55. I Didn't Want You to Be Alone

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Steve was silently stood in his apartment looking out of the window and turned around when he heared the door opening noise to find Natasha. She caught his glossy eyes even from a decent space between them and she understood it was something worse than she thought.

When she approached him , he just whispered two words," She's gone." And it didn't take long for her to understand what did he mean. Peggy. This day couldn't be more worse.

She pulled him into a tight hug , without saying anything they stood in each other's arms. She knew what Peggy means to him. There was only one person alive who had seen Steve , pre-serum Steve Rogers and she was his first love too. And he knew it was Natasha's way of saying that she was with him. And he was greatful for that.

Sometimes later they pulled apart when she wiped his tears. He shighed a shaky breath," Tomorrow is funrel at London. "

She nodded," You want me to come along?."

He shook his head," I'll be alright. " They both got it till then about each other's decisions. She was signing it , and he would never.

Next morning Steve was getting ready for airport and couldn't fix his tie. Natasha came in front of him and fixed his tie. She was having an innerbattel , whether to tell him about their baby or not. She wasn't happy being disagreed with Steve, but she was doing this for them. Their future. She was thinking about to convince their government to hear Steve's conditions too. She knew he wasn't some fool to disagree with the government. He had a brisk reason, which can't be denied.

No she couldn't tell him now. When he suffered a huge loss. Peggy's funeral was today. So she kept quiet. She kissed him goodbye and whispered," Be careful there Soldier. "

He smiled at her kissing her forehead," You too okay? I love you. "

She smiled looking up to his face ," I love you too. " With that he walked out of the room with Sam to airport.

After the funeral Steve told Sam to wait outside as he wanted to spend some alone time there. He stood there silently for sometimes , then he noticed someone was approaching him and he figured out who's that without any doubt by the clicking noise of the hills . Natasha was standing in front of him. She knew everything about Peggy, as much as Steve told her. So no doubt how much she meant to him.

He shighed then looked at her," When I came out of the ice, I thought everyone from my time would have gone . I was lucky enough to meet her again."

The best way to ease someone's pain is share our own misery with them. She shighed and started," You remember I went to Russia after that SHIELD mess was cleared ?," He nodded and she continued," I went there in hopes that I could find something , anything about my parents. But I just found two tombstone memorials . We have what we have when we have it. " She blinked to stop her tears.

He shighed and rubbed his eyes," Who signed this ?"

She nodded ," Tony , Rohdey, Vision."

" Wanda ?"

" Haven't decided yet. "

" Clint?"

She let out a small chuckle ," He came this morning, threw his Avengers ID card on the table , says he retired. " He became silent after that. She knew he didn't want to ask her about her own opinion. She smiled a little to ease this difficulty and attempted last time to convince him ," I'm going to Vienna to sign the accords. There is a plenty of room in the jet , if you want you can tag along. "

She stepped closer to him and grabbed his palm ," We'll stay together, it's matters the most. How we stay together is not , not for me. "

He saw her hopefull eyes. He hates to crush the hopes , but he can't back away. " But what we are giving up for that ? Our freedom and own choices. " He shighed and looked away for a moment then shook his head," I'm sorry Nat, can't sign it."

She nodded," I know. "

A faint smile appeared on his face," Well then what're you doing here ?"

She couldn't decide what was more important right then. She couldn't gather the courage to speak about their baby. Not now. " I didn't want you to be alone."

He smiled sadly at her ," I know. " She pulled him into a tight hug silently praying that everything gonna fine soon. He pulled away and smiled at her ," You're getting late."

She cupped his cheek and smiled at him," Be careful okay?, I appointed Sam for you. "

He chuckled and  leaned forward and kissed her in unsure of what would happen next. They parted away and she walked out of the church waving towards Sam .

After the explosion in UN meeting hall, everything seemed worse. T'Chala was furious. He vows to avenge his father's death. And more worse was , the suspect was Bucky. Steve's best friend like brother. Just then she got a phone call," You okay?", a very worried but clam voice came from her opposite line.

She quickly recognised his voice and put a hand on her stomach, thinking about what could have happened to their baby. She shighed a long breath in releaf," Yeah , got lucky. " Suddenly she realised, Steve was there somewhere!!.

She got up from the bench and looked around her trying to get a glimpse of him. " Steve listen , I know what Bucky means to you. But now, please stay out of this one. It'll make everything more worse. "

He could clearly see from some distance, how she became worried. " You saying you'll arrest me?"

She closed her eyes shaking her head," No, never. But someone will , if they found out."

He shighed through the phone ," Its going out of hand. He didn't do anything Nat, I'll prove it. " He didn't  let her respond further and hung up the phone.

On the other hand, Natasha couldn't think of anything how to handle this. She had to do something, she couldn't just let Steve do whatever's he wants. He could put himself in danger for Bucky. So she made a phone call to Tony.

Merry Christmas guys...

Was very busy, that's why it became this late.

Civil war is happening


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