33. Everyone has a Place in this World

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It's been two days since they staying at Clint's house. Natasha was doing great. The kids were a good distraction to her. She started enjoying her time with them. She plays with them , makes some painting and toys. Overall she was doing great.

But it's not the same with Steve. He felt relieved too. Just the bothering was , Natasha was avoiding him. She's not saying anything from her side. Every time if Steve says something, she would nod or answer in yes or no.

But he's not pressuring her. He knew in what she was gone through. He just wanted to make sure she is okay. Wanted to be her side in this miserable state, but she's not letting him.

On the third day of their staying, Natasha was sat on a wooden bench , at the backyard of Clint's house. She was watching the evening sunset intensely. She lost herself that much, that she couldn't notice Steve's presence beside her. " Is this seat taken ?", He nodded towards the empty seat beside her , with a small smile on his face.

She too smiled a little and made room for him to seat by her side," I reserved for someone. "

Steve laughed relieved by her normal joking and wittyself , for which he liked her most. She could light everyone's mood , though she herself suffering. They sat there in silence for some minutes, facing at the clear sunset view. " I never knew you could paint." He broke the silence.

She kept facing ahead ," Because I don't."

He raised his eyebrows at her," Oh really, But Kooper showed me something you painted for them. It was great actually. Yellow daffodils beside glacier mountain. Your imagination is beautiful. "

She rolled her eyes on his complement," You saw that?", he nodded smiling at her ," Well, all my imaginations are impossible. "

He shook his head," Its not wrong to think the possibility of impossibles ."

She understood his meaning. He never says anything just casually. He always have deep meaning in them. He too understood, she realised what he meant." Can I ask you something?", he broke a silence of some moments. Till then , it was dark outside. The moon was raising slowly in the night sky.

She smirked raising her eyebrows," You just did. " He rolled his eyes and laughed, she chuckled at him too," Sure , go ahead. "

His face turned serious and she understood, it's gonna be very hard to answer his questions. " I asked you once, what does Natasha want , the real Natasha. And you ignored the question. So I wanna know What you wanted to do if you wouldn't have a spy or agent ?"

Again, it's not just an effort to make small talks, it's not just complete curious too. It's a caring and thoughtful one. But she teasingly raised her eyebrows," Why do you want to know?"

He rolled his eyes," Its not bad trying to know about your friend and partner."

Again he sounded so honest. She replied with a little bit hesitation," I just ...uh, as a child I always thought of having a normal and peaceful life , but today I can't even remember faces of my own parents. You know about the red room, right ?, which files I released in internet, at the time of exposing hydra?"

Steve nodded and Natasha continued," They had me as an orphanage. What I lost then, all because of them and what I'm today , all thanks to them."

Steve reached for her hand , held her back of the palm and gave a little squeeze. Showing he was there for her. He could clearly see that that it pained her talking about her past. So he changed the topic," Yesterday night, you were singing a lubaly to the kids. Why do you think things like that ?"

She knew exactly what he meant, but still she played innocent. She turned towards him," What ?"

His eyes softened and his face showed some strange emotion to her. " You were singing like, ' don't give me hope, don't give me sunshine,...there is no place in the world, to which I can say is mine... but you have everything, you've got time.... achieve everything you want following your dream...' . Why do you always give others your first priority, ignoring about yourself?"

She smiled tenderly," Don't you do that more than anyone in this World?" He shook his head, little bit annoyed about her change in topic nature. She chuckled slightly," Well it's true. I never thought there could be a place for me in this world. "

Steve gave a look like , he's gonna cry at that moment for her. " Everyone has a place, Nat.  You have too. You just don't consider it as yours , because you always put others before you."

Meanwhile, when Clint came to his back window, in his room , which was at first floor, he saw the duo , sitting under the moonlight, holding hands. He was the Hawkeye. He could clearly see that something was coming. So he hid behind the gate of the window and watched them excitedly.

Natasha gazed at his deep blue eyes, just to find full honesty. She swallowed a lump," Still I'll be alone in that place. "

He smiled shaking his, and gazed her green eyes with the same intensity ," You're not alone. Not anymore. "

And just like before, she trusted his every word. Being lost in each other's eyes , both leaned forward. Their faces were inches space, just then Laura entered inside the room , where Clint was peeling through the window. He hurriedly closed the window with a bang and a glass jar fell down with a crash.

This caused Steve and Natasha to break their moment. They both looked away from one another. Steve cleared his throat and wanted to say something but Lila interrupted them ," Aunty Nat, uncle Steve, dinner is ready. Let's go inside. " And dragged both of them from their seat.

Natasha picked her to her arms and Steve followed them with a smile. Meanwhile, Laura looked at Clint narrowing her eyes. " What were you doing there?"

Clint shuttered," I uh...no . Nothing. I was just watching outside. The moon."

She rolled her eyes," You should learn something from Kooper." Saying this she walked out of the room. While Clint was smile like victorious , after finding the new information. He knew something was going on between, his dear sister and his team leader. Looks like they progressed a lot. He composed himself and went to dining room to join others.


Hey guys, sorry . I was very busy lately with my study.

Next update will come soon.


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