35. Movie Night...

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It's been a week since the Avengers reunited and lived together at Avengers tower. Till then no mission was there for them So they had fun and training all time. Everyone had a separate section in the large training room or hall.

First section was for Tony. There was all technical repulser and dummy targets for his training by his iron man suit. Second one was for Clint. There was large number of arrows and bows and targets. Next was Natasha's.  There was widow bite targets , widow battons. Last one was Steve's. There was a full truck of punching bags. In every session he would burst two or three bags, so Tony ordered a truck of punching bags at tower for him.

One night, Natasha was sleeping in her room , more likely continuesly having nightmare, drenched in cold sweat . She couldn't figure out who was that guy , looking at her in some unknown emotion in his eyes. Speaking of eyes, they were pure ocean blue. Looks like they were wanted to say something to her . But she ignored it and slowly raised her gun at him.

The person didn't said anything just stood there. Like he was challenging her to stop herself. Like he was not blaming her for what's gonna happen.
In a blink she pulled the trigger. The person fell to his knees ,then laid flat on his back lifelessly.

She tried to recognise that man , when she carefully focused on his head , she found there were blonde hairs. Her eyes widened and she screamed 'no' in her sleep. She sat up on her bed with a jolt. She had never had any nightmare like this one.

She killed someone so dear to her, so close to her , so precious to her. She could tell. When she looked at his face , it pained her and it doesn't  happen normally. But she couldn't figured out who that man was.

Shaking these thought out of her head she walked out of her apartment.
To the right of the corridor , next to her apartment , there was Clint's room. Next was Steve's. She saw his door was opened a little. She moved towards his room but a loud crash from downstairs drawn her attention.

She walked down through stairs and saw there stood Steve , collecting a broken bowl on the counter of the kitchen. She silently walked towards him , like he couldn't notice her. She was spy for a reason. She stood close behind him and whispered," What are you doing here?"

Steve jumped turning around, putting his hand on his heart," Oh my...oh , it's you ?" And shighed in releaf after realising it's Natasha. "Don't sneak on me like that.!!"

She smirked of his reaction," Why you scared of me?"

He widened his eyes faking an angry expression," How not ?, you're the master of sneakers."

She chuckled slightly along with him ," That's true. What were you doing this late?" Looking at the stove.

He showed  the soup bowl," I didn't got sleep , so...making soup . Want some ?"

She smiled," Sure." After some seconds of silence she started," You have them too?"

He looked at her averting his eyes from the stove , first he got confused then he understood. He nodded," Sometimes, but not today. And...you don t need to think yourself low , because we're in the same page. Nightmares . "

She raised her eyebrow at him," How do you know?"

" The night when Fury planned the fake attack on you, remember?" he poured soup in two bowls.

Just like that, she doesn't have to say something out loud, he understands her like no one.

She nodded in realisation," Yeah. You better  keep it as a secret okay ?" He acted like zipping his mouth and throwing the invisible key to the air. She rolled her eyes, but still a faint smile played on her lips," Drama queen ."

He handed a bowl of soup ," Learned from the best ." and smirked at her.

She accepted the soup bowl rolling her eyes," You know, I think I should stop training you , because you counters my words against me. "

Both laughed and sat on the couch in front of TV. He turned towards her," Want to watch a movie?, choose yourself." Handing her the remote and a box of DVD players.

She selected Star Wars and Steve brought a big blanket and wrapped around both of them. Their heart raced by his gesture but both enjoyed their closeness , so nothing to bother.

After half an hour she fell asleep leaning on his shoulder. He hesitantly wrapped his arm around her shoulder and pulled her closer. She clung to his chest, wanting to press more to his body. He blushed a little and wrapped both of his arm around her back and rest his chin above her hair.

Till morning at six , the movie was long forgotten. Steve and Natasha were sleeping wrapping both of their arms around each other. Clint and Maria Hill came out of the elevator yaning , but their position stilled watching the view in front of them.

The movie credits were scrolling down , two half finished soup bowls were sat on the table . While Steve and Natasha sleeping peacefully on the couch. Maria was about to scream seeing this but Clint put his palm over her mouth.

She composed herself and Clint clicked a picture of them ," We have to wake them up before anyone else see them like this. "

To which she nodded ," Jarvis , turn on the alarm of only living room. " Saying both of them ran to elevator.

A crazy music played in the alarm. Typical Tony. Steve woke up but Natasha didn't." Jarvis , stop the alarm. You'll disturb her." The alarm turned off immediately. He smiled looking down at her and carefully made her sleep on the couch, wrapping the blanket around her.

He headed towards the elevator when Clint and Maria came out of it. Clint smirked at him," So...how was your late night soup and movie date ?"

He looked at them in confusion. Maria  made shut up to Clint then turned towards Steve," You go and get ready for the training, Captain. I'll make sure no one disturb her sleep. " She gestured towards Natasha. He nodded and entered inside the elevator. While Clint and Maria smiled shaking their heads and both went to make breakfast.


So movie date guys ☺☺


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