52. Be My Girl ?...

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Inside the conference room Steve was bouncing his leg in nervousness sitting on a chair. Wanda senced the reason of his anxiousness and sat beside him patting his shoulder. " Just do it. It's not that hard. "

He looked at her then looked down again. " I don't know how she will react. It's not like she'll say no , It's just ...I don't wanna do something in rush. "

She nodded in understanding," Then start slowly. Step by step. "

He smiled at her," Thank you Wanda. I think I know what I have to do." He got up and went outside.

Evening around seven , Natasha got a text from Steve, saying ' meet me at terrace in ten minutes, wear something casual.' Unknowingly a smile played on her lips and she walked into washroom to get ready .

After exactly ten minutes, she stood at the entrance of the terrace. It was fully dark there. No one was around. She knew he might have planned some surprise. Now her curiosity was increasing. She anxiously looked around when suddenly a light flashed in front of her feet , and it moved ahead , like it was indicating her to follow it.

She followed the light until it showed her to sit on a chair in front of a round table. Then a candle lit up at the centre of the table to reveal a smiling Steve Rogers sitting across her. Slowly that place came to light and she was totally mesmerized by the decorations. He nervously cleared his throat," You liked it?, or it's something cheesy?"

She had no answer to it. Her eyes roamed around the place and her heart filled in happiness. The decorations were far better than any Christmas. Lights and candles. Amazing. It's the only answer she had. But she couldn't utter a single word, because the person next to her, who did all this for her , he showed how much he loved her. The love of her life. She admitted it. He was the one.

She leaned forward and kissed him , smiling in teary eyes. She parted away and looked into his eyes whispering ," Thank you. I loved it .And I love you. "

All his nervousness went away seeing her happy smile. " I love you too. I'm glad you liked it. " They finished their dinner there happily then he held her palm gently looking in her eyes. " Nat, I wanna say something. "

He got up from his seat and kneeled in front of her, kissing the back of her palm. " We have known each other since five years. And I think I loved you since then too. Right now, I'm happier than ever. And I'll try my best to make you happy as long as you wanna be with me. " Saying he held out a golden pendant and a black diamond locket at the centre of it. " Will you be my girl ?"

She got over from her shock smiling down at him and chuckled," It's girlfriend, Captain ?"

He smirked raising his eyebrow," I think we already passed the friend line ?"

She kneeled down in front him too and cupped his cheek," Yeah , we did." And kissed him with so much love.

He put his hand on her back and kissed her back with the same love. When they pulled apart , he smiled at her in red cheeks ," So...is that a yes ?"

She chuckled on his question," Definitely." She turned her back towards him. He sided her hairs and put on the pendant around her neck and kissed lovingly on her neck.

She stood up breathlessly  and grabbed his hand ," Let's continue in your apartment. ", and both went to his apartment and enjoyed the night sharing their love.

They woke up in the morning in each other's arms. She gave a light kiss to him and ran her fingers on the pendant around her neck. " I'll never put it away from me. Never."

" I didn't know you liked these stuff this much. " He teased a little.

She raised her eyebrow," I don't. I love it because it's from you. "

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