68. Baby Rogers

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Steve, Natasha with Wanda and Sam finished their breakfast as Steve picked his wife's plate and put them in the sink. She was above nine months of pregnant now. Her due date was in a week. Simply, she was so excited as well as so nervous. And more than that , She was getting frustrated with her own mood swings. 

Since last three or four months, She caused so much trouble to her husband. And as a man of nobility he was , he never complained. A moment she would want him near her and next moment she would scream at him for treating her like a fragil baby. Then next moment she would cry on his chest for yelling at him, mumbling countless 'sorry' between her sobs. Then next she'd demand to bring her hot chocolate and cuddle her next to him.

While Sam and Wanda getting so much entertainment being around the couple. They felt sorry for Steve but appreciated him the way he was dealing with his wife. Others, like the Bartons , Fury , Maria and even Bucky visited sometimes to the Rogers house.

Clint and Fury had arranged a small but modernized hospital nearby, which oprated by a former SHIELD doctor,  for Natasha's check up and her labour which will be happening soon in a week.

Natasha shifted her position on Steve's lap and looked up to him," Steve ?", he hummed in response running his over her hairs. " I was thinking about what Shuri had told us. I'll have many complications during his birth. I...I want you to promise me something ."

Steve's running hand paused on her head as he looked down to find tears welling up in the corner of her eyes. He understood," I know where you are getting with it. But let me tell you, you're Natasha , my Natasha, who never backs away from any challenge. We'll get through this love."

She smiled at him as she cupped his cheek," I know, I believe we will. But still , if any severe something happens then promise you'll choose...",

He didn't let her finish ," Please Nat, Don't. I can't. You know that. I can't make a choice between you two. If fate demands , I'm ready to give my life for both of you. So please don't force me to promise you which I can't hold on to, I'll break my promise with you, which I don't want , coz I've always been honest with you. I can't. " He finished as tears spilled down to his cheek.

She brought his face near her and kissed his tears As her own tears were spilling uncontrollably. " I know Steve, I know. I just...don't want anything happen to our son , our James. "

He kissed her lovingly and wiped her tears," Nothing bad will happen okay ?, Everything will be fine. You'll be fine, as well as James. Now take good nap , your eyes are swollen. " He kissed her forehead as she closed her eyes with a smile.

Sam watched this whole conversation silently. Actually he felt really luckey. He'd always been the witness of their love. Started with their normal friendship to their kiss in his guest room, then marriage, pregnancy. Almost all the big moments. He would sure tell his son about all of this.

A week passed like this and it's time for the baby. Morning around five Natasha felt the initial contraction. Though it was pretty dark outside still Steve carried her to the car despite her protesting saying it's normal. He put her in the car and shouted at Sam to make a call to Clint and let him know they're going to hospital immediately.

In between fifteen minutes they reached at Dr. Brown's hospital. She was a lady of around her mid fifties. She smiled with a small eye roll seeing Steve's super concern towards his wife. She was also connected with Shuri and her experimental theories really helped. She was well aware about Natasha's pregnancy complications.

After half an hour her pain started and her breathing became laboured. Though Steve was always calm and composed but now he was on the verge of panic mode. He had faith that his wife and child would be fine but still he couldn't wipe the slight fear from the back of his mind.

Their previous conversation played in his mind. Would he really have to choose one from both of them ?!!. He thought terrifiedly. No he couldn't. He couldn't choose one of them. Natasha was the reason he was alive and their son would be reason they wanted to spend their rest of the life together. He couldn't risk any of that.

He sat beside her holding her hands as she had closed her eyes tiredly. He looked up to the empty ceiling praying whoever listening to him. He can't loose any of them. After almost two hours Dr Brown told her to get ready for push.

Steve bent down near to her face and cupped her face ," Listen to me baby, open your eyes. " Tears welling up in her green orbs due to the pain. " You have to stay strong you heard me ?, you have to fight for James, fight for yourself. " He paused as a tear dropped from his eyes," You have to fight for me. "

Her breathing became faint ," I...I don't...know if I can do that Steve. But promise me you'll make sure my baby will be safe. " She weakly whispered.

He shook his head a little and kissed her forehead gently," You can do it love. I'll be here with you every second. Remember?, till the end of the line. " She smiled a little.

" Okay, Mrs Rogers, it's time to push. On the count one if you're ready. " Natasha nodded and held Steve's arm tightly . " Start ...5...4...3...2...1..PUSH !!!", She screamed like her lungs was gonna rip off. " Excellent Natasha, now again on the count one, 5...4...3...2...1..PUSH!!"

She screamed but dropped her head with heavy breaths," I can't do it anymore. I can't. My...My baby " She cried placing her palms on her belly.

Steve swallowed a lump and put some hair strand behind her ear ," You're doing great love . One final push Nat. You'll be holding your baby. You can do it. I trust you. I do. "

Her eyes sparkled hearing his last word. He trusts me. He does. That was the beginning of their story. She just couldn't  let him down. She inhaled a long breath nodding at the doctor. They counted again and this time her scream died when a tiny and faint cry filled the room. Nurse cut the cord and held her son to them , but she couldn't see anything, She just saw two tiny blue points lit up in her son's eyes. Just like Steve. With that every thing blacked out.

Her brows furrowed as a slow but comforting cry touched her sense. A palm was running on her hairs. Someone giggled first, then followed by someone who hushed the first one. She opened her eyes to find a pair of ocean blue eyes staring down at her with a small but bright smile. " Hello there."

She smiled looking at her husband. He bent down and kissed her lips slowly and she participated happily. They parted away and he nodded towards her left. She turned that direction to find Sam , Wanda , Clint , Laura and their kids surrounded a baby crib kneeling around it. She smiled at the sight and cleared her throat ," Leave my baby alone and let me hold him. "

They smiled at her and Laura picked James up and set him in the arms of Natasha carefully. Instantly James opened his eyes and cooed at his mother and tried to touch the necklace around her neck which Steve gave it to her.

Tears rolled down from her eyes as she ran her thumb on his right cheek and a faint smile created on his face. He looked exactly like Steve. His eyes, nose , with tiny dimples on his small cheeks. Except his hairs. His hair was like Natasha's red color with a little mixture of Steve's sandy blond.

Natasha smiled through her tears and touched his nose ," Aren't you a carbon copy of your dada?", while others stood there admiring the beautiful sight of mother-Natasha.

I'm thinking about to make a time skip till before the infinity war. They'll have quality family time but we're moving forward to drastic events.

Maybe James would be around four years old at that time. So let's see 🤗🤗


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