17. Vulnerable

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Steve and Natasha arrived at Fury's chamber, while he was watching the footage of Steve's little accident. He nodded towards them to have a seat.

" You both are unharmed, I see ", He turned off the screen and they understood it was his way of asking 'you both alright '.

Natasha nodded," We are alright sir."

 Fury folded his palms and leaned forward on his elbow on the table. " Last night our target spotted in DC and he....',

Natasha cut him off," He's the one who tried to kill Captain Rogers."

Fury narrowed his eyes at her," Why didn't you follow him or inform our agents about it?"

 She leaned back on his chair and looked at him directly," I felt like I had  something more important thing to do then."

  Steve felt warm inside. He knew it wasn't very much but it was something that he didn't expect to happen this soon. She gave him more importance than completing the mission. He wanted to smile but stopped himself due to the professional environment.

Fury just nodded," We have to find out the guy soon . But you have to keep an eye on your surrounding, because it's not normal that a kidnapper would try to harm Captain America. There is something more than what it looks like. "

Then they walked out of his cabin and went towards common room.

They sat across each other. Ok now she couldn't keep to herself. "So you became friends with your neighbour, I see." . Again that same bitter feeling.

Steve shook his head," Just because we live in opposite apartment of same building, doesn't mean we became friends. And please, don't assume things and don't suggest me to ask her on date or something. "

 Now she'll never do it. Not this time at least. Because his neighbour was her root of problem.  "Don't worry soldier, I wouldn't ." She faked a laugh tried to hide her jealousy.

Then they talked about mission files and around evening they headed towards their own apartments.

Later that night, Steve was sleeping when his phone rang on his bedside table. He rubbed his eyes and looked at the clock, it was 1am. in the morning.

 He picked his phone and frowned when he saw the caller ID, Fury Nicolas J.

 "Captain, bring Agent Romanoff to a safe place for tonight, go to her apartment immediately " . He sounded little worried.

Steve became alerted ," What's the matter?"

"Our enemies found her location and they're going to attack on her just like they did to you. She isn't picking up her phone. So go there quickly. Till morning, I'll figure something out. "  He explained quickly.

Steve worriedly put his shoes ," You don't fall  asleep at midnight too?"

 "If I do, half of the world would collapse in between few hours. Now hurry up. " . He sounded impatient now.

 Steve opened his door and ran downstairs," I'm on my way Sir". and hung up.

 He quickly climbed on his motor bike and sprinted towards Natasha's apartment. During the ride, he kept thinking about, if he couldn't reach there in time, What'll happen to her.

He reached there in between 10 mins.  and ran towards her door through the stairs. When he reached  at her doorstep, he heared some muffling and mumbling noise from inside . He put his ear on the door and tried to hear clearly.  Then he heared a low choked voice, ' Go away ' , its Natasha!!!!.

He got more worried and tried to break the door by pushing it. After few attempts, the door flew opened and there stood Natasha, directly pointing her gun towards Steve.

She was completely drenched in sweat. Ok he understood now , why she wasn't picking her phone call from Fury. She was having nightmare! He could tell, matter of experience. He too having nightmare very often. But he was having just for minutes, while Natasha having for this long time! Ok , they were in same page in something, nightmare.

 He put his hands in surrender and walked towards her slowly, while she was backing off slowly behind too.
" Natasha, put your gun down. It's just me , Steve. "

She stopped backing off and kept her finger on the trigger. His eyes widened, but didn't panick, because it's not real Natasha. He took another step towards her," Nat, it's just me , Steve. Your.....soldier.". He looked at her eyes intensely, trying to bring her to sense.

 She blinked twice hearing a new nickname of her , by Steve. Steve?? She narrowed her eyes to concentrate more.  Looking the changes in her , he stepped forward and put his hands on her gun and lowered it. She didn't protest against him, just kept looking at his concerned face.

He slowly touched to her palms, which holding the gun tightly. Her grip loosened and he put the gun on a table, but she just kept looking at him blankly. He grabbed both of her palms and gave a little squeeze. " It's okay, Nat , no one is here, it's just me."

"Steve ", She weakly whispered and leaned forward, and rested her head on his chest and closed her eyes . Her hands loosely wrapped around his waist. He was shocked for some seconds, then wrapped his large arms around her back , as protective manner , rubbing her back slowly which soothed her and her breathing calmed down a little.

Steve didn't feel awkward by hugging her , but thought , what if she came to her real sense and scold him for this. But he doubted it , because she was a practical woman.  If she came to her real sense, she'll scold herself not to him.

 He took her towards her bed , still wrapping his arm around her back and made her sit down. He found a water bottle and handed it to her.

She took few sips of water and looked around, looking like really Natasha, but confused. She looked at Steve, who was standing beside her biting his lips nervously. She looked down being ashamed of herself, because she never showed her weakness to anyone, no one knew how vulnerable she was. It's Steve. Again Steve. 

She mumbled a thank you, still looking here and there but at him. Finally looked at him," What are you doing here , at this night?"

 Steve came to his real sense, why he was here. He snatched her bottle and threw on a table and grabbed her arm ," Let's go, I'll explain on our way , now...." , a loud crash from outside interrupted him.

 Natasha freed her arm from his grip and both moved towards her door. " What is this noise ?,"

    Steve slowly opened the door and stepped outside first , he turned around her ," That's why I was here. Come on, Let's go. "

       They were about to move towards her stairs but stopped themselves, there were 40 or 50 armed soldiers coming upstairs . But Steve's eyes caught something , he clenched his jaw and his face became furious.

     But Natasha didn't notice it and dragged him through another stairs and came downstairs where Steve's bike was parked. Instead she led him towards her car and she drove both of them, towards a safe place.


Who's doing the attacks on Steve and Natasha?

What did Steve have noticed there ?


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