69. Family Time

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Natasha turned on her bed and inhaled deeply when she sensed the fresh aroma of pancakes. Then she felt  a pair of tiny fingers pulled off the cover from her face as she pretended to be asleep. " Mommy !!", a fragil voice whisperyelled at her ear ," Mommy wake up unless Daddy said he'll finishch all the pancakes he made. "

She opened her eyes and faked a frown on her eyebrows ," How can he do that ?!!", and picked her son with her arms and headed downstairs to their kitchen.

When they reached at the door of the kitchen, James jumped down from his mother's arm and ran towards Steve as he was putting the pancakes on the counter. He saluted his father in his playful way ," Captain, mission accomphlished."

Steve chuckled at him and bent down on his knees in front of James and held out his hands for a shake ," Congratulations soldier, you'll get a higher rank next time. " And ruffled his red hairs.

Natasha watched their interaction with a pleasant smile at the door frame," What kinda mission you've assigned him ?", She asked her husband with a laugh as she approached them.

She was so surprised when she saw the variety of foods Steve had made for breakfast. At the middle there was a strawberry flavoured cake , 'Happy 4th Anniversary '  written on the top of  it.

She looked at the two person were standing beside her with a smile. Steve sat James down on the counter and pulled Natasha to him by her hips," This was his mission, to wake you up for your surprise. Happy anniversary Nat. "

She wrapped her arms around his neck ," Well , thank you for your surprise. Happy anniversary Steve. " And kissed him loving and passionately.

They separated when James giggled at them ," Mommy, daddy , you look so cute." That's what he always says. He never gets uncomfortable when he witnesses his parents doing this affectionate things. And to say , they never  bothered to hide it from him.

Their moment interrupted when they heard the bursting of balloon. Sam and Wanda entered inside the kitchen while shouting ," HAPPY ANNIVERSARY COUPLE ,".

James jumped down the counter and ran towards Wanda as she picked him with her arms ," Aunt Wanda , daddy made choco chips. That's my favoret. "

Wanda smiled at him pinching his cheek ," Really?, that's my favourite too. "

Sam nodded at him like a kid ," Yeah even mine too. That's why we'll tell him to make more choco chips on your fourth birthday. Which is coming in three months."

James' eyes brightened as he turned towards his father ," Daddy, you make choco chips on my birthday ?, for ebryone?, for Lila , Cooper, Nathan and uncle Clint, aunty Laura , uncle Buck ,?," then he paused and made sure if he had left anyone he knew ," and aunt Mara, grandpa Fury? for everyone?"

Steve chuckled along with everyone on his cute ramble ," Ofcors , I'll make so much choco chips on that day. And for all of them. "  That's how it was. His life with the people he care and love about were around him. And he was sure , it's called happiness.

And the remaining three months flew in an instant. It was a pleasant morning at the back yard of Rogers' house where everyone gathered to attend James' birthday. Steve carried him in his arms as Natasha walking beside him. The toddler's eyes lit up watching his all the favourite people around him.

Steve let him stand at the cake and he cut the cake as everyone sang ' Happy birthday ' . James fed a slice of cake to Steve and Natasha then his aunt Wanda, Laura and Maria, then his spoiling uncles , Sam, Clint and Bucky. This time , there was a surprise for him.

A black van pulled over in front of their house. Nick Fury walked out , then suddenly Yelena ran up to them like a five year old. Fury shook his head and looked at Melina and Alexi as they walked ahead. They were meeting James for the first time.

Natasha brought James to her lap and nodded  towards the Russians who were sitting across them. " You know who they are?", She had shown him the pictures of them, but those pictures were taken more than five years ago. So he got a hard time to put his finger.

Once he realised his eyes widened and looked between his parents ," is she aunt Lena, Mommy?"

Yelena made a small squeal like a child and extended her hands as James jumped at her and hugged him. He also met with his grand parents and ran towards the yard with the Barton kids to play outside. Melina sat near Natasha and she hugged her. " Sorry malyskha we missed your wedding."

Natasha nodded ," I know , I tried to reach out for you, but couldn't get your location. "

Melina looked around as there was no one except both of them. She smiled at Natasha ," How was everything with your son's birth ?"

She smiled shaking her head," More painful than ten stabs in my stomach. I don't know how I was alive. "

Melina smiled at her," I'm so glad seeing you happy. "

That day passed like that. With so much fun and excitement. Alexi , Melina and Yelena moved to Russia. They were living there after the down of red room , without any danger. Bartons had already gone. Last one was Bucky , his treatment was on final stage. One of the generals of Wakanda came to pick him up with a jet.

He hugged James and promised to visit him soon. Then said good bye to Sam and Natasha , next to her was standing Wanda. They hugged each other with a little bit uncomfortable. Steve and Natasha saw their awkwardness and glanced at each other.  Bucky pulled away from Wanda and cleared his throat," Bye , see you soon. " Wanda just nodded with a shy smile on her face.

All of them retreated inside except Steve. He hugged Bucky and gave him a teasing smile," When your session will be over , I think we'll talk then. " Bucky looked at him confusingly , Steve patted his back with a laugh ," You know very well what I'm talking about. You were supposed to be good at these things. "

Bucky shoved his shoulder gently and walked towards the jet which started it's engine. " See you soon, punk!!." He shouted as the hatch closed. Steve walked inside with a smile.

That night around two o clock, Wanda knocked at Steve and Natasha's room. Steve rubbed his eyes and stepped out of the bed. " who's that ?", Natasha asked stirring up from her sleep.

Steve opened the door and saw Wanda was sweating and looked worried," What happened ?",

Wanda shighed ," I'm getting some abnormal signs. A kind of signals. It's Vision. "

Steve became a little tense ," Where is he ?"

Wanda looked behind Steve as Natasha was standing there , then looked back at him ," Somewhere at, Scotland ." And Steve glanced back to Natasha.

Sorry if  it's kinda a rushed one. We're moving towards infinity war.


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