21. The First Dance

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Morning at 6 Steve woke up when small and soft sun rays fall on his face. He doesn't need alarm anymore, force of habit. First thing he noticed, weight on his legs, he blinked and saw , Natasha's legs were on his lap , while her head rested on the arm of the couch. Then he realised, they slept on the same couch, where they sat last night, watching the far lighted New York City, in front of the window , under the cool breeze.

He smiled thinking, how peaceful her face is when she was sleeping. Like a small innocent child. No lines of worry on her beautiful face. Like she cut herself from the disturbing world.

He got up from the couch carefully, not to woke her up by mistake. He kept her legs on the couch slowly and wrapped a blanket around her small body ,and closed the curtains, not to disturb her sleep. He got a text message from Sam saying he has already reached at their usual park , where they goes to morning walk. He got ready and wrote a sticky note for Natasha and patched on the table beside the window. He glanced at her smiling before closing the door behind him slowly.

After an hour Natasha woke up rubbing her eyes and saw her sleeping position. Who wrapped this blanket on her , she thought to herself, oh it must be Steve. She sat down and her eyes fall on the small piece of paper patched on the table. She picked it up and smiled reading the note from Steve saying,

Good morning, I'm going for my morning walk, help yourself if you need anything. : SGR

She smiled shaking her head, it was old fashioned but really adorable.
Then she wondered what was his middle name , SGR, Steve Rogers, but middle name??. Then she realised she didn't brought anything with her last night, so she decided to go to her apartment. Before leaving, she too wrote a sticky note for him , saying, Good morning, I gotta go early, duty calls (: , She smiled and left from his apartment.

Sam and Steve finished their morning walk and both walking through the foot path, talking and laughing about something. Steve realised Sam was a good guy and would be a great friend. Besides both were soldiers , public servers, so they bonded quite well. He misses his old life, but he was trying his best to accept this new life too. With new people.

" So what took you so long to woke up today, late night sleep?", Sam asked walking side by side with Steve.

Steve nodded ," Yeah , we were talking about just random things till very late."

Sam raised his eyebrows at him, mouthing 'we', Steve understood," Natasha "

Sam smirked at him," Are you really, you and Romanoff?"

Steve shook his head blushing slightly "No no , it's nothing like that. We just.....kinda had an issue with our mission, so we needed to clear things up between us."

Sam smiled nodding," Its okay, but still, it won't be that bad ."

Steve rolled his eyes," Are we stopping this or not ?"

He put his hands in surrender and laughed and separated to their respective destination.

At that evening Steve got a phone call from Natasha," Hey, wear something nice, we're going somewhere. I'm picking you up in 30."

He got confused," Where ?"

She shighed on the other side ," You ask too much questions Rogers , just do it , be ready in 30."

He shook his head mumbling 'ok' before hung up. He selected a black formal suit with tie and formal shoes.

Exactly 28 minutes later he got a text message from Natasha saying, I'm at downstairs in front of your apartment. He locked his door and went downstairs.

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