49. A Curse in the World

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After a week , Steve was completely healed and brought to his apartment. All the Avengers took good care of him. Specially, Natasha. She never left his side since last week. She stayed with him throughout his recovery. Always took care of him, from medicine to helping him to take a walk around the compound.

She helped him to lay down on his bed and arranged every necessary things in his bedroom. When she was about to leave followed by everyone, Steve stopped her," Can you stay here sometimes?, I got bored laying down on the hospital bed all the time. " giving her an innocent pleading look.

She rolled her eyes but couldn't stop her smile. " Okay, what do you wanna do ?" and sat beside him on his bed.

He gestured towards the TV set on the wall. " Watch a movie?" She handed him the remote but he shook his head," No , You choose it. You won't like my selected movie. "

She chuckled and played an action movie and after every scene she had to explain him about the story plot. After almost one hour, she looked to her side to find , Steve was staring at her face with a sweet smile on his face. She smirked and looked back at the screen ," Is there something on my face ?"

He nodded," Yes. The excitement and the brightness lighting up in your eyes. "

She smiled at him," Where did you learn flirting?"

His eyes widened and cheeks turned red ," No no..I was just .."

She laughed on his shauttring," Relax Rogers. In fact I'm glad that you learned something to impress women. "

" So..You're saying I impressed you too." raised his eyebrow smirking at her.

Her smile faded slowly," Of course you did, by taking three fucking bullets for me !!." She slid down from his bed and headed towards the door.

He quickly turned off the TV and rushed behind her. He grabbed her wrist stopping her from opening the door. She leaned against the door on her back when he moved closer. He held her chin making her to look at his eyes," Please Nat, don't do this. I don't want you to blame yourself for that. "

She clutched his t-shirt and pulled him towards her more as their faces were inches apart. " Can't you see it's all happened to you because of me?. If you would have died, I don't know what....I can't..." , tears streamed from her eyes thinking about the terrible scene in front of her eyes.

She gently pushed him away shaking her head ," You have no idea Steve. How horrible person I'm. Everyone who ever cared about me , they got hurt, even worse , they died because of me. I have killed thousands of people, I can't even count. I'm a pathetic cold blooded killer. A monster. How can you love and put your life at a stake for someone like me ? . Who isn't more than a curse to the world , specially to you."

He wiped her tears and held her shoulder. " First of all, you're not a curse to the world, not to me at least. And then speaking of killing , I've keelled thousands of people in the war. So we're in the same page. "

She shook," Its completely different, Steve."

" How so ?, Those soldiers also stood for their own country, Just like I was. They weren't my personal enemies. Still , I killed them. And...being a curse to our loved ones, we're in the same page too. "

She sat down on the floor leaning against the door hugging her knees. " Don't say things like that just to make me feel better. "

He kneel down in front of her ," I'm not. It's truth. When I came to this world, I had almost twenty deadly diseases in my body. Like...I was a born abnormal. But my parents never let me feel like that one. Like I was a weak and diseased child. Till I became four, they never let me go outside. I would sit at our balcony and watch children like my age , were playing. But I couldn't play like them. If I would run a few meters , I'd feel difficulty in breathing and head spinning and more problems. "

She looked at his eyes, they were glossy. He was forcing to stop his tears. He continued," There was another reason though. The children's parents , would never let them play with me. Because their parents were scared that my diseases could infect their children. They said I was a....course to their society. To this world. A store of deadly diseases. "

Tears flowed down from his blue eyes. She tried to stop him but he continued shaking his head," I was around five or six, playing with my mother with a small foot ball. Suddenly an asthma attack hit me. I became sweaty and couldn't breath at all. My mother tried her best but it didn't helped much. Worriedly she called my father , who was at his work till around nine at night. He told he was coming in ten minutes, but he didn't. He didn't come home that night. Morning around six , an ambulance stopped in front of our house and some medical staff brought someone , laying down on a stretcher. That was my...father's...dead body. Police told that due to overspeed of his scooter , he met with an accident. Now tell me why he died that night, who killed him ?"

He shighed and continued ," After few years , Ma and I met with Bucky's family. We just moved to a different town after my father died. We got along with them quite well. My Ma started a job at a local small hospital as a nurse. Once when returning from hospital she got the salary of two months, so she went to a store to bring some medicine for me. I was with her too. It was already dark outside . Suddenly some goons attacked us and pushed me aside and tried to snatch the bag from my mother. She tried her best to save my...medicine, not her own life !!!. My head was bleeding by collision with a iron board at the side of the road. I was too weak..to even stand and help her. They pushed her in front front of a motor car in the process of snatching the bag. She collided and bleedout then and there. I passed out seeing all this. Think , if I would have strong enough to fight them , my mother would have saved that day. To save my medicines , trying to save me , she didn't care about herself. Now tell me who really killed her?"

She never thought about his past life. She never thought he would tell her all these things. She thought he was perfect. Yes he was perfect for this world, but inside he was  the same little boy, who lost his parents at an early age. She never knew what happened to her own parents. But Steve witnessed this big tragedy, twice. She couldn't imagine how he might have felt when he saw his father's dead body. How he would have felt when he saw his mother died in front of him and he laid there helplessly.

She threw her arms around his neck and hugged him tight. She realised, first time she felt like her own pain was nothing in front of what Steve went through. When he started crying holding her , it broke her heart even more. Knowing because of her he recalled this painful incident of his life , it hurt her more. " I'm sorry Steve.  I'm really sorry. I never imagined this things happened with you. I'm sorry.  "

He sobbed on her shoulder," That's why I don't want to lose someone because... I can't go through it again. Please. Please don't ever leave me Nat."

She cried more pulling him to her more ," Never. I'll never ever go away from you. I'll always be with you. I love you, Steve. And it's a promise. "

A promise. She was gonna keep it.


There is nothing showed about Steve's past in MCU. So I just imagined. I hope you like it.


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