25. Hydra...

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When they reached at the place from where the drive programmrd , at Nrw Jersey,it was already evening. When Steve stepped out of the car, past memories flooded in his mind. It was the exact spot where he trained to be the soldier he always dreamed of.

They both entered inside and Natasha opened the gate by using her technical phone by hacking it. It was the same place where SHIELD started. On the front wall , picture of the founders of  SHIELD were hung.

Natasha recognised Haword Stark's picture," Tony's father. " Then she noticed a picture of a short haired woman beside him," Who's the girl ?", she found something familiar but couldn't get it. Steve's posture stiffed and without reply he walked towards a secret elevator. She noticed his behaviour but didn't questioned him.

They came downwards by the elevator and stepped inside of an old computerised room. She thought, data couldn't transfer by this old technology, then what's in the drive?.

When she plugged the drive the system started automatically. Then a voice came through the speaker," Rogers Steven , born in 1918. Romaov Natalie Alianovna , born in 1984."

She got confused," Is this any kind of recording?"

The system immediately replied," I'm not a recording, madame, but I'm not even  the same when Captain Rogers arrested me in 6th April 1943." It was thick German ascents. Beside the main screen, the system showed a picture of .... Arnim Zola.

Then Zola revealed the bitterest truth of Steve's life. For which he sacrificed his own life , it ended up nothing. He thought when Red Skull died, Hydra finished with it too. But no. Hydra was still alive. Under the wings of SHIELD, for which he was working.

He impatiently asked gesturing the pen drive," What's in this drive?"

Zola chuckled through his computerised body," I made a programme, by which it would be very helpful to fulfil the goal of Hydra".

Natasha shockingly asked," What kind of programmes and how it works?"

"Your answer is very beautiful miss, but I'm afraid you won't be alive to hear it."

Natasha worriedly looked at her phone," Steve, something coming this way. Short range missile, at 30 seconds. By SHIELD.!!!" Her eyes widened and looked at Steve.

She unplugged the pen drive but still Zola said through the speaker," Please Captain accept it . We both are out of time. "

Steve couldn't think what to do. He hurriedly threw the floor vent gate and pulled Natasha with him and jumped down, exactly when the missile hit the building. She was clung to his chest , grabbing tightly to his shirt. While he was held her like his life depend on her. He held his shield to cover both of them from the huge rubble piece of the building and grunted in pain , caused by the large force of the brisk wall.

When the explosion died , he saw Natasha was unconscious in his arms. Suddenly panic raised in him, thinking something happened to her. Just then she coughed the smoke and he realised she was alive.

He forcefully pushed the derbies above him and instantly felt the pain. But he ignored it and picked her up completely to his arms like bridal style and came out of the derby filled spot.

Just when he was to walk ahead, he saw spot lights were flashing, surely searching for them. He changed his path and went in different direction.

It was already 3am in the morning, he was walking, occasionally running , having Natasha in his arms. He sat her down, leaned to a street light pole and examined her , if she had any injuries. But a few little bruises on her face and nothing else , at least not that much as he expected after a building fall on them.

He gently patted her cheek ," Hey , Natasha, Nat, open your eyes. Natasha?? , Nat please open your eyes." He pleaded desperately trying to make her conscious.

He was on his verge of crying when her eyes stirred open, he shighed in releaf," Thank God you okay. "

She looked around and felt Steve's palms on her shoulder," So we're alive. "

He removed his hand from her shoulder and held a napkin for her , which she accepted and wiped her face. He chuckled," Yeah , we're alive. You really thought that missile could kill us ?"

She shook her head and handed back the napkin to him , and smiled at him," Definitely not. I just thought we won't be lucky this time.  " She scanned her eyes around her surrounding," Where are we?"

Steve too sat by her side leaning to the pole ," North end of Washington. It's already 3 in the morning. "

"How did you bring me here?, wait did you...did you carried me till this far ?, it's about 20 km. !!" she sat up and turned towards him in shock.

He closed his eyes and nodded tiredly," SHIELD had sent their agents to confirm our death , So I had to."

She nodded in understanding," So SHIELD is compromised."

Steve nodded," That's what Fury told me, in my apartment. " And then he stood up and offered his hand to her," Come on, we have to go somewhere before morning. " She took his hand and both walked ahead side by side.

Steve led Natasha towards a small ground floor house and she confusingly followed him. " Whose place it is ?"

Steve stood in front of the gate and looked back to Natasha," Sam Wilson, remember?"

She nodded," You sure we should trust him ?"

He nodded ," I'm sure, if not , it's the best we got right now. "

She reluctantly agreed and he knocked on the door. After some seconds Sam opened the door and looked at them confusingly," Hey man, what's up ?"

Steve gave him a apologetical look ," Sorry about this Sam , to disturb you this early. But we need a place to lay low. "

Natasha looked at him too ," Everyone trying to kill us ."

Sam opened the door wide for them ," Not everyone.". Both of them entered inside and Sam looked around his house to make sure no one followed them here and locked the door behind.

When Sam came to the living room Steve was about to say something but he stopped him," Its okay man , besides you were quit busy lately , so I finished my morning walk early.  Go straight freshn up and take some rest in my guest room. It's just 6 in the morning. "

They both smiled at him and walked towards his guest room.


So next one is...' I would now...💞

Have you read the description of the story?, there is something interesting happened at Sam's house...💓


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