22. The Metal Arm

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Steve woke up and shocked when the clock clicked 8 in the morning. It was 1 in the morning when he returned to his apartment last night from Stark Tower.

     He actually enjoyed the party. Tony, Pepper, Happy, Rohdey, all these are very interesting people.  Except the annoying Tony Stark.

His heart raced when he remembered dancing with Natasha. Wield emotions held him in captive. Like he was waiting for her calmness from ages. He couldn't name the emotion he was feeling. He was not sure, but he was enjoying her presence near him. He was sure of it. She was something to him.

Later that day he got a message from Fury.  He cancelled their meeting in last hour.  Fury never did before. Steve got little confused but shrugged it off , thinking maybe he has some other issues to handle.

So he went to Sam's support group office. He was saying some deep motivational things about move on in life with the moving time.

When his session was over , he came outside to meet Steve. He smiled walking towards him ," Your timing is wrong man, I told you to come here so that , my charms will increase in front of girls. But see there is no one , except my co-workers. " He said gesturing around the corridor.

Steve chuckled shaking his head. Then he gave him a sad look and asked about his group therapy, he talked about his pilot Riley.

They both headed towards exit door, Sam asked," Where have you been this morning?, You didn't came to morning walk. "

Steve shook his head," I was in a party last night at Stark Tower.  You know him right?"

Sam nodded," Tony Stark, the Iron Man, Avenger . So you became buddys with him , he invited to his party ?"

Steve shook his head," No no , it was his girlfriend's birthday, so she invited me and Natasha. We were there till late night. " He looked away to hide his small blush appeared on his cheeks.

Sam grinned ," Hummn , again together, late night party. You must have brought her to your apartment and....",

He cut him off ," She was not in my apartment last night. "

Sam grinned more on this ," So you're disappointed , because she didn't stayed ?"

He rolled his eyes," Please stop it Sam."

Sam rolled his eyes teasingly," What, why are you denying it ?, You feel comfortable around her, don't you?"
Steve nodded," Yes...",Sam cut him off "- You understand her , don't you?", Steve nodded again " Yes but...", again Sam interrupted,"- She makes you happy, don't she ?".

Steve nodded," Yes , but she....", this time Sam didn't stop him, he himself stopped, stunned, what he just said.
Yes she makes him happy, but he can't refer in that way. They just progressed to working partner to, maybe, friends. Yes he feel comfortable around her, but he just couldn't name it in another way , when they have no foundation.

He shighed," Sam ,stop messing with my words, please don't talk about all this. We haven't reached at friends yet.  Besides, it becomes uncomfortable to talk to her , even professionally ."

Sam understood his reasons and apologised and talked about something else. But Steve couldn't help, but kept thinking, 'she makes me happy?, does she ?!!

That night when Steve reached at his apartment, his blondy neighbour was there and welcomed him smiling," Good evening Mr Rogers."

He nodded," Good evening, where are you taking all those?", he asked gesturing a basket of clothes in her hands.

She smiled," Downstairs, for laundry. And by the way, your radio is turned on , I gauss. "

He nodded and she left . He came near the door and he heared one of his favourite music from his music record player. He entered inside, holding his shield in front of him and turned on the lights , and shocked to see Fury leaned back on his couch.

He shighed in releaf," You don't have my keys, then how ...", Fury interrupted him," You think I need keys to enter anywhere?", and turned his head towards Steve.

Steve was shocked to see his condition. His forehead was bruised badly, and a stain of blood flowing from his nose. He was about to say something but Fury stopped him ," My wife kicked me out of my house. " Showing his mobile screen, which reads ,' ears are everywhere '.

Again he typed something on his mobile and showed him , which reads,'SHIELD is compromised '.

Steve's eyes widened and he played along with him ," Who else know about your wife?"

Fury got up from his couch and typed something on his mobile screen and showed him again, ' Just you and me ',.
And then he put it in his pocket ," Just my friend."

Steve walked towards him," So now we're friends?"

"If you want then .....," but Fury  interrupted by the crashing window and in no time, bullets fired directly to him and he fell on the floor grunted in pain.

Steve rushed to him and dragged him to another side of the living room. He was about to go outside when Fury grabbed his hand and slipped a pen drive to his palm , saying," Don't ....trust ...anyone." With that he closed his eyes.

Someone came barging his door," Captain Rogers, You alright?", It was his blondy neighbour, holding a gun in her hand ,"You're under my guarding."

Steve got confused ," By who's command?". She looked at Steve then an unconscious Fury on the floor, and ran to him and checked his pulse. She ordered through her walkytalky ," Director Fury is down , send ambulance immediately." He understood, she was an undercover agent, for his surveillance.

Someone asked through her walkytalky ," What about the attacker ?".

Steve looked through another window, a white metallic thing flashed in the dim light. " I'm on it ."
With that, he ran through the hallway and the corridor, breaking everything on his way. He jumped to another roof ,breaking a glass window and threw his shield to a black dressed , long haired man , whose left arm was metallic.

    But he caught the shield by his metallic arm before it touch him, very easily. Steve was surprised. Then he saw his face, which was covered by a black colored mask. A red star on the metal arm. But he was shocked,  when that guy threw the shield back at Steve , in such force, that his feet slipped back some centimetres.

When he looked up and saw that man was nowhere. He was shocked, by his strength, his speed. He shook his head and went back to his apartment.

Till then the ambulance had arrived and he helped the medics to load Fury  into the ambulance. Then he noticed, the blonde haired agent, who was doing undercover to keep an eye on him, rushed to find any clue with some other agents.

Then his attention moved to the drive, given by Fury. What was that?, What was inside it ?, What he was hiding, more likely SHIELD was hiding?, why did he told him not to trust anyone?anyone??!!!. Not even HER ??!!!

Hey guys, sorry it is little short , I just wanted to introduce the Winter Soldier in this chapter.

Besides the most important and interesting part of Steve and Natasha's life is coming.

Be ready for,'bye bye bikinis🙄😀 ', honeymoon in New Jersey😀 ', public display of affection☺💖 ', Who do you want me to be💞💓 ,'..... 'I would now💗💖💞💓'...all of this...


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