78. Good Bye is Difficult...

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Clint and Steve ran towards the door and knocked again and again. Laura opened the door and frowned as she saw the tears in her husband's eyes and the light that faded from Steve's eyes. " It was getting cold outside so brought the kids inside. Where were you honey ?"

Steve got impatient," Where is James?"

She moved aside and nodded at upstairs," Sleeping in Lila's room." He nodded and rushed inside. Then she turned at Clint," Something happened right? This place looked like some hunted house when I entered. With dust and spiders everywhere. "

Getting overwhelmed, he hugged her and cried like a baby," Its been five years Laura. Five years, you and the kids were missing. Vanished like some dry leaf. Just like half of the whole world. "

She parted away and looked at him," So you got everyone back? You weren't missing ?"

He shook his head," I wasn't. So as Steve, Tony, Bruce, Thor and...Natasha. " His voice dried at the end.

She panicked at the worst thought," So where is Natasha now?, You and Steve returned? where is she?"

Steve came down with James sleeping on his shoulder. " I'm taking him with me. "

Clint stood in his way," Steve, stay here for now. Please. "

He shook his head turning down his request. " No. Let us be alone for some time. " Clint reluctantly nodded and let him go, gesturing Laura to tell her later.

When Steve reached at his house, couldn't help but hoped Natasha could be inside. He just imagined. Which was heartbreakingly not the truth. She wasn't inside, she wasn't with them. She wasn't here to see that her sacrifice didn't go in vain. She wasn't here to see James came back. She wasn't here at all. She's no more.

James stirred in his sleep as Steve was trying to lay him down on the couch. " Daddy?"

That whisper stuttered him. He wasn't ready to answer him. He could never dare to answer. Still he couldn't turn his back at James, whose red hairs reminds him of his mother's. He was sure she wanted him to give all the love James deserved. He forced a smile looking at him and stood beside him on the couch," Hey you awake?"

He nodded and hugged Steve's neck, resting his head on his shoulder again," I had a bad dream, very bad."

Tears welled up in his eyes as he rubbed his back soothinghly," Don't be scared, Jamey. I'm here. "

Like he got instinct, James started to tear up as well," Daddy?", Steve hummed in response," I saw mom in my dream. Is she hurt?"

Steve was on the verge of breaking down," Yes. She's hurt. " James pulled away as his voice broke at the end.

He noticed his father's tears ," Where is mommy, Daddy? She's not here right ? I saw her in my dream, she was saying good bye to me and you."

Steve wiped James' tears," Remember once I told you about your grand parents? Sarah and Joseph Rogers ?"

He nodded ," Yes. They're living in one of the brightest star in the night sky."

His own tears dropped from his eyes," Now, your mom also living with them. "
James' eyes widened," It means she'll never come back to see us ?"

He shook his head, finding himself in a fix, where he couldn't find a way out. " She'll always keep watching above us. You know she's a very brave fighter, so God asked her to protect everyone from there. Mostly , for you."

He was definitely five year old, but he understood, and let his tears flow as he realised what his father was trying to say. " So she'll always look after us? But why did she choose to stay away from us forever ? You said when we love someone , we can't stay away from them. "

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