74. After Five Years

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" Moving on is never easy. But that's how life works. There is nothing predictable. So we gotta move on. We have to walk ahead irrespective of the obstacle appears in between our path. Unless, think, What is the reason that we survived the blip ?. " Steve finished with a shigh.

Alex, a man sat to his right nodded," You're right. I'm trying, I really am. That's why we're starting over again. She lost her whole family except her grandmother and I lost mine except my younger sister. I think our pain pushed us to give ourselves another chance. "

Steve nodded with a smile," That's great. At the end we can't make the the time stop. And I really looking forward to meet her on next session."

Alex smiled at him," Sure. I'll bring her with me. "

Steve checked his phone and stood up," I think that's it for today. See you all on Monday. " Eight or ten people nodded at him saying goodbye and left the room. He sat on the chair and roamed his eyes around the room. This office used to be Sam's. Since the blip, he took over his work to run the therapy sessions to help the grieving people.

A ring on his phone showed a text message in the notification bar. His eyes glued on the wallpaper. A happy picture of Natasha and him holding James. A shigh escaped  from his lips. He was saying everyone to move on but he himself couldn't do that. How could he move on without his son ?.

He checked the message, it was from Pepper , saying " please give me a call when you'll be free. "

Steve called her," Hey Pepper, What's up?"

" Hey , can you and Nat come over for an hour or something ?. Morgan is throwing tantrums. And it's worse. She's crying asking for you both. " She said with a tiring shigh.

" Okay, I'm heading to compound to get Nat, then we'll be there in an hour."  She thanked him and hung up.

After ten minutes Steve parked his car in front of the Avengers compound. When he opened the door to Natasha's office, he saw her talking to Rohdey through hologram. " Please. Track him for me. " He nodded and disappeared. She covered her face with her palm and let her tears flow.

Steve looked down shighing deeply," You know, I thought I'll cook dinner for you instead of ordering take out tonight. Now, it's not possible I guess."

She inhaled deeply controlling herself ," And...why's that?"

He smiled a little and moved to sit across her ," Market is closed already."

She smiled perfectly knowing he was trying to cheer her up. " Well, I already had my favourites. " Saying she tilted her head at a plate on the table in front of her.

He chuckled a little," That ?, a piece of peanut butter sandwich ?"

She nodded laughing along with him," Yep. This is the best food ever to exist in this God damn planet. "

He shook his head with a laugh," Sure. I won't disagree with you. "

Her smile faded," Your fake sarcasm can't hide your sadness from me, You know that right ?. But I'll must admit your counselling talent starting to have effect on me too. " And laughed to avoid the heaviness of the moment.

He nodded at her ," By the way, Pepper called me and said Morgan was asking for us. So she insisted us to come there. " She shighed throwing her head back. He understood," Don't worry. We'll just ignore him, like we've been doing since last four years. " And gave a reassuring smile.

She stood and headed outside with him," Fine, but we'll have dinner there. I'm starving. " He chuckled on her comment and came inside the car.

When they knocked on the door, Pepper opened from other side, she shighed in releaf," Thank you guys. I've got no clue why she is being difficult today. "

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