64. It's a Baby________!!!!(?)

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Wanda was still sleeping on her sit like a child, hugging her knees. Steve smiled at her innocent face as he couldn't help but tracing Natasha's abdomen gently with his fingers. As if he was trying to feel the presence of their baby. She was sleeping peacefully resting her head on his chest as she sat on his lap.

" Hey Steve, they're not letting us enter through their barrier." Sam's voice broke his trance from the pilot seat. He gently put Natasha on the seat in sleeping position and walked up to Sam.

He connected the communication channel of the Wakanda line ," This is Captain Rogers, there's no threat. We want your permission to enter. " Immediately the Vibranium barrier opened and they landed on the ground. He wake Natasha and Wanda up as Sam opened the gate.

All of them stepped out of the jet and saw Okoye stood there with her associates to welcome them. She nodded at Steve with a polite smile who responded the same then she led them towards the palace.

In front of the palace main gate T'Chala stood there with his guards. Steve bowed his head a little with a smile," Your highness. "

T'Chala smiled and opened his arm for a hug. Steve stepped forward and hugged him. " You're embarrassing me in front of my people, Captain. " Other three of them chuckled a little. Then he turned towards Natasha," Nice to see you again Ms Rommanof. "

She nodded in response," Same here. Should I say sorry for what happened last time ?", as she raised her eyebrow .

He shook his head with a polite smile," Please, there's no need for that. I realised my mistake at the end of the day. Let's get going ." And led the way inside the palace .

As they walking through the corridor, T'Chala gestured his guards to leave and turned towards Steve," So what brought you here in a very short notice Captain?"

Steve looked at Natasha then replied ," Actually we need some help of the princess. We should talk with her presence altogether, if she is not very busy in her lab. "

T'Chala nodded at them ," Okay. Come with me this way. " And gestured towards another corridor to his right. Sam and Wanda excused themselves and left the couple alone. They walked inside the lab and saw Shuri was really busy with her work. " Shuri, You have some guests to attend over here. " And gestured to Steve and Natasha.

She left her work and walked up to them with a smile," Hello again, Nice to meet you Captain. "

He smiled at her," Nice to meet you too, Princess. "

She then turned towards Natasha," And you must be Captain's fiance?, Ms Rommanof right ?"

Natasha smiled at her ," That's I am. "

She then smirked at her brother then looked at Natasha," I would like to say , I'm very impressed with you techs. Your electric bites shocked brother's Vibranium suit ?!!. Now I'm using that techniques in my weapons."

T'Chala chuckled at his sister then looked at Steve," You wanted to talk to her about something right ?, I would take your leave now. " And he left them alone.

Shuri led the couple to another room and locked the door. As they sat across each other, She asked," So what is it ?"

Natasha shighed then started," It wasn't possible, but I am pregnant. "

Shuri narrowed her eyes at her," Isn't it suppose to be a good thing?"

She nodded ," Ofcors it is. But..Like I said , It wasn't possible. I was...I was sterilized. Then I found out that I'm pregnant. And somehow it's something to do with Steve's super soldier serum. "

Shuri nodded in understanding," Yeah I have heared about it. That serum can enhance any human ability. Have you checked everything up ?"

She nodded at her ," I have. But...still I've some doubts. There are so much uncertainty.  We don't wanna high our hopes and loose everything at last. "

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