and he instantly missed her touch. He nodded towards Sam ," I'm okay , Mr. Wilson ".

Natasha and Sam rolled their eyes on his high class formality.  She shook her head," He was saying you Man and you are referring him as Mr. Wilson? when will you learn about modern manners?"

 Steve put his hands in surrender and looked at  Sam ," Ok , Ok, I'm okay Sam. Was it right?"

Natasha laughed along with Sam and he held his hand for a handshake towards her ," I'm Sam Wilson , by the way."

She shook hands with him," Agent Romanoff, SHIELD ". Till then police had arrived there.
One of the officer approached them ," Captain Rogers, Agent Romanoff, you both alright?"

Steve nodded," We're alright, officer. "

The officer nodded ," Good . If we'll find something, we'll inform you and Director Fury." With that he walked away and Steve and Natasha waved good byes to Sam .

While walking towards his apartment, Natasha gestured towards the balcony," He was up there. Our target. He pushed the box on you ."

Steve turned towards her ," What ?, you should have told me earlier. Let's go track him and...." .She grabbed his arm when he was rushing towards the building where their target was spotted.

"No, let it go. At least  now we know that he is in Washington DC , right now . He shouldn't have tried this cheap way to harm you.".  It sounded like a deadly warning from her voice.

They walked through the stairs when Natasha tried to light the mood ," So that Sam guy , when you did become friends with him ?"

Steve told her about the ' on your left' incident, on their first encounter and both laughed on this. Her laugh died when that same blonde girl welcomed him smiling. " Hello, Good morning, Mr. Rogers ".

 Steve nodded towards her and smiled," Good morning. I think you're little late last night, your room was lighting up till 12 , I guess?"

Natasha was little surprised and boiling inside too at the same time , because she never seen Steve talking with women like this comfortable, except herself.

The blondy replied smiling," Oh , my shift was till 10 in the night yesterday."

Steve was about to say something but Natasha interrupted him," We have to ne there quickly, Fury's order." She maintained her professional serious voice, trying so hard to hide her jealousy, because she felt out of the place in presence of the blondy.  Suddenly for no reason she got angry on blonde, but Steve's hairs was also blonde, so she can't hate it. But she doesn't like it.

Steve too noticed her change in demeanour. Just a moment ago she was laughing and now she sounded little irritated. He understood, in presence of his neighbour, he ignored Natasha. He felt little bad.

He gestured towards his room , unlocking the door," If you don't mind, would you like to come inside? I just need some minutes to get ready."
She entered inside and he turned towards his neighbour ," I have to go." She nodded and he closed the door behind.

 Natasha sat on his couch and told him to get ready.

She lost in her thoughts . Why she was just acting strange lately ? STEVE.

What was the feeling, when she thought Steve might get hurt ? STEVE.
 She even called him by his name today. The screaming sounded more than just worried. STEVE.

Why she felt uneasy seeing the blondy talking with Steve ? STEVE.

Everything connected to Steve now. STEVE.

It's all very confusing. Uugh, You made me a mess Rogers.



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