28. Till the end of the line

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When Fury tried to save SHIELD, Steve immediately protested. He didn't wanted to save anything related to hydra . So the plan decided. SHIELD, hydra all will finish. Fury looked at Natasha. She just shrugged her shoulder and nodded in approval of Steve. Maria Hill agreed. And so does Sam.

Steve told Natasha to stay with Fury. Because both are injured, and they had more important job to do in World Security council. He ordered Sam and Maria to suit up .

Maria sat beside Sam and gestured towards his injured hand ," Fold your sleeve upward." He raised his eyebrows at her and she showed the first aid kit. While she was treating him, he would try to flirt with her and she would reply in very sassy tone which make him shut up.

Natasha rolled her eyes at them sitting across them beside Steve. "I'm doubting they're meeting for the first time. "

Steve laughed lightly," He is always like that . He even asked me to come to his office to help him impress in front of girls. " She smirked and was going to say something but he stopped her ," But I didn't. You know, lack of experience. " She chuckled slightly.

After some time they all were ready for the mission. Steve attached his shield on his back and turned to Natasha," Be careful okay?. I mean you aren't healed completely. " He quickly added at last to sounding not too personal. He knew it's not bad. But he didn't crossed the line yet, even they kissed twice.

A wave of emotion flashed through her. First time someone told her to be careful in her work. She nodded in response and mumbled ," Yes, you too."

He nodded and called Sam and Maria with him and went out towards Project Insight.

They entered inside the Hallicarrier launching office. All the agents were shocked to see them.

Then Steve sat with a microphone, he had decided to reveal the real face of SHIELD. " Attention SHIELD agents. This is Captain Steve Rogers. You must have heared a lot about me from last few days. Even some of you ordered to hunt me down . But it's the time you should know the real truth. SHIELD is not what it was. Hydra is taken over it. Their leader is , the Secretary General of SHIELD, Alexander Pierce.
Strike and insight crew are also a part of it. Maybe they could be stand right beside you. They killed Nick Fury. And if you're launching the Hallicarrier today , hydra will kill everyone who will come in their ways. If we won't stop them. I know I'm asking a lot. But price of freedom is high. It's always has been. The price I'm willing to pay. If I'm the only one to stand still then so be it. But I bet it won't be this case. " He finished and suddenly the environment of the launch pad is changed.

Sam commented on his long speech , just like her. Argh... He can't stop thinking about her in this scenario too. But still the hydra agents managed to launch the Hallicarriers and Steve and Sam ran change the hard drive software in them , while Hill was monitoring them.

Two out of three Hallicarrier had successfully changed in to SHIELD software . Now left was one. To which the winter soldier guarded. Bucky Barnse.

Steve stood in front of him and shighed," Millions of people will die, Buck. Please don't make me to do it. " And threw his shield at him which he deflected by his metallic arm.

He fought hard against Bucky, and barely made to the system when Bucky shot him at his abdomen. He clutched the wound. But he was running out of time. Only five seconds are left. Another shot at his lower thighs. But he didn't stop. At the last seconds he managed to change the software.

Meanwhile, inside the council meeting room, Natasha was going to upload all the secret files of SHIELD in internet. Pierce stopped her," Do you really willing to show your face to the whole world. Your real face ?"

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