4. Encounter with Would- be Family

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Next morning Agent Coulson reached at Steve's apartment to pick him up to the SHIELD Hallicarrier.  During the jet ride, Steve observed Banner's Hulk appearance .

They landed on the Hallicarrier and Agent Romanoff came to greet Captain Rogers. Coulson addressed both of them and went inside to meet Fury.

    Natasha greeted him ,"Hii "

Steve gave her a short nod and greeted too, "Ma'am ".
She couldn't help but again thought how old fashioned he was. Who the hell greets ladies by calling 'Ma'am' nowadays ??.
They both walked side by side and she raised her eyebrows, " So Coulson got the chance to meet you officially?. "

He became confused and amused at the same time ," officially??".

She smirked at him a little, " He would constantly watch you when you were sleeping unconsciously at hospital. Didn't he ask for your autograph on his Captain America trading cards ?They are vintage, he is very proud of them . "

Steve glanced towards Natasha , a small smile playing on his lips while talking to her ," Not yet , I guess. "

Then they met Dr. Banner and went inside to meet Fury . Whole time Steve's eyes roaming around the interior part of the Hallicarrier, with a surprised expression.

Fury greeted them talking to Dr. Banner about tesseract and radiation , which were beyond understanding for Steve.

Fury ordered Natasha to show Dr. Banner his lab where he was supposed to work on his search for tesseract.
Natasha leads Banner further inside the Hallicarrier and unknowingly Steve's gaze followed her until she disappeared at the corner of the hallway.

But he didn't notice that Agent Maria Hill was watching him amusingly and followed his gaze to find Steve's intense stare on Natasha and a smirk played on her lips, like she found something impossible.

After the Battle -

It was Tony's plan for swarma after the fight with Loki and his cheetory army . During eating with everyone, Steve couldn't help but slightly stealing glances at Natasha again and again.
At the battle, the way she was fighting with the aliens beside him, he was surprised would be a wrong complement. He was totally mesmerized by her bravery. When he tossed her up by his shield, he was looking at her in 'awe' and heart eyed .

He thought she is very brave and courageous and her fighting spirit is amazing.  He couldn't help but thought , Natasha and Peggy are almost similar, both are very courageous and......'; ' wait, what just happened to me '. He thought to himself .

 He just compared Peggy with Natasha! What's going on in his mind he didn't even realise before thinking somethinglike that. Peggy was his first Love and Natasha, he just met her two days ago, for God's  sake !!

 While thinking all of this he choked  by his food. Thor petted his back with his large palm," You OK , Captain ??"

 Everyone on the table looked at him strangely and he awkwardly smiled " Yah, I'm fine, thanks. "

But the awkwardness became high when Tony started teasing him ," Carefully old man, conditions of nearby hospitals is messed up caused by the Ass-guardian. "

Everyone on the table started laughing but Thor said " Hey they were not from Asguard, except Loki."

 Clint tried hard to control his laugh," Oh don't worry Mr.Stark, Dr.Banner is available over here. So you don't have to carry Captain Rogers to far away hospital by your Iron suit, which is not more than some garbage right now. "

Natasha joined him "Oh that's very true ." Everyone started laughing again , including Steve this this time. He felt relieved and relaxed by all the funny banters with the bunch of crazy  people.

Then Thor took Loki and tesseract with him to Asguard and Steve shook hands with Tony , Bruce and Clint in friendly manner. But he didn't see Natasha anywhere. He went inside the New York head quarter and picked up his things and headed towards the exit door.

He tried to unlock the door but there was no door nob , so he confusingly searched for it . Suddenly Natasha came from his behind with her bag hung by her shoulder. She opened the door by using her finger print on the door scanner and Steve was kind of surprised again by the modern technology. Looks like he will take some more time to get used to of all this, he thought.

She opened the door for both of them, slightly smirked at him," World has been changed between these year, Captain ."

Steve gave her a small smile ," Maybe, but not completely, time might have changed, but people here are not, as much as I expected. So thank you."

Natasha stopped on her track and slightly smiled at him, " Thank you for opening the door ? you are not welcome."

He lightly chuckled at her remark, "Yes for this and for yesterday too. When you came to my apartment to recruit me and you were right, that compass is really precious to me. So, thank you again." Suddenly his feature turned serious .
She quickly masked her small smile and looked at Steve in a blank expression and he noticed her change in demeanour . She looked away and began to walk," You don't need to  thank me for anything.  That was my job and I had to do it anyhow. "

Steve continued to walk beside her and he didn't know why, felt slightly disappoint after hearing her reason, " So you are saying, you did that to lure me in  to join the Avengers?, I don't think so. But it's Ok. I'll take it as you don't like anyone's appreciation. "

Now she smiled at his sincere words " Ok, I accept your 'thank you'. So.....I'll see you soon, because nowadays there is no end of threats. "

Both were stood in front of the main gate and Steve smiled at her " Yah, see you ."

Clint came in front of them with his car and Natasha sat at the passenger seat next to him. He looked at Steve,"See you around , Captain ."

All three waved their good byes. Clint and Natasha drove ahead while Steve climbed on his motor bike and rode  to their opposite direction, to his apartment with a smile on his face.


I know it's little bit longer, but  I wanted to finish their first union in one single chapter.....
Upcoming chapters will ,The Soldier and The Spy as SHIELD agents......
(Flashed on Captain America-the Winter Soldier. )

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