26. I would, I do and I Always did

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Natasha sat on a empty bed in front of Steve , who sat on a couch closing his eyes. " Hey I finished, you can go to bathroom now."

He nodded and took a towel and went inside the bathroom. There is lot to take in . Fury's death , then SHIELD trying to kill them , overall Hydra was still alive. He took off his dirty shirt and cleaned his face . When he looked at the mirror, he noticed Natasha was lost in her own thoughts.

He thought maybe she was feeling guilty for herself . Because she was working  for Hydra instead SHIELD for these years. He walked out and sat across her on the couch. She was applying antiseptic to her wounds absentmindly. "You okay?"

She looked up to his concerned face," Yeah ".

He shighed," What's going on?"

She looked at him, carefully studying him , thinking, if she should tell him her worry or not. She went with 'yes'.
" When I first joined the SHIELD; I thought I was going straight. For whom I was valued my truth and lies. But look , I can't find any difference anymore. I think I just traded from KGB to Hydra. "

He didn't know what to say for making her feel out of guilt. He gave her a small smile," I think you might be in wrong business too."

She smiled by his use of her own words against her , but her smile faded and changed into something else.  Like more vulnerable seriousness," I owe you."

He shook his head," No you don't. It's okay."

Now she gave in. She decided to completely surrender and break her walls around her. He would be the first person to look through her walls.
" If it would be the other way around, and it would down to me to save your life , you be honest with me; would you trust me to do it , to save your your life  , like I did ?"

He saw right through her eyes, how scared she was to ask someone, if he trusted her or not. It pained him , that no one had ever returned her trust, like she did. He replied without any hesitation," I would now , I do and I always did. "

She was shocked by his confession. Natasha Romanoff, the Black Widow.  No one had ever trusted her fully.  Except Clint. Not even Fury. Now this man , Steve Rogers, Captain America, saying her in fully honesty that he trust her. He always did. He does.

She smiled genuinely at him. To be the first person." Now don't you think you killed yourself for nothing?"

He shook his head in her tease," Yeah absolutely, I was a fool to think like that. "

"No you're not. No one has the gut to do what you did , for everyone else. " She doesn't like when he talks less about himself. 

He smiled ," Maybe people don't realise, but I think there is someone else too , who could do the same , or even more."

She raised her eyebrows ," Who might it could be?"

He nodded towards her ," You."

Her smile faded and she shook her head," I'm not that morality and nobility kind of person. I never wanted that. No one asks these from me. I do it's opposite. "

He smiled at her," I'm not saying someone to ask you, what you wants . I'm saying you to ask someone else. I'm not saying you to ask the well known Black Widow, and agent Romanoff.  Did you ever asked yourself  what you wants ?, Did you ever asked the real Natasha, what does she want ?. "

She couldn't decide what to feel. " That person doesn't exist anymore. " And looked away.

Steve tried to lean back on the couch, but slightly hissed in pain as his left elbow was wounded. Natasha noticed and gestured towards his elbow," What happened there?, Come here." And patted bedside her on the bed , making room for him.

He sat by her side and she applied some antiseptic to his elbow. Steve cleared his throat," I was holding my shield above us , and derbies were too heavy , so I had to try hard. " He chuckled lightly to hide his pain.

She shook her head," That's why I don't consider the opinion of the real Natasha ." Then she looked at his face ," I always ended up hurting someone, aren't I?", she chuckled bitterly.

He narrowed his eyes at her," Why are you saying like this ?"

She shighed and looked directly into his eyes," Because you shouldn't have done that." And her sad smile faded ," You know, I don't deserve to be the reason of your pain." She whispered placing her palm softly on his wound.

His expression softened," Natasha , you didn't make me to do it, I did it because I choose to do it. And now , I think the wound and it's pain is worth it for it's reason. Now you're okay, we both are okay. "

She understood, he indirectly said, he cared for her so much. Two things no one ever did for her . Trust and genuine care. Her heart filled with happiness. Which she felt by being with Steve. For the first time in her life. She realised, she doesn't need to pretend to be strong anymore. Because he already seen her full vulnerability. She already given up her weakness in front of him. She concluded, he understands her like no one did.

The very next moment she leaned forward and by the attraction of some unknown force, Steve too leaned forward. Their lips met in a very soft and loving way. Like the hidden and buried feelings inside both of them surfaced again.  They felt like the moment stopped. Like they were craving for it from ages. She placed her hand on his unharmed shoulder and he slowly wrapped his arm around her back and their lips moving perfectly with each other.

"Hey guys what would you like in breakfast?, I'll.....Oh God!!!," Sam gasped loudly closing his eyes and turned around, his back towards them at the door frame.

They instantly broke the kiss and looked away from one another. Steve was blushing too hard , being caught kissing.  While Natasha was blushing, and scolded herself thinking, how could she let it happen?. She kissed Steve Rogers !!. She was regretting now. She shouldn't have done that. She clearly said she doesn't deserve, but still how could she kissed him??!!

Sam cleared his throat," Come to dining room when you're done." and walked out of the room.

Natasha cleared her throat and got up from the bed ," Let's go. We have a job to finish. " Steve nodded and walked out with her. Both were thinking about the same thing. They kissed ????!!!!


I made it happen in my story guys. The first real meaningful kiss for both of them.

What will be their reaction afterwards??


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