62. The Proposal

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They did it. They managed to do everything right. Ofcors Yelena's daring but foolish stunt nearly killed all of them. For a moment Natasha became numb. She thought she lost her sister once again. But she was alright and everyone shighed in releaf. 

They returned to Melina's farm being exhausted at the same time a little relaxed , knowing at least this problem was solved. Around evening everyone gathered at the dining table as Steve prepared dinner and set the table with Yelena. They set everything at the small backyard.

The Russians were really impressed by his cooking skills and Yelena teased Natasha that she fell in love with him because he can cook this amazing while she had no knowledge about it. Steve shook his head with a smile ," Even if you're her sister , you don't know many things about her. " Yelena raised her eyebrow at him so he explained ," She can cook very well even better than me. Actually I think I realised my feelings for her the night she made food for us in my apartment. " Natasha smiled at him with a little shocked expression was visible on her face as she realised from how long he had feelings for her.

Sam smiled looking at the happy couple," Hmm the first time you got late for our morning run. Comon elaborate that story. "

Natasha smiled holding Steve's hand under the table, remebring their past memory ," Well , a mission went south , then Fury's fake attacks on us helped to bind us really well. When he  faked an attack on my apartment at the middle of the night once , Steve brought me to his apartment. Basically we started living together since then. Kind of. "

She chuckled with Steve then he continued," That night an old lady at my apartment building assumed Nat as my girlfriend. And Natasha Romanoff being cool and caring , played along with her assumptions. Then she cooked us diiner , after that we laid on my couch near the window. We had our first real conversation that night. "

Yelena smirked at them ," That's enough. We don't need to know whatever happened after your so called 'conversation ' on your couch rest of the night. " Steve blushed as he understood after few seconds what she meant while Natasha rolled her eyes denying that nothing else happened afterwards.

Melina smiled at her , as her eyes burned in tears," Tell us how you fell in love with him, How you opened your heart for him. " She felt guilty that she was the one who taught her not to allow her heart to put their opinions. She was the one who taught her daughter not to break her walls ever for anyone.

Natasha felt Steve squeezed his palm over her , he was here with her, No matter what he would never hurt her or never judge her for being vulnerable. He would hold her together if she ever breaks down before him. She was sure of it.

She inhaled deeply," I used to have nightmares. I never had a peaceful full night sleep before I fell in love with Steve. The night Fury did the fake attack on my apartment , I was having nightmare. I don't remember exactly, all I can get was just a loud scream echoed my mind. Then next thing I remember Steve at my door step and I was pointing my gun right at his head. He didn't get scared away from me. He stayed with me. I let someone see my vulnerability for the first time, that was him. I let someone console me during those suffering, that was him. And when I hugged him and let him break my walls , he wrapped his arms around me and said 'Everything is fine. I'm here.' There , I trusted him. More than anyone. "

She pressed her lip together and looked around the table. Shighing, She continued," I think trust is more important than only love. Just love is never enough in a relationship. So I think it started from there. From me trusting him. It wasn't easy ofcors. And it was nearly impossible for someone to trust me in return knowing how deadly perfect spy I was. But Steve did. He valued my life. It was shock for me initially. Because I was told , No matter what happens to me I would full fill my job. While Steve said ' be careful'. Then when he said he trusts me , he always did , that's when I realised he broke my walls completely.  I let him in. He forced me to open my heart . And I started to fall for him. "

Wanda was in verge of crying, She controlled herself when Sam rubbed her back gently. Yelena showing this affectionate expression for the first time as her sister explained how hard she tried to became this personality she was now. A partner and a soon-to be mother. Melina silently stood up and walked up to Natasha and kissed her top of the head holding her head gently. She wiped her tears," I'm so proud of you malyskha . " And walked back to her seat.

Alexie looked at Steve with a wide smile ," And you ?, when you became sure you're in love with her?"

Steve smiled dreamily looking down at Natasha ," When she left me at a grave yard in Washington, saying she hoped we'll meet again and suggesting I should go on a date with an agent from SHIELD. I missed her more than before during those one month. I was sure I'm in love with her.  I captured every moment with her in a sketch  book. "

Natasha gasped in shock again," Oh my God! There was nearly a hundred picture of mine in that sketch pad . You painted me the whole month ?"

He nodded throwing a charming smile down at her ," I would draw you to sleep at night almost up to 3am. " Everyone awwed at them as Natasha pressed a kiss on his cheek as a result he blushed furiously.

Natasha looked at his eyes holding both of his palms ," You know , when the hulk incident happened with you, then I was sure I'm in love with you. But as you know how I am. I didn't think I would ever worth your love so I pushed you away from me. But it was killing me inside. Avoiding you till almost one month was one of the most painful phases of my life Steve. "

Tears were threatening to spill from her green orbs but he shook his head saying she's not allowed to cry for those past painful memories. He held her shoulder and made her stood up ," I don't know I can ever express my feelings in words Nat. Still I'm trying . I love you.  I love you. I don't know anything . When I look at you, I imagine how strong and amazing you are. A person who is dead determined and loyal till death. You're the one Natasha. When I came out of the ice , I thought I should have died there in the ocean than living in an unknown lost world for me. I didn't know what should I do . Then you showed up in my darkness , being the endless point of light. You held my hand and taught me how to walk again . I thought there was no way for me to get out of this unstoppable suffering. But now I realised , why I stayed alive in that deadly ocean frozen to ice till seventy years. Now I realised where is my destination. It's you. My ups and downs full life leads to you Natasha. You're my start, You're my end. You're my Home, Natasha Romanoff. You always were , you still are and you always will be the one. I love you. Just marry me. "

Natasha's control system crashed a long ago. Tears streamed down her cheek. No sound. Just the uncontrollable emotions flowing through her whole heart. Steve's lips were trembling and he blinked few times to stop his tears. Wanda was sobbing slowly in to Sam's shoulder sensing the emotions running through her two mentors and family members, She used her power and regretted knowing how much it pained her sensing their pain.

Yelena pressed her lip together and blinked furiously to control her tears. While Melina was a crying mess , hugging Alexi tightly as he hold her tightly with moisture eyes. Sam also felt overwhelming seeing his two best friends. He witnessed many moments of them. Some beautiful precious and some painful as well.

Natasha found her words back and let out a choked whisper ," Yes !, ofcors I'll marry you Steve. I wanna be your better half. I wanna spend my life with you fullest. As you said , You're my start , You're my end . You're my Home, Steven Grant Rogers. I can't wait to call myself Natasha Rogers. "

Steve brought that same velvet pouch from his jacket pocket and revealed a small round box in it. He opened the box and Natasha gasped covering her mouth with her right hand. There was a ring. A simple silver band and a heart shaped green diamond at the top of it. He couldn't contain his smile as he slipped the ring on her ring finger. She instantly jumped on him kissing him passionately on his full lips, wrapping her arms around his neck while Steve wrapped his arms around her waist pulling her impossible close to his heart.

Wanda jumped up and down screaming in delight and followed by a screaming mess Sam and Yelena. Melina and Alexi looked at the couple with a pride smile on their face.

It's one of my favourite chapters. The moments are too beautiful when I imagined it. Hope you enjoy.

Next chapters- The dark Avengers on the run from Ross while fighting the threats on their way. And baby Rogers is coming too.


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