20. Mission- Lemurien Star

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      Next morning Steve and Natasha woke up around 8 and he made coffee for both of them.

      Steve shighed and started," So , about my meeting with Fury yesterday, it's really unbelievable. "

      Natasha put her cup on the table and raised her eyebrows," Why's that?"

      " All those things were fake. Just a distraction. Arranged by Fury. ", she looked at him confusingly, he couldn't find right words. He shighed again," Okay, You know about Project Insight, the Hallicarriers?"

      She nodded and he continued," Well Fury had some doubt that some outsiders were trying to influence it , so he planned all this. First the failed mission, then escaping our target, then the attacks on both of us, all this. So that people would distract and he could complete it without any problem. "

       She nodded in understanding, Fury talked sometimes about this. He nervously smiled at Natasha," Sorry , I didn't tell you last night. You were looking very tired so I thought it would wrong to let you go to your own apartment at that night. Because if I would have told you about it , you would instantly wanted to leave. So...sorry. " He gave her a apologitical smile.

      She smiled at him reassuringly ," It's okay Steve, I had a great time talking to you though. But he should have told us about this before. " Steve nodded," Yeah , that's what I told him. "

      She stood up," Okay, now it's all revealed , You can't stop me from going  to my apartment." She smirked at him.

     After some time she packed her two pair of catsutes in a small bag and headed downstairs with Steve.

     When they reached near her car , he raised his eyebrows at her," We're still on for our night out, right?"

     She narrowed her eyes and he rolled his eyes faking an angry expression," See, you forgot it so quickly. You agreed to come here for your night view thing , remember?"

       She realised and laughed," Yes , of course, I'll come here very often. But it's your turn to cook."

       He smiled shaking his head," Sure. But I can't promise the food will as good as you made though."

      She smiled starting her car ," I think I'll manage.  See you then , Rogers ." He nodded and she drove away towards her apartment.

     But he didn't knew, at the balcony, his blondy neighbour was watching them. A voice came from her earpiece," What's the status?" . She looked down at Steve and turned around to her own apartment," Absolutely fine Sir."

       Next morning Steve was on his morning run with Sam. Both sat on a footpath bench while Sam was suggesting a new released movie series. " You don't need to watch all the movies, just finish first three then you can enjoy it's part 7 and 8."

      Steve shook his head in annoyance," I don't understand why you suggesting me the action movies , while I asked some music series. Besides I guess I would like to watch , some patriotic or maybe some emotional drama ?"

    Sam rolled his eyes and took Steve's small sized notebook and wrote some patriotic movie names. " Man in this way , you'll have  a very hard time to adjust here. Everyone is crazy for action movies here you know. "

    He shook his head when a massage flashed on his mobile screen.  He got up from the bench ," Okay Sam, duty calls, I have to go. See you tomorrow then."

      Natasha's car stopped in a halt in front of him. He entered inside when Natasha smirked at Sam , who was looking them from outside. " Sorry fella, can't give a drive now, I already have one." Tilting her head towards Steve.

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