53. Christmas Miracle...

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It's been one month since everyone knows about their relationship, they are together. They weren't staying together in the same apartment though. But still they were more than happy with it. Mostly Natasha stays at Steve's apartment at night. It's became  normal thing now. Well they were the Avengers power couple.

Once at midnight Steve got a text message from Sam. He gently removed Natasha out of his grasp and saw the message. He stepped out of the bed and turned on his laptop. She woke up from her sleep by his movement," What's the matter?" She asked as worry lines could visible on his forehead.

He looked away from his laptop screen towards her then fixed his gaze on the screen again. " Sorry. It's a message from Sam. We're working on a mission and he found something. " She was about to getup but he turned off the laptop and climbed on the bed quickly," I saved it. We'll see in the morning. Go to sleep now. " He dragged her to his chest and placed a light kiss on her top of the head. She couldn't help but smiled. These little gestures always creates flutter in her stomach. Both drifted to sleep again.

Morning around eight Natasha woke up when she felt something uneasy. She looked at her side to find Steve with his laptop again. She was about to say something but she couldn't start anything. Suddenly she ran towards bathroom and vomited her stomach out heavily. He ran behind her worriedly, sat behind her and rubbed her back soothinghly," Oh my God, Nat ?, Are you okay?" After some minutes she washed her face looking very axousting. He picked her up and made her sit on the sink counter. He wiped her face and cupped her cheeks worriedly," Did you stay awake last night after I went to sleep?"

She shook her head weakly ," No. I slept instantly too. I just feeling uneasy since last two days. I don't.."

He interrupted her ," Last two days?!!, and you didn't even talk me ?"

She rolled her eyes," Relax. It's probably nothing. "

He raised his eyebrow questioningly," Probably? ", He picked her up and made her stand ," Now come on. We're gonna meet Dr Cho ."

She winced like a child," What ?, No. Dr Cho for just a vomit ?"

He grabbed both of her shoulder," Yes. Now. " Just then his phone ranged, he picked it up mouthing her ' just a second '," Yeah Sam ?, Anything new ?"

Sam replied from other end ," You sure you saw everything I sent you ?"

" No , I couldn't. I just saw the first link. " He nodded reassuringly as Natasha gestured him like what is going on' .

" There is some emergency. See it now. We don't have much time."

He nodded ," Okay. I'll have a look. Stay tuned. " He hung up and the same worry lines appeared on his forehead again. " It was Sam. There is something emergency. "

She nodded in understanding," Can I help with anything?"

He shook his head," No no. When I'll figure it out I'll inform you. Now let's go ."

But she stopped him," You finish your work, I'll have my check up with Dr Cho. " He was about to protest but she stopped him," Whatever it will , you'll be the first one I'll tell to, okay?, I promise. Now go. " He reluctantly nodded and she walked out before sharing a short kiss with him.

She reached at Dr Cho's chamber when she was arranging some files. She smiled at her," So Ms Romanoff How are you here today ?"

She rolled her eyes ," Don't ask. It's just a little bit vomiting this morning and feeling a little nauseous from last two days. "

Dr Cho narrowed her eyes at her," Have you ate something bad or any special reason ?"

" As far as I know, I don't remember correctly. I had a very good meal last night, even since last week ." She replied unsurely.

Dr Cho widened her eyes ," Head spin , feeling lazy, little bit more hungry?, is anything like that too ?"

She nodded ," Sometimes. "

Dr Cho smiled a little," So you and Captain, from how long you are dating or together?"

A small smile appeared on her face  thinking about Steve," Almost two months. Officially. "

Dr Cho opened her mouth then closed.  She shighed then asked frankly ," When did you both had s*x together first time?"

Natasha was taken aback by her blunt question but composed herself ," Same. Almost two months ago. " Dr Cho became silent for some time when it clicked to Natasha's mind," Wait what ?, do you really think so ?. Helen , you know it's not possible. " And shighed in disappointment.

Dr Cho stood up from her seat and walked towards her computer files where she found Natasha's medical file there. Then she turned towards her ," That's why I need to test something on you Ms Romanoff. Because all the symptoms you told me these are clearly symptoms of a...pregnant woman. I need to make sure of my doubts. Please come with me. " And gestured towards gynac department .

After sometimes halfway through the procedure, Dr Cho said Natasha to look at the computer screen , where she found a black pointed heartbeat. She couldn't believe her eyes and ears. She was having a....baby ??!!. With Steve!!! They were gonna have a baby . But how was this possible ??!!. She worriedly asked ," Is it accurate?"

Dr Cho smiled down at her ," Yes Ms Romanoff.  Hundred percent accurate. My instincts were right. You're pregnant Natasha. Five weeks pregnant.!!" She informed her very excitedly.

But Natasha still couldn't believe it ," But how is this possible?, I was a sterile ."

She scrolled down her computer and showed her ," Yes you were. But I must say , never thought super serum can do anything. Even can get pregnant to a sterile. The sterilization process wasn't completely done. It wasn't destroyed. It was badly damaged. But his serum helped to heal it inside your uterus. " She closed all the machine and made her sit on a chair. " Once again, Congratulations Ms Romanoff. Mama Romanoff. Or Rogers?!!"

Natasha laughed on her tease then she stood up from her seat," Make print outs of all of these and secure these information. Please don't reveal it to anyone, Helen. After printing , delete everything from your system too."

She nodded in understanding," I understand. I'll send you this file .Take good care of yourself okay?"

She smiled at her," I will . Thank you." And walked out her chamber towards her apartment. Christmas was coming soon. And this news was the biggest present she got. And all this was possible because of Steve. She was gonna give him the present of happiness. She was Pregnant!!!. They were gonna be parents soon. They would have a baby, their own Son or daughter!!!! Unbelievable.

But her smile dropped when she saw Wanda coming towards her apartment too. " Oh Natasha. Thank God I found you here. Get ready, we're going to Lagos. Some emergency mission is there. With Captain and Sam. "

Natasha understood now about the worries of Steve. She nodded ," Okay. You get going . I'll meet in five at queenjet. " Both nodded and she went to get ready for this mission.


Two big news are here. She's pregnant.
What do you think; Boy or Girl

The Civil War begins.

Next chapters will follow the story of CA-CW movie of MCU. This plot will be amazing...


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