57. Is it the End or a New Beginning?

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Steve and Sam were suting up , Sam activated his wings and turned towards Steve who was putting on his helmet. " Hope no one noticed Sharon , if we're escaping from here successfully it's all because of her. "

Steve shighed and looked at Bucky then towards Sam ," She knows everything, our location too. "

Bucky guessed something but looked at Sam for confirmation while Sam's eyes widened in shock , he knows  exactly about whom he was talking," What ?!!, she knows ?!. I can't believe she'll do anything like that. Just like Stark!."

Steve shighed again and looked at Sam with a warning look ," Sam !, she won't do anything about it. Any contact with Clint ?."

Just then a black van appeared in front of them and Clint came out of it with Wanda. Clint looked at Bucky weirdly then nodded at Sam as greeting then shook hand with Steve," Just retreated my resignation letter. " And Steve chuckled on his comment.

Steve looked at Wanda and smiled a little," You okay?", and she nodded positively. Then he turned towards Clint ," What about our new guy ?."

Clint rolled his eyes," That dude is totally crazy. " And opened the door of his van and Scot Lang stepped out. Then after a long introduction session with him , all of them were ready to go towards the helicopter stood at the airport centre.

When the announcement happened, they knew Stark was there with his team and it's reason was Natasha. Sam gave a look of I-told-you-so to Steve but he made a perfect plan about how to escape from there.

Then a long argument with Tony , when it was heating up , Natasha interrupted them ," Steve, you know what's gonna happen. You really think you should punch your way out of this?"

Taking it's advantage, Tony ordered Peter Parker, Spider Man who snatched the shield from Steve. But Steve had other plan and he executed perfectly. After so much trying to stop one another , they stood in front of each other devided as two teams , as enemys of each other's.

Sam muttered beside Steve," What we'll do Cap.?"

He just shighed and tightened his grip of the shield," We'll fight." That's it. Both team ran towards each other and started hurting one another. Steve and Natasha were praying that it would not be the situation where they have to face each other.

But Natasha saw something. Which widened her eyes. She informed Tony about Steve's location , because she thought he would help to make him understand at least at the last moment. But now Tony was doing something else. He was trying to take Steve and his team to Ross forcefully, anyhow , dead or alive. She saw Steve got injured badly but he didn't stop, he ran with Bucky towards the queenjet and she decided to step in.

Steve and Bucky escaped the building crashed above them. But they froze on their track. There she stood. In front of them. Natasha Romanoff, confidently raising her widowsbite towards them.

But no one can read her eyes better than Steve. He saw the desperation behind that hard face. He hung his shield at his back and gave her freedom to do whatever she wants. He'll let her do , even if she hurts him. She was the one he would surrender to , if it needed.

While Natasha was in a mixed emotional state. She was happy that Steve gave that much importance to her , that he was ready to surrender to her. She wanna laugh, that he thought she would hurt him. That's the point which hurt her more. He thought she would hurt him?!!. Why not. She always ended up hurting him. And she mostly believed , Steve was in this situation because of her. She shighed," You're not gonna stop ?". It was a statement more than a question.

" You know I can't. " Both of their voices were barely audible to Bucky, but they can understand perfectly. They don't even need voice , they can easily communicate through their eyes.

" I'm gonna regret this. " Saying she shoot her widowsbite . But it did strike to behind Steve and Bucky.  They turned towards their back and saw T'Chala was there , clutching his heart. Steve looked at Natasha in shock. No she couldn't do this. It could lead to some serious consequences. But before he can say anything she urged them firmly ," Go ." But he didn't moved from his place , he was about to say something but Natasha interrupted him," Now , hurry. "

He glanced to Bucky then nodded at her and ran towards the queenjet with Bucky. They had so much things to say , but the cruel timing was against them. They just gave a last look at each other then she shot continuesly at T'Chala to stop him from getting to the queenjet.

The chaos had settled down a little. Natasha approached Tony who was stood there looking outside from the balcony. " How's Rohdey doing ?."

He didn't lookat her but replied," Not good. They shifting him to California."

She shighed and started," Steve is not gonna stop. "

Tony huffed furiously and turned towards her ," You did let him go Natasha."

She countered back ," So I should have let you kill him ?." He didn't answer. She shighed and continued again," Our plan was wrong. "

He chuckled bitterly," Our plan ??!, it's very tough to side with a single team for a double agent like you huh?"

For a moment her breath hitched, for this man , she betrayed her boyfriend, coz of her Steve became wrong on everyone's sight , now the same Tony was saying her of being a double agent!!. She stepped closer in front of him and looked at him with dead in her eyes," If you weren't have been hurt before , I would have killed you !." And without glancing back she walked towards her apartment. Yes, she betrayed so many people in her life, but she never thought Tony would say things like that to her. It wouldn't have hurt her if she wouldn't have thought they're a family. The Avengers.

After visiting the raft prison, Tony got the information about Steve's destination from Sam and didn't tell Ross about it. And headed towards Siberia. But he didn't knew what was coming next. He found out the biggest and cruel  truth of his life. Zeemo tricked them and showed the footage of 16 December 1991. Which shows, the winter soldier, Buckey, killed his parents!.

Steve saw this and instantly regretted that he didn't get the right time to reavel it to him. Tony clenched his teeth and turned towards Buckey but Steve caught his arm ," Tony , Tony !!, listen."

He looked at him with rage in his eyes," Did you know ?"

Steve was now at loss of words. How could he describe it ?. " I didn't know it was him then. "

" Yes or No Rogers ?!!," Steve could clearly see the pain in his eyes. But he can't run away from the truth. He nodded silently.

Tony was about to strike his repulsior to Buckey , but again Steve caught his arm," Tony !!, He's my friend ."

" So was I." saying he punched him hard , that the super soldier even flew away some miters. 

And let's say....everything Just finished.

See who's back?😁 Sorry guys for keeping you waiting. I'll update sooner the next chapters.

So here it is. End of Civil War. Next chapters are gonna , bet you.


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