2. About to First- Meeting

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SHIELD Head Quarter

Nick Fury was sitting on his leather chair reading some files when Agent Coulson knocked on his glass door. "Come in" replied Fury.

Coulson stood in front of the Director and informed him about his visit to Stark Tower.
"And sir, another mission is complete , Agent Romanoff managed to convince Dr. Banner."

Fury listened and thought something deeply, that's when a thought came to his mind, " Coulson, bring Agent Romanoff with you in my cabin immediately "

 Coulson nodded and went outside of his cabin to inform Agent Romanoff about Fury.
 She was busy with some lower level SHIELD agents when Coulson came to her, "Director wants you to report him immediately "
Romanoff nodded and headed towards Fury's chamber with Coulson.

 When they entered inside, Fury instantly ordered, "Agent Romanoff, get ready for another mission. In 15 queenjet will available on roof top."

   Natasha shied internally. Not that she's complaining for mission or something, but actually she was hell worried about Clint and somehow she felt exhausted from visit to Kolkata to convince Dr. Banner.

  She gave a short nod, "Which mission?, Dr. Banner mission is already complete. "

Fury noticed her irritated voice and gave a hard stern look ," Just like that convince Captain Rogers to join us. I think I failed to convince him through my ways, that's why I'm asking you to convince him by some other tricks and quickly, we don't have much time. Coulson will provide you Captain's address. Am I clear ? "
She noticed his hard voice and nodded in response "crystal" , and came out of his cabin with Coulson.

While walking down the corridor she thought that how come Fury failed to convince Captain Rogers, he must have used his stern and strict professional ways that's why it wasn't enough to convince him.

Then she thought that 'a man out of time ', that's what people calls him, he must be old fashioned and emotional attached person. She looked at Coulson walking by her side, "Do we have any of his personal stuff or something here? ".

 Coulson nodded ,"Yah, we have his vibraniom shield, his new modified uniform and I guess an old metallic war compass."

She nodded thoughtfully " I'm gonna look for something which might help me."

She went to the guarded storage room and searched through the glass boxes which contains rescued stuffs of Captain America. There she found American flag designed modern combat suit beside his old 40s Captain America suit.

Then she searched through it deeply and found the metallic war compass Coulson was talking about earlier. She looked at it carefully and found that it could be open.

She opened it with a small 'Tik' noise and inside she found a small picture of a lady attached to it. Suddenly she felt something strange like ......regret?

Yes she felt like she invaded someone's privacy. She shouldn't have seen this picture. She found the picture quite familiar, like she saw her somewhere.

She closed it and thought it must be help her to convince Captain Rogers, or at least maybe she would able to trigger something which would helpful.
By lost in these thought she kept that compass with her and headed to roof top where the queenjet was waiting for her, to fly to the address Coulson gave her.


First meeting coming soon...

I'm pretty exited for this one....

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