39. Aultron...

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Natasha hadn't revealed yet about her ignorance to Steve, but she decided that she would explain everything later to him. After that kiss , she was being around him more often. She didn't want him to fell guilty for her.

One morning after breakfast, all the Avengers including Maria Hill were at living room, they got a clue of Loki's septor. One of the leader of hydra , Barren Strucker had the septor and they were tracking him down.

Tony turned off the screen," Get ready till afternoon. " And all of them dismissed from the meeting room except Steve and Tony.

Steve shook his head," How did they managed to keep it a secret ?. I mean it's not that far from New York. "

Tony nodded in agreement," That's why I'm pretty sure that they have Loki's stupid magic stick. Without it they wouldn't have created the network barriers. "

Steve nodded and about to say something but Bruce's voice from other side of the room stopped him. " Natasha, Uh...I was thinking, ..maybe after solving this problem...will You um...go out with me...?"

Steve and Tony whipped their head towards them. Clint was about to drop the juice jar but he controlled himself.
Maria was shocked. Thor made an unpleasant face. Well , Natasha, ...She was shocked ?, No it would be a wrong word. Her breathing stopped for few seconds. She turned to look at Steve and She was right. He kept staring at her but when their eyes met, he looked down to the map on the table.

Tony and Clint turned their head towards Steve , then looked at each other trying find a way to break the tension in that room. Natasha cleared her throat," Bruce...I want my full attention to concentrate on any mission beforehand. And it's an important one. So I don't want to think about anything else. We can talk about it some other time. " She walked inside the elevator giving a last glance at Steve, who shighed uncomfortably.

Tony walked to Bruce," Dude, why are you bringing this topic so fast ?, don t you think you're taking it too fast ?"

He sat on the sofa," Why , I mean we're spending more time with each other since last month So I thought it would be safe to ask her out."

Clint looked at Steve, who kept his face natural, wasn't showing any effect. Tony rolled his eyes and went to get ready for their mission with Clint. Thor sat there drinking juice while Maria went to prepare the jet for their mission.

Steve couldn't realise what to feel. Yes he liked Natasha. He did admit to himself. They kissed three or four times , and it's not that they doesn t meant anything. He could understand the uneasy in Natasha when she looked at him , shocked by Bruce's proposal. But he wasn't going to rush anything. So when Bruce did overtaken him , he felt miserable.

He knew Bruce was a nice guy, but while thinking about Natasha, he....can't decide what to do. He didn't...He didn't want to loose someone so close to him , not again.

When he headed towards the exit, Bruce stopped him," Captain, you're a good friend of her, so you might have noticed. Is she has no interest in me ?"

He turned around towards him ," Bruce you're a nice guy. And yes she is my Friend, my best friend actually. But it's not my place to talk about her." He walked few steps ahead but then he turned around again to face him ," You know, she's an amazing person. So don't hurt her in any way."
He tried really hard not to sound jealous or rude and walked through stairs to his apartment to get ready.

Things became very awkward between Steve and Natasha. While Bruce was trying constantly to make a conversation with her during the flight. Rest of them were annoyed for that. So Steve maintained little distance during fighting with the agents of Strucker.

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