14. Something Changed Inside

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     Next day Steve was feeling really uneasy remembering yesterday's incident. He felt like his little care towards her was worthless. She doesn't want he should care for her. She was his co-worker, his partner and maybe on the way towards become a friend, but clearly she doesn't want that.

     He had to clear his mind from all this. So he headed towards one place, he was very reluctant to go. He can't imagine what would be the consequences.  But he has decided to go and try once. The Captain America Memorial, Peggy's place.

        After visiting all the Captain America Memorial stuffs , finally he stood in front of the door which named 'Agent Margaret Carter '.

     There was no nurse and guards , but still he pushed opened the door and looked inside. He took off his cap and moved towards Peggy's bed where she slept, looking really peaceful. There was a picture of her family on her bedside table. Her husband and two daughters. But he didn't felt wrong or awkward. Instead he felt happy, for her happiness.

     He looked down when he heared her taking a long breath.  Slowly her eyes widened looking at his face. " Steve ", came a low and weak whispere.

     He took a seat beside her bed , " Hi , Peggy ". He smiled softly.

    She reached for his hand and held it little tighter.  Her eyes came to normal self when she realised he was real . " You're alive, but how ?"

     He kept smiling at her ," Your organisation, they found me frozen in ice. It's been quite long , isn't it?"

    She shighed," Yah , it's been long. So long. " Tears welled up in her eyes.

     "Well I couldn't break my promise made to my best girl". He stopped, his smile slowly faded , because he sounded something wrong.

    "Yah, you kept it , but look at me , I became old and weak but you're looking the same as before ". She playfully pauted.

     He shook his head with a small laugh ," You definitely looking old but not weak . You are as strong as before. I couldn't be more proud of you, that you are the founder of SHIELD , which works for save people from deadly threats. Just like I was feeling proud of you back then , that a woman like you, would like to join in Army."

    She smiled, weakly shaking her head," I just started the foundation.  People around me helped to get through it. By the way , thank you for not shuttering while talking to me like before. I guess you became experienced talking with women. "

      He laughed lightly," No , I'm the same Steve as you said before. By the way, lucky me , I got a small job in SHIELD "

    She smiled in response," That's good.  But don't break rules here , I wouldn't be there to get your back."

    He laughed and blurted out," Oh , that I'll definitely do. And you don't have to worry , I guess there is someone else out there to get my back here this time. "

    His eyes widened and laugh died, face turned deep red , realising what had slipped from his mouth.  God he just can't stop thinking about Natasha. He mentally slapped himself.

    A big smirk played on her lips seeing his reaction," Awww, I guess my Steve found a girl here."

     He hardly tried to control his blush," No no , it's nothing like that, I think I can call them friends yet I guess, ...they helping me to adjust here...you know everything is new here ...So uh.."

     She weakly rolled her eyes," Here comes the same shuttering again. "

       He shook his head changing the topic," So you always lived here ?"

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