54. Different Ways ...

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So...Let's say, everything turned ups and downs. He knew it's normal to happen like that , but still he feels like this time the results would be different. And he wasn't having any good feeling about it. Of course it wasn't their intention but still the loss is done, many people died and it wasn't Wanda's fault at all. It was his. This was on him.

Movement beside him on the couch pulled him out of his thought, it was Natasha. She put her hand on his back and asked in very gently," You alright?"

He looked down again interlocking his palms and slowly nodded ," I'm okay. Just thinking something. Wanda was blaming herself. I said her not to. Because this mess happened due to my childish...,"

She interrupted him," Its not. I was there too Steve. Don't blame yourself alone. It was a mistake, a huge one. And we all are involved in this. Now we have to rectify it. " She didn't like it. This man always says others not to blame themselves if something happened in out of their control, now he was blaming himself. She pulled him in a hug , both needed it.

He shighed near to her ear and tightened his grip around her waist ," Marry me ."

That was fragile whisper , that she almost missed it , but when she realised, her breath raced through her body ," What ??!!" she also asked in the same whisper.

" Let's get married Nat. "

She smiled at this as her eyes became glossy . It wasn't a question full of doubt and unsurity , it was statement full of trust and love . He wasn't asking , he was saying like he really wants this. So does she . She also answered simply," Okay. " She pulled away a little bit and kissed him lovingly.

They stayed like that in each other's arms when Steve pulled away," Vision was saying Tony is coming right ?"

She was gonna say about their baby , but in this situation, she didn't want to reveal like that. It can wait , she thought. She shighed nodding a little," He is already here. With...Mr Secretary-General. Barton is here too. " Steve narrowed his eyes at her," Tony called him immediately. "

He held her palms and looked deep into her eyes," No matter what happens Nat , No matter what will , I love you with whole my heart. It'll never change. Just know that. "

She kissed his palms and looked into his eyes too ," I know. And I love you too , with my entire existence. " Both smiled at each other and walked downstairs to the meeting room.

The argument was over. All of them were silent for some time. Steve wasn't happy about Gen. Ross's proposal , Natasha could sense it. So she decided to step in. " I think Tony is right. " Whole the time Steve was silently reading the accords , but when she said this , he glanced at her. And that look really killed her. It wasn't out of shock or disappointment, it was a look of betrayal. She never thought to disagree with him , he never expected it too, and that hurt look proved everything wrong.

She quickly clarified herself, fixing her eyes on him ," Look if we do agree with them , then at least there will be something left for us , if we disagree , we'll lose everything. They will force us to sign it and we don't want it."

Tony was shocked , because first time Natasha was agreed with him in any matter. Sam commented bitterly but she didn't care. She was trying hard to read his hard and blank face , which usually showed love and care for her. But that was missing .

A dry and bitter laugh dragged everyone's attention, The Hawkeye. Clint furiously shighed," Great , just great."

Steve sensed his anger and tried to calm him down," Clint ." And gave him look of shut up.

He shook his head," No no no, wait. What just happened here ?!!. Are we gonna be some loyal dogs for the government?!!"

Natasha knew this argument wasn't looking good. " Listen , it's not about that , if we try to agree with them ..."

But Clint angrily cut her off," Natasha, since when you became interested in government salary?!!"

Steve sternly shut him up," Clint !!, it's her choice , let her make it. " And she understood how disappointed he was , he didn't want to convince her at least once just like she did. Because he knew, she always forced to follow other's choices. Now it's her own . No one would try to distract her from her mindset.

Steve then turned towards Tony," I just have one question. This thing , Succovia Accords, was your idea , isn't it ?"

Tony shighed," Listen Secretary Ross was ..."

But he cut him off," Yes or No Tony??!"

Tony nodded slowly ," Kind of. " All of their eyes landed on him in shock.

Steve dropped the Accords book on the table and shighed a deep breath closing his eyes. Another shock in that room. All of them had seen him in anger , hurt and disappointed in some discussion, but Captain America never gets frustrated in any serious matter. It means , he's done.

Natasha said in a angry voice ," So you knew everything still didn't tell anything to anyone?!!. You should have discussed with us beforehand. "

Steve fought the urge to blast in annoyance and anger , but composed himself. " Firstly , you decided yourself what's right for everyone, didn't inform us about it , then suddenly brought Gen. Ross with you so that No one can deny to sign it. "

Clint chuckled bitterly," Wow , What a master plan Mr Stark !!. But sadly, must say I'm not surprised. I should have known it was coming. "

Sam folded his arms on his chest and glared at Rohdey , with whom he was arguing a moment ago," And no one has any right to make a choice for others. " Followed by a deep silence. Because he was right.

Tony took a long breath then started," Listen, we're a team. If anyone of us did something wrong then she has to take the responsibility..."

Steve angrily cut him off," So you're blaming Wanda now ??!!. It's her fault??!!."

Tony shook his head," What ?!!, No. I didn't...."

Natasha shouted in this conversation," Comon guys , what's wrong with you?!!. And Steve , we have to solve it not to fight over it. " And glared at him , but she regretted instantly. She didn't mean to shout at him. It seemed like he was the bad guy here.

Steve got a text message, when he opened it , it felt like his world was falling apart. Everything was turning against him. His team , now this cruel fate. Peggy is...She's gone. His only one connection to his reality is gone now. The one connection to the real Steve Rogers is gone. He blinked to stop his tears and silently stood up and walked out of the room.

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