19. Small Crack on Her Wall

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        Steve and Natasha arrived at his parking lot at the same time.  Both went upstairs to his room. When they about to enter inside, an old lady ,around in her 60s, house maid of his another neighbour stopped them," Good evening Mr. Rogers. How was your day?"

      Steve politely smiled at her,"  It was good Mrs.  Lana , how was yours ?"

       Mrs. Lana smiled," It was good, it's just today Ms. Adele was little late from her office  so turned out I'm little too."

    He gestured towards Natasha, to introduce her ," This is Natasha, my..."

    She cut him off, smiling at Natasha," Your Girl Friend is so pretty Mr. Rogers, I never saw her before here ?"

      Steve's eyes widened and  wanted to correct her but Natasha beat him," Thank you Mrs. Lana, I was out of the town for a while, that's why we never met before." She smiled at her.

    Mrs. Lana smiled brightly at both of them," You both looking great together, I should get going, nice to meet you Natasha."

      Natasha smiled at her nodding," Nice to meet you too, Good night Mrs. Lana ". She nodded and left with a smile.

     She turned towards Steve, who was raising his eyebrows questioningly. She rolled her eyes," What?, she looked very kind and genuine, so it didn't seem right to hurt her denying it."

    He shook his head," She'll be more hurt when she find the truth the other day."

      She rolled her eyes again," Come on, don t overreact. Now open the door , I'm hell tired. "

    He shighed shaking his head and unlocked the door. Both were sat on his couch , really exhausted in silence.
She broke the silence," So what's up with Fury?"

      Oh he didn't thought how to explain all this. He shuttered ," Uh..You go , and freshn up , we'll talk about it tomorrow  morning ", she narrowed her eyes in suspicious, he shighed," This was not a not a big deal, just the failed mission, we'll talk about it in morning, promise ." Promise??, Oh God, What had got into him.

     She reluctantly nodded and headed towards his bathroom. The truth is, he didn't realised that , he didn't want Natasha to leave. If he told her the truth about the fake attacks, she will want to go to her own apartment, because there would no threat or any problem. He didn't know why, he just wanted to be with her, for now at least..

      When she came out of bathroom, with one of Steve's shirt as her night clothes and her leggings , He was already freshed up and preparing for dinner in the kitchen , in a white apron .

     She came to near the kitchen counter," How did you learn about cooking?"

      He looked at her and smiled little then looked back to the pan," Well , I was all alone from my childhood and now I'm here alone too, so I had to cook for myself. "

    She got the little idea about why he said, all alone from his childhood, but didn't forced it thinking it's too personal. She gave him a small smile," Well I know something about cooking too , but it doesn't sutes me. You know, guns and weapons sutes more than spoon and pan. "

    Steve stopped what he was doing and handed her a new apron. She raised her eyebrows questioningly. He smiled at her," I think you should give a trial of your cooking skills. "

     She shook her head," I don't want your apartment to set in fire."

    He gave her a reassuring smile," For your information, I was stuck in the ice for seventy years, and my apartment' s distance to the fire station is just 10 minutes.  So nothing to worry. Go ahead. "

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