29. See You Again ...??

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After two days Steve was perfectly fine to leave the hospital. His serum helped him to heal faster. But in these fifty hours he didn't saw Natasha. He asked to Sam about her , but he has no idea.

Now they were standing at Fury's so called  grave stone with Sam. " If anyone asks about me, just tell them they will find me here." Fury approached them.

Steve nodded," What are you up to now ?"

"Hydra must have flowed in water , but there are still some mouses who trying to hid in holes." He held his hand out for Steve and he shook his hand with him." Wanna give me company ?"

He shook his head in no," I have something else to figure out."

Then Fury turned at Sam," What about you, Wilson?"

He shook his head," I don't think the spy skills will work with me. I would like to be a soldier first. "

Fury raised his eyebrows," Oh I just forgot, you do what Captain does , just little bit slow." They shared a laugh and he bid his goodbye and walked ahead.

"I think you didn't caught, he nearly said thank you and take care." Steve turned around to find Natasha coming towards them with a small smile. Sam smirked at him and nodded him to go.

He walked towards her," Where have you been since last two days?"

She smirked at him," Aww, did you miss me?". He playfully rolled his eyes. She laughed," Well that day I was at white house, that took some time long and I had something else to deal with. "

"Not going with him ?", he asked smiling. She shook her head and mumbled no. " Not staying here too?", he sounded almost a hopeful pleading voice.

She smiled at him," I blew my cover, now I need a new one."

"That'll take more time."

" Well for me." Then she held a file towards him," I got something for you." Steve opened it. It was Bucky's file. She shighed," He saved your life. Something must have changed in him. He might be somewhere out there. I hope you will find him."

Steve gave her a greatful smile," Thank you Nat."

She smiled at him," Now do me a favour, ask that blondy nurse or your neighbour on a date."

He badly wanted to talk about their kiss. It was not a facade or something. That was real. Well at least for him. But here she was asking him to ask on a date to someone else. But he played it cool . " She is not a nurse and I'm not doing that."

She herself feeling uneasy but still she managed to compose herself. Her sweet smile turned into a sad one." Her name is Sharon. She is really nice Steve. You have some time before you search for your friend, So just try once. For me , at least." She gave him her fake puppy look.

He wanted to tell her that she was nicer than anyone. But he couldn't do anything because she clearly saying to doesn't think about it." I don't know, Nat...I just..Okay. I'll do it. At least for you. " He gave her a small smile.

She smiled and leaned forward and kissed on his cheek, her lips lingered on his cheek for some seconds. She didn't pull away quickly. Then she pulled away and he swore her eyes were little glossy. She turned around and walked ahead, his heart was raced and was about to call her when she turned towards him. " Be careful Steve. Stay out of trouble. "

He smiled and nodded," Yeah, you too. So, see you again ?", he hopefully asked.

She nodded smiling," I hope so. Bye." They both waved and he looked down to control his emotions. She walked away and drove away by her car. His eyes followed her until she disappeared from his view.

Sam came to him and smiled sadly," So what did she said ?"

He showed the file to avoid the topic," I'm gonna search for Bucky. You don't need to come with me. "

Sam rolled his eyes," I know. When we 're starting?"

He smiled," I have to go through this file first, so maybe tomorrow or day after tomorrow. "

Whole day Steve spent his day with Sam to distract himself. Because he couldn't help but badly misses her and it's been just some hours. He had no idea how he will handle himself for so long. He knew she will come back. But when ?.

Later that evening when he reached at his apartment he found his neighbour was packing her luggage. He remembered Natasha's request, but he decided against it.

Sharon noticed him and awkwardly smiled at him," Hello. Good evening Captain Rogers. "

He nodded," Good evening, Agent 13. I mean Sharon."

She understood," I'm sorry Captain. It was my duty to spy on you."

He shook his head," No no, it's fine. So where are you joining now?"

" CIA. I was just moving to it's head quarter apartment actually. "

" That's great. And good luck with that." Smiling.

She smiled and held her luggage," Thank you Captain, I have to go.". He nodded and she walked away. She felt like a junior calligue and he rejected the thought of Natasha's date request to her. It's decided, he'll wait for her. With a determined smile he went inside his apartment.

At night 11 pm, Natasha landed at Moscow. She gave her address to a taxi driver in Russian language. The taxi stopped in front of a five star hotel and she thanked the driver and entered inside. The hotel receptionist gave her room keys and she  went to her room.

She sat on her bed and opened a file from her bag. She read the file , which showed a address of a grave yard. She closed her eyes to stop her tears and slept without even changing. She was hell tired.

Around morning 3 am, she woke up because of her nightmare. She was panting hard and sweat covered her face. She knew she couldn't sleep anymore. It was more terrifying than others. She was at the exact spot where her life started. So the nightmare became worse. She walked out of her bed and stood at the balcony, watching the lighted view of Moscow.

She remembered now. Steve.  Many times they would sit like this watching the far lighted New York City at his apartment. They opened up about each other little bit. She didn't thought anyone could crack her walls. But he did. Because he always showed his realself to her. His carefully words. His sweet , innocent smiles . Yes , she missed him . Really. And it was a new thing.

She couldn't help but thought, maybe he had gone to his date with Sharon. There shouldn't be any bitter feeling towards her. But there was. She was felling uneasy. Now she was cursing, that she was the one who suggested him to go for a date with her. No one to blame for .

She sat at the balcony thinking about Steve, that she didn't realised she fell asleep on the couch there. Maybe he was so far from her, but she made a place in her heart for him.

In CA- CW , Natasha said she had visited her parents' grave , in a deleted scene . So I gave it a try.

And I don't have any idea about Russian language, So please, don t mind.☺☺


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