15. Trying to Set Him Up

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Few weeks passed like usual, mission, friendly banter, ego issues and confusing changes in them.

Another afternoon and Natasha was sitting with Clint, who was returned from his vacation, inside the common room. Suddenly the door barged opened and Steve entered inside.

He rested his hands on his hips and narrowed his eyes at her, ignoring Clint's presence and raised eyebrow. He shighed a long breath," You sent her to me, again, didn't you?"

Natasha looked at Clint and then to Steve and faked innocence," No , I didn't, what are you talking about?"

Steve just stood there and tilted his head and narrowed his eyes more at her, indicates he was not backing off. She shighed in defeat," Okay, I did . So what did you say ?"

Clint stood there watching, Natasha then Steve, Steve to then Natasha, raising his eyebrows questioningly.  But both of them ignored him . Steve rolled his eyes," As usual, I'm not interested."

She argued back," Why not ?, you should be."

     Steve looked at Natasha, little bit annoyed and serious," I'm telling you, Natasha, you should stop trying all this. I told you, I don't want to."

Natasha and Clint were little bit surprised by his direct reference of her name, while she couldn't help but thought her name sounded good from his mouth.

She smirked at him raising her eyebrows," What if I don't?, What you'll do Soldier?".

Now Clint had had enough, he waved his hands between them, to get their attention," Hello, stop your sweet-bitter arguments. What's happening here? I'm missing something I guess. "

 Natasha looked at Clint," No, you're not. But he is -", gestured towards Steve, "- missing something more.". Clint raised his eyebrows questioningly.

She shook her head and explained to him ," You know Janet , Janet Ashley, our supply management agent?." Clint nodded and She continued," She is asking him for a date, but this gentle man , keep rejecting her from last 2 or 3 weeks."

Steve too turned towards him as if he was the judge, who will decide who is right," And I keep telling her that I'm not interested, and she stopped approaching me, while Natasha over here , desperately trying to set me up with her. She kept sending her to me for asking for a date."

Now judgement on Clint's hand ,"Captain, my mate, if I were you, I wouldn't have denied to that hottie and beauty."

      Steve rolled his eyes in annoyance," Whatever. But Natasha, you should stop doing this. I'm feeling bad for her, that I'm rejecting her again and again, while she has nothing wrong. Clearly, I'm not interested. So please stop it." With that he walked out of the room.

Clint turned towards Natasha," Why are you trying to get him a date while he is not interested?"

She shrugged her shoulder like it's not a big deal," What?, she is totally into him , and besides in these almost two months, I realised he is a fun guy, so I just tried to get both of them a date, which he is rejecting."

He noticed her face slightly lit up while talking about Steve, which she didn't showed before. So he tried to tease her ," Why would he want to date someone when he is clearly interested in someone else ?"

Again that lit up glint came to her face and Clint noticed it . She asked in a cheerful expression," Is that so ?, who is that ?"

He mentally facepalmed himself , thinking how dense she was ?. He was trying to tease her about Steve, while she thinks he is interested in someone else. But he didn't try to boost it much, thinking maybe he couldn't read her face very well this time. He smirked at her trying once again," I don't have any exact idea, but I have a feeling, maybe someone more close to him?"

 " Maybe ", she just shrugged off and  leaned on her chair and looked through some files.

Clint shighed and crossed his arms on his chest," I'll be out of the field for some time. I want to spend some more time with them." He said in a low voice, carefully, that no one overheard them.

She nodded , eyes still on her file ," Good. How are they ?"

"They're good, just misses you sometimes. Two weeks ago , on her fifth birthday, she got angry on me , because I didn't bring her aunty Nat with me." They both knew to whom he was referring, so they laughed on this.

She smiled and an unknown joy filled in her eyes ," I'm always her favourite.  Last time when I visited there , she wanted to come with me here."

Clint shook his head," But you made her cry though. After your return here, she cried a lot. And this time she ordered me to bring you with me , on our little one's birthday, which is on next month. If you want I could talk to Fury, to give you leave for some days."

She shook her head in no," No I can't, there is something messed up here. 16 days ago we got failed on a mission, still we are trying to trace our target, but we got nothing. Fury says  there is something more than what it looks like. So it's very important to solve as quickly as possible. "

He nodded his head and gave her a small smile," So you and Rogers got along as partners I see."

She smiled at him ," Yeah , initially I thought it'll be difficult to handle that old man from  a different century, but as time passed, I got that he is a quick learner. He understood our mission skills pretty fast, which is impressive. And now we both have a team of Strike agents and we tracking down our target. I believe we will find that very soon . Rogers got all the responsibility to himself though. And as a partner I'm helping him. So I thought I could find a date for him too. Which clearly didn't work." She sarcastically rolled her eyes.

   Clint laughed," Oh, but don't do it again.  I think you found someone except me to really piss off. He is totally annoyed of you. It clearly shows that maybe he didn't realise, but he is definitely interested on someone else."

She laughed and rolled her eyes," Yeah yeah , don't lecture on that to me, Dad. Let's go I'll give you a ride on my way to my apartment. "

Clint laughed and shook his head and both walked out of the room towards the parking area.

On the way towards her apartment, she continuously thought about what Clint had said earlier.  Is Steve really interested in someone who is close to him , more than her ???.


So , I'm introducing some more characters like Sam and Sharon in next few chapters. 



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