71. We Lost...

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Steve shighed uneasily and looked at Rohdey," You have some news ?"

He nodded towards Bruce who cleared his throat before starting ," Yeah, there is a kind of...alien, of about 10ft, and he's after the six infinity stones. And Vsion has one of them. That's mind stone. Others are like , space, reality, soul, time and power stone. There is a magician, Steven Strange. He has the time stone and he'll protect that. And we have to protect this, mind stone. He already has power stone and space stone, by killing Thor and Loki...",

Steve looked at him in shock ," What ?!, Thor ?."

He nodded ," Yeah , he killed them along with the Ausguardian people. Now he has two already. We can't let him get another. He's a psycho, wanna destroy the whole universe. We can't let that happen."

Then Vision volunteered himself requesting Wanda to destroy the stone on his head , but she refused saying she couldn't do that. Then Steve took a tough choice of not to destroy but to remove it. As they couldn't stay there long he decided to move Wakanda, so that the stone could be removed easily.

During the jet ride , Bruce sat beside Natasha as Steve was instructing Sam about something. He smiled at her," How are you Natasha ?"

She couldn't help but smiled awkwardly.," I'm good."

Bruce nodded not noticing Steve's death glare." This is a horrible timing to meet again huh ?, But I don't care. Now, I think I'm ready to run with your idea. Once this settles , let's run together, Nat." He said in a very hopeful tone.

That mere Nat caused Steve to flinch in anger and jealousy. But Natasha seemed unaffected , or say , she masked her feelings, which caused Steve to increase those bitter feeling again. He thought, maybe Natasha was still feeling guilty for obeying Fury's order and playing with his feelings. And as much as he trust her and their love, he was scared of one thing. That was Natasha to feel sympathetic towards Bruce. Because sympathy and guilty has that power to cloud your own true feelings.

He didn't want her to feel guilty for that , he didn't want to risk their love. Natasha's eyes softened, seeing this he rushed towards them and sat across. " Bruce , How that alien , Thanos, right ?, How he possess so much power of those infinity stones?"

He shighed ," He has a gountlet, like a metallic gloves. On his right hand I  think. Yeah. "

Steve glanced at Natasha, she was looking down." You okay ?"

Her eyes landed on her ring. Her wedding ring. She looked up to him with a small smile," Yeah I'm fine."

Bruce scooted a little closer to her ," I think we'll talk later them , maybe go somewhere and ...,"

Natasha interrupted him as she saw Steve was about to stand up and leave them alone. " There is nothing to talk Bruce. We shouldn't be dwell on that same thing. That's in the past." Steve's body relaxed now.

Bruce looked at her with guilt ," Natasha , this was my way to apologise for rejecting you and for breaking your heart..."

Natasha interrupted him again, this time sternly. " Maybe I had offered you myself Once, but I have, never, ever, allowed anyone, to break my heart." She emphasised her every words to make it clear. Steve was getting uneasy in their conversation.

Then she showed her finger, where her wedding ring was shining with a green diamond which Steve says it reminds him of her eyes, just like her husband's love for her. For their son. Their family. " I'm married , Bruce. Happily. To a man I love dearly. So forget every thing what was there five years ago. "

He frowned ," What ?!, How ..I mean who ..?", he was at a loss of words.

Before she could respond , Sam called from the pilot seat," Hey , captain, we're here. "

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