40. Past , Fear and Regret...

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The party night was going smoothly. All the Avengers were enjoying with each other and some guests were invited too. Natasha sat on the couch with Maria when Bruce came to her with a drink in his hand and offered her. She faked a smile and accepted.

Bruce started talking with them , then he did something unexpected. He put his palm on Natasha's thigh which caused her flinch a little. Poor timing. At the exact moment Steve was entering inside the room with Clint and Sam laughing on something. When his eyes land on Natasha , he frowned deeply seeing Bruce's hand on her thigh. He shighed and changed his path and went to join Tony and Thor to other side of the room.

Natasha looked at Steve and when he changed his direction, something caused a little ache in her heart. She made him uncomfortable. She instantly swatted Bruce's hand from her thigh and glared at him," I'm sorry if I ever gave you any wrong signals Bruce, but you have to control yourself in front of others. " And she walked out of the room.

Bruce lowered his head in disappointment and Sam and Clint smirked at each other.

After half an hour all the Avengers sat around a table when Tony announced," Whoever picks Thor's hammer , 20 dollars from me."

Thor laughed," I'm gonna win , easily."

First one was Clint, he filed . Second were Tony and Rohdey, third was Bruce. At last , it was Steve's turn. He glanced around with a smile and walked to the table where the hammer was sat. Tony teased him ," Don't let us down Old Man."

Steve rolled his eyes and wrapped his fingers around the handle of the hammer. He swore , it lifted an inch. His smile dropped and eyes widened, his expression was the carbon copy of Thor's.  Thor's breath stopped for a second but Steve didn't lift it. He laughed and moved to sit on his previous seat. Thor laughed in releaf. But Natasha's mouth was slightly opened in realisation. She gave Steve a knowing smile which made his eyes widen. She knew it !!!

When everyone left the room, Natasha walked towards Steve and sat by his side with a beer in her hand. " So ....you're WORTHY. "

He shuttered badly," Wh...what are you taking about...?"

She rolled her eyes," You're a terrible lier, you know it. So don't play dumb on me Rogers I saw it. " Smiled at him.

He shook his head smiling softly," I don't want to rule on his Assguard. "

She laughed," Its so kind of you Captain." But their conversation interrupted by ....Aultron!!!

After arguments of hours Tony and Bruce accepted their fault. Steve made them understand, whatever was gonna happen  they would face it...Together. If it means they would loose , still they would.....Together. And everyone got ready to go to Africa, where Aultron went to get Vibranium.

They found the Maximoff twins with Aultron. Then , here comes the Scarlett Witch. Wanda Maximoff. She showed all the Avengers about their biggest fear and regret , except Clint and Tony.

Bruce was miserable. Thor was restless. Steve seemed like paralyzed. And...Natasha seemed like lifeless. No one knows about what they in their vision. Though Steve's own condition was worse, he still grabbing Natasha's hand and giving a little squeeze. Making sure , she was still there with him . She was really there. She was real.  Meant he was real. And Natasha was greatful for it. She knew, she wasn't alone here. Someone was there with her.

After a long jet journey Clint landed it at middle of a green grass field. When they stepped out of the jet , Steve instantly recognised that place, so does Natasha. Clint supported her by holding her shoulder and rest of them followed him inside.

When they entered inside Clint called for Laura ," Laura , we have some guests today."

She came to the living room and greeted everyone ," Hi , I know all of your names. "

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