56. Right Or Wrong?

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Natasha knew Steve would definitely try to do something foolish. He made things more complicated. He dragged Sam with him too. She was mad at him , very mad. Luckily he wasn't arrested, just they gave him another chance to compromise with them , more likely surrender to them. And this was the worst thing Captain America would ever do.

When the CIAs brought them inside she couldn't suppress her anger , and angrily whispered," See I told you, stay out of this one. "

He didn't even look at her and kept walking," At least he's alive. "

She rolled her eyes and looked at Sam ," Maria is gonna kill you."

Steve stopped on his track and raised his eyebrow at Sam ," Really?"

Sam shuttered a little," Ah, just a few months back."

Steve was gonna say something but Natasha interrupted him," That's what you both got the most?, world saviour Avengers. " And rolled her eyes.

Tony was busy in phone call when they entered inside. Natasha turned towards them ," Your shield and wings are captured, technically they're government property now." And walked inside with Tony.

Inside, Tony insisted Natasha to talk to Steve," Look he'll obviously listen to you. Try this time. "

She shighed and sat on a chair," Listen Tony , I'm sided with you. I'm agreed with your idea. So Steve would never hold me responsible for anything. He disagreed with you, he has his own reason. I tried to convince him many times. Just because we're together it doesn't mean I'll force him to do it. It's on you. Try to make him understand why you suggested this proposition. Go talk to him. "

She stood up but before she walked away, she turned towards him," And , if you want to work this out quietly, don't blame anyone in front of him. Don't bring the topic about the Lagos incident. " With that she walked out.

She found Sharon at the corridor who stopped her ," Good afternoon Agent Romanoff. Can you tell me where is Captain Rogers and Mr. Wilson?. I have to give them this list of their armour instruments. " And showed her a piece of paper.

Natasha reached for the list," Give it to me , I'll pass it to him."

But Sharon didn't give it ," Sorry Ms Rommanof, CIA's order. I can't. "

She wanted to smack her face at that moment. She couldn't believe herself again, she wanted Steve to date this bitc* ??!!. Before she blast in jealousy and anger , she composed herself," Okay then. Find him yourself. Good afternoon Agent 13." and walked out from there. Sharon stood there speechless for some seconds then went to search for Steve.

Inside the conference room Steve and Tony sat there across each other. Tony stood up and paced back and forth," You know my dad has also anger issues, but don't know how my mom handled him. "

Steve smiled at the memory of his old friend," Haword was a very fun loving guy, at the same time huge flirt too. So I thought he would marry someone soon and would settle down. But he married this late."

" Oh you both knew each other before ?, Never heared of you from him ." Then Tony chuckled and added," My ears hurts till now. He would always tell me about your inspiring story , how good and great you were and all. " He rolled his eyes then he became silent for some time," But I also heared you both were good friends back then."

Steve nodded ," Yeah , we were. "

Tony sat again across him ," Sign it Cap. We need you here . Think about red. About both of you. About us , this family. I'll handle everything. Whatever happened till now. " And kept a pen on the table in front of him. " And your friend, Barnes , we'll send him to California mental hospital and I'll pass a notice to bring back Wanda from headquarter..."

Steve was about to reach the pen on the table but retreated his hand back ," Wanda ?, what about her ?"

Tony cursed under his breath but now he can't back away," Uh, she's in headquarter , Vision is with her , guarded and protected. "

Steve stood up angrily," You name it protection ?!!, it's house-arrest Tony !!."

Tony also couldn't hold back his anger and shouted ," Government doesn't allow visa for a weapon of mass destruction.!!"

Steve yelled back at him," She's a kid , Tony !!"

" Give me a break !!!." both became silent, Tony shighed," Let me explain all this ..."

But he cut him off," I'm not signing it. Final. That's it." And walked out of the room.

Again everything messed up. Steve and Sam were no where to found along with Bucky and the mental doctor. So Ross ordered strictly, to find Steve, Sam and Bucky in twenty four hours.

Tony and Natasha were thinking deeply how to solve it. She shighed a long breath," We can't just  fire our bullets at them ."

Tony shighed and leaned back on his chair ," Hope it won't go that far. Twenty four hours. Rogers , Wilson , Barnes ."

Just then Natasha heared some muffled noise in her earpiece so she stood up from her seat and walked to another room.

Meanwhile at the basement of the airport in Berlin, Sharon brought the armour and shield of Steve and wings of Sam. Steve walked towards her ," Didn't know you could have done it easily. "

She laughed a little," Took you long enough to realise it." And stared at him.

Steve gave her an appropriating smile," Thank you Sharon. "

She cleared her throat," So you and Agent Romanoff?"

He smiled blushing a little," Yeah. Almost a year now."

She smiled at him again," Okay that's great. I should get going. Good luck. "
He nodded towards her and both said goodbye.

But when he was about to pick up his shield, he saw a device flashing at the back of it. He got it immediately. He smiled holding that small device," I know you can listen to me. I know you know where I am. And I also know that you didn't do it to know my location. "

Now it was hurting him for being separate from her. But he can't back away, he had to reach Siberia quickly. He shighed and started," In my apartment at the first drawer of my closet , there is that blue coat which you brought for me. Inside the front pocket there is a small velvet box , and there is something is inside for you. But you're not allowed to open it. Wait for me , when we'll meet soon I'll show you what's inside. I love you Nat, take care. " And with that he crashed the device on the floor which destroyed into pieces.

Natasha heared everything he said and was hardly controlling her tears. She knew she had no intention to follow him and he knows it too. He knew what was the reason she did this. But she had to break his trust again. She had to inform Tony about Steve's location. Because she has that instincts, something terrible gonna happen. And that's why she had to stop him , her baby's father.

Happy New Year guys..

Next chapters will show the end of Civil War...


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