67. Home Sweet Home

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After their wedding got over , Fury and Maria were sitting with Steve and Natasha. Fury cleared his throat and glanced at Steve," So , what you guys about to do next?"

He shighed and looked at his wife then at Fury ," Honestly, I have never been this worried before. With our baby coming in around three months , I'm really worried about both of them..,"

Natasha interuped him with a annoyed frown," I can take care of myself and my baby very well. "

Steve shook his head," I know, I know. How much you're trying to adapt with all this scenario. " Then he lowered his head almost shamefully ," Sometimes...I wonder, I...shouldn't have tried to fight against the accords. It feels like I put everything and everyone at risk. " Natasha knew he never talked about the outcome of the civil war happened between the Avengers family. So she let him continue. " At first Tony , then Sam , he has his sister and her kids , then Clint , his whole family suffered. Then Wanda , that kid bearing the extreme. That Scott guy , he almost lost his only family he has , his daughter. Now Wakanda could be in danger. "

Then he looked up to Natasha and let out a painful chuckle ," I've literally no words to tell about your pain and the punishment you've gone through."

Natasha stood up and looked towards Fury and Maria," Can you leave us alone for a bit ?", Fury nodded and went outside with Maria.

She sat beside Steve and grabbed his palms and looked into his eyes ," Listen to me carefully, Rogers. Don't you dare to say punishment referring to me ever again. I don't regret for why I let you escape that day in Berlin. I don't know and don't care about what Stark thinks. But I know for sure , just like me , Sam, Clint and Wanda would never blame you or regret the decision to fight along with you. "

It wasn't enough convincing, So she cupped his cheek," I love you Steve. I love you so much I can't even explain. I'm sorry I let that stupid accords interfere between us. I won't say any crap about which side I was and whatever. For some time , I became selfish. I wanted to be in safe side , in the comfort zone. For some time I forgot that I'm a hero. A fighter. Who dedicated her life to do some good things for people. I could never be a toy with remote control for anyone. This is what you always say about me right ?. "

He nodded with a small smile, She wrapped her arms around his neck," So don't blame yourself for me , for anyone. Besides my Home is there  where my heart is. And you always had my heart , So how can I let you let that go huh ?", both of them smiled and shared a beautiful kiss.

Next morning everyone bid their goodbye to the Wakndans. Steve and Bucky shared their goodbye emotional banter and he promised they would inform him when their baby would come to this World. T'Chala made Steve promise him that he'll contact in any kinda emergency. The couple thanked him and the princess and boarded the jet of Fury along with, the Bartons , Sam , Wanda and Maria.

Maria landed the jet at a random green  grass filled field. This place was utter silent. Just a little sound of birds from afar and a calming and faint sound of some stream nearby. Natasha looked around confusingly ," What's this place ?, It's not your place either ." She asked to Clint. Steve also gave the same questioning look.

Maria and Fury looked at the Barton couple and shared a secret smile. Clint came forward and put his hand on Steve and Natasha's back and guided them ahead followed by others ," Don't worry you'll see. " Natasha shook her head.

( Imagene this house )

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( Imagene this house )

Clint led them towards a small but beautiful country house. There was a small stream flowing beside. Maria opened the wooden gate as they entered inside the fence which was surrounded the house.

Natasha turned towards Clint and about to shout at him , but he stopped her ," Listen to me first. Nick has made this house and arranged everything with a little bit help of mine , ofcors. "

Then he rushed towards the premises of the house and announced dramatically," Ladies and gentlemen, presenting you , the Rogers ' Residence !!!"

The Rogers couple turned towards Fury , he smiled and nodded at them ," This is your house. I've secured this location from sattelite radar just like I had with Barton house. Away from America, away from unnecessary trouble. And also , it's just five minutes away from Clint's farm. So basically you guys are a little long neighbours with Bartons. "

They looked a little reluctant , So Fury tried to make them understand," I know you both are fighters and you can manage in the very worst situation. But it's not about just you anymore. You have to raise a little fighter here. You can't run around the world with your baby in a bag can you ?"

Fury rolled his one eye a little," Comon , accept it , at least for the reason that I did the job of being your father at your wedding. Accept it as my daughter. I want all your happiness. Yes you're a hero and have to fight against the threats, but at the same time you've to live your own life fullest. So go inside."

Lila smiled at Natasha," Please aunty Nat , let's go inside. We'll come here for sleep over sometimes , it'll be so much fun. "

Natasha smiled at Steve as he grabbed his hand and walked ahead. Clint unlocked the door and she was impressed with the furnishing. They had their lunch there and it was time to leave for the others. Wanda and Sam will live there with them too. Natasha leaned against Steve's shoulder and smirked at Sam ," So Sam has to pay rent if he'll live here." Everyone laughed on this.

Fury , Maria and Bartons left and Wanda and Sam went to their respective rooms as Steve and Natasha went to their room as well. A new life begins here. 

Baby Rogers will be here soon 😍


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