65. A Royal Wedding..

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Steve and Natasha were sitting with Sam and Wanda along with T'Chala and Shuri after having their dinner. As all of them getting up from the table the King asked Steve with a smile," So what's next Captain?"

Steve shighed as he looked around his half team ," We're moving out tomorrow morning. I don't want Secretary Ross to find out about us and cause you and your people any trouble."

T'Chala smiled a little shaking his head," Honestly, for now?, we won't have any problem. We can handle the US force if they try to do some mess. But I'm also aware of the fact that you're a man of your pride and principle. Ill let you go if you insists. But I do have a question."

Steve smiled and nodded at him ," Please go ahead. "

He addressed to the couple," You both got engaged recently. And you're gonna be parents very soon with a baby boy. So...what about wedding ?"

Wanda , Sam and Shuri also seemed excited about this question. Natasha smiled up to Steve ," We haven't thought about it yet, with all the shit going on. "

Steve rolled his eyes amusingly ," First, watch your language. You're with a baby now. " She nudged his rib gently as others chuckled on this. Then he turned towards T'Chala," But yeah , We're looking forward to it. We'll definitely get married , when this chaos settles a little. "

" It'll be a great honour if you accept a proposal. Will you both allow us to arrange your wedding here in palace ?" He asked the couple with a hesitant smile. Steve and Natasha looked at each other and they seemed to turn down the offer but the King interuped them ," Please captain, I insist. It's the least we can do for the two of the great saviours of the world, a beautiful couple and soon to be parents. "

The couple still looked hesitant, Then Sam came in ," And with a bonus , your friend Buckey is here too. He'll definitely want to join your wedding." Wanda nodded with approval, So does Shuri.

Steve tried not to smile like a fool," Is there a chance we can rudely disagree with all of you ?", everyone shook their head mumbling no. Then he looked at Natasha with a bright smile ," Okay then. Let's get married here. "

She looked up to him as she grabbed his shoulder," Lets seal the deal. " And kissed him lovingly which he returned with equal love and affection. Others cheered happily for them and went to their separate room .

The wedding arrangements were going smoothly and fast. The doramilajes were instructed by the princess herself. Before she get herself busy in this , she instructed her associates to bring Buckey back to the palace from his training and meditating spot. T'Chala also had sent a jet to Clint so that the Bartons could attend the wedding. Which was gonna be a surprise for the Avengers couple.

The Wakandans were doing everything like their own. Which brought more respect towards them from Steve and Natasha. They were happily doing everything. Especially the Wakandan king. T'Chala was so excited for their wedding, like Steve was his brother.

The night before their big day , Steve and Natasha cuddled each other on the bed. He gently ran his finger in her hair," You ready for tomorrow?"

She shighed in to the crock of his neck," Actually, I'm having doubt now." Steve raised his eyebrow down at her. She chuckled slightly," I'm so ready. Actually....I'm...I'm happy." She whispered the last part.

He pulled her on to his heart and pressed a kiss on her forehead. " Me too. " After some seconds of silence, he rubbed her shoulder," Hey Nat ?, have you thought about any name ?" , his hands instantly moved to her stomach as he started to draw small circles with his fingers on her lower abdomen.

She smiled closing her eyes a little," Yes I have. And I know it's perfect. I'll tell you later." He smiled at her and both drifted to sleep in a few minutes.

Next morning they were gonna meet Buckey. Sam and Wanda were also coming with them. A doctor led then to a room where some final check ups were going on. The other doctors smiled at them and excused themselves and left. Buckey tugged his long hair behind his ear and smiled at Steve ," Hey punk, heared you're getting married. Grown up so much huh ?"

Steve shook his head with a smile and hugged his best friend. " Good to see you again, jerk ." Others chuckled on their talking.

Buckey pulled away and gave a fake frown ," You're insulting me in front of the ladies. "

Steve returned the same reaction," You're doing the same thing in front of my soon to be wife."

Natasha rolled her eyes and smiled at Buckey ," How are you Buck?"

He returned the smile," I'm pretty good. Thank you, ...Natasha ?", and looked at Steve to confirm if he said her name right. Steve nodded at him. Then he looked behind the couple to Sam and Wanda stood there. " Hello there bird-ass." And smirked at him and Sam gave the biggest eye roll he could make in annoyance. " And You?" he pointed at Wanda.

Steve smiled and introduced them ," She's Wanda I told you about. Also one of us. " He then turned to Natasha and she nodded him to go ahead. " Buck, we have to tell you something. "

Buckey smiled reassuringly," Yeah I know. You want I should be your best man , right?"

Steve nodded at him ," Ofcors. But there is something else. You're gonna be a godfather soon. "

He narrowed his eyes in confusion towards the couple then his eyes lit up in happiness," What?!, really ?!!. Damn punk I'm really happy. So happy for you. For both of you. " And clapped on Steve's shoulder.

" Aunty Nat!!!", they turned around to see the Barton kids running towards them and Laura and Clint appeared behind their kids.

Natasha hugged three of them and went to hug Laura as the kids ran towards Steve. Clint had told his kids about all the Avengers he was working with , So they knew them pretty well. The kids started chatting with Sam , Wanda and with Buckey also , with a little reluctance ofcors , because of his metal arm.

Clint hugged Steve and sat on the chair ," T'Chala had sent one of his queenjet for us yesterday night. Said it's gonna be a surprise. "

Natasha smiled at them holding Steve's hand," Apart from us getting married, there is something else you should know. I know you're a great father for your kids , So I dearly hopes , you won't be a horrible uncle at least. " She smirked at Clint who looked at them like he heard the most unbelievable thing of the world.

Laura smacked her husband on his head with a bid grin ," You dumb, they're pregnant!!." She hugged Natasha and congratulated them.

Clint was still in shock ," But how ?, I mean ...how this happened?"

Natasha smirked at him," You see?, I picked a super soldier you know. So everything inside him is unimaginable. And I got the opportunity to explore all of it. "

Laura tried hard not to laugh while Clint gave the biggest unpleasant look while Steve was blushing hard ," God Natasha, there are children. "

The Barton kids ran towards Natasha with all excitement ," Aunty Nat, are you pregnant?, We're going to have a new friend ?" Lila asked with wide eyes.

Natasha looked at Sam and he shrugged. " Yes honey. You're gonna have a new friend. " Sam and Wanda went out of the room with the kids.

Steve walked up to Buckey and Clint and stood between both of them. " Another thing , Clint , Buck, We're naming our son after you two. "

" James Clintonie Rogers" , Steve and Natasha said in union. Clint's eyes got wet as well as Buckey's. Both hugged Steve as Laura was hugging Natasha with tear in both of their eyes.

Hello guys , I know it's been so long since I posted. But time has been really difficult lately and I'm trying to get through it well.

Enjoy...Don't give up 😊😊


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