Just a Thought

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Hello readers, hope you all doing good.

Have you ever imagined what could have been in MCU, if Romanogers would have been officially canon ?

But I have. My first MCU movie experience is Captain America- Civil War, around 2018. I was really unaware of CA-TWS movie , where they had a standard foundation between them.

So in Civil War, the scene where Steve was reading the accords and everyone around him were arguing about that, he was so calm during all the chaos. Even he was trying to make Tony understand his point of view.

But when Natasha said like , Tony is right and all. There , damn , Chris Evans has nailed that expression. His expression was mixed between Confusion, Betrayal ,Hurt , unbelivebleness. Every kind of  unpleasant feeling were there. He really hoped at least Natasha would be able to understand him.

And man , Scarlett Johansson's expressions were crisp at that point , as Natasha was mainly focused on Steve, trying to convince him.

Just that scene increased my curiosity. After that, the Funeral scene was epic. I don't want you to be alone. The best line in the entire MCU I could say. That promise she always kept.

Then I checked the previous movies , and if we remove the Romanogers scenes , tell me, would this journy of Avengers  be this effective ? No.

Then infinity war, it always leaves us hanging. The end scene where she places her hand on her stomach. Well there is no proper explanation for that.  But I've heard , in cinematography, nothing is unintentional. Every frame , cuts , close-shots. All has a intention behind them.

And what can we say about Endgame. They lived in Avengers Facility for five years while others abandoned them. Kind of.

But they had each other. Just like she didn't leave him alone, he didn't either. And I don't think apart from Clint , there is anyone with whom she has shared her pain. She never showed her tears. And during the peanut butter scene, she didn't try to hide her tears. That shows she wasn't insecure with him.

And that smile when they sunk in the quantum realm See you in a minute. That hurts. Totally.

And what's the point when Clint looked directly at Steve after returning with the soul stone ? There was Bruce for God's sake. And I could never understand how the director of AOU set that up without any background story between them. Before that she kissed Steve , on the cheek, but that doesn't matter. A kiss is a kiss 😁

And suddenly we see her next scene, she was flirting with Bruce. That's so out of character. And in endgame, where they were mourning for her, everyone would have been crying sure, but the camera was on Steve specially. He had cried twice.  Once for Buckey. And then for Natasha.

So my point is , they loved each other. But their circumstances were never normal. Perks of being super hero. And result , they couldn't show the love openly. Another reason could be that  Natasha thinking herself a monster. So she thought he deserves better.

Whatever the reasons were , I believe that's love. Without any expectation and demand. Just pure.

So in this book , I tried to implicate my imaginations. In a normal flow. Mostly I tried to avoid unnessary stuffs. Like cheating , breakup , revenge and all.

So please let me know in the comments how you people enjoying so far. If I've managed to bring your imaginations in words. And what could be different.

And another thing. Please don't judge me  for my writing mistakes. Because I'm not a professional writer. English is not my prior language .  I just wanted to create something for our Romanogers community 😊.

So in next chapters , we'll walk through the events of Endgame and after endgame story. I don't wanna spoil anything 😀🤗😍

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