44. You're The Reason...

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Steve and Natasha reached at door of Peggy. Natasha looked at him nervously. He assured her and stepped inside first and greeted Peggy with a smile. After sometimes of small talk Steve said ," By the way , as you asking the other day about my special friend, she's just outside the door."

She playfully frowned at him ," You kept her waiting outside?"

He mumbled a sorry smiling then walked up to the door and opened for Natasha calling her inside. She stood beside him nervously and offered a smile to Peggy. Steve introduced," Peggy, here meet my best friend Natasha, and Nat, she's Peggy , I was taking about."

Peggy told them to have a seat then looked at Natasha," So you're the Russian agent Fury had appointed?", She nodded in response. " Well I'll say , he's not wrong though. He always praise about you, how you are  strong and determined for your job and all. I was really impressed when you single handedly led the mission at east Canada a few years back. " and smiled at her.

Her nervousness vanished by her friendly talk ," Thank you. But women are  progressed in this field by your footprints. You're like a role model I'll must say. "

All the time Steve kept looking at Natasha adorably smiling at her. Peggy noticed that," Steve can you bring some water for me?, This jar is finished." showing the empty jar on the table. He nodded and went outside of the room. Then she turned towards Natasha ," How is Steve doing ?"

Her face brightened by the mention of his name," Oh , he's doing great actually. He adapted this new world quite well."

" It wouldn't have possible without your help. He often talks about you." She shighed then started," When he came to meet me for the first time, he looked lost and out of place. Now he looks confident and well settled. Thank you for looking after him. " Said smiling at her.

She sadly shook her head," I caused him more problem and pain than any help."

She raised her eyebrow," I gauss that's why you ignored him for some days?", Natasha looked at her in confusion. She chuckled," You can say, I was the therapist he was coming to.  Once he looked very sad and down , and then he said that he did something wrong with you that's why you kept distance to him."

Natasha tried hard not to cry. " There was nothing his fault. To save me , he put himself in danger. "

Peggy shighed," Before he became Captain America, he lost so much. Now he doesn't want to loose anymore, the persons he cares about.
Don't blame yourself Natasha. He is better here. With you. You're the reason he seems ....happy. "

She smiled at her then Steve entered inside and offered a glass of water to Peggy. They stayed there sometimes then bid goodbye and returned to Avengers Compound. On the way Natasha was silent through the whole ride. She kept thinking about what Peggy said her. Did she really makes him happy? She didn't know the answer yet, but she fells comfortable and ....safe around him.

When they reached at the Avengers Compound, others were waiting for them. They were preparing for a mission, where some fraud industries were making heavy nuclear weapons and they had to stop them.

All of them got ready and reached at the warehouse of the industry. They splitted to different teams and entered inside. They finished their mission quickly and headed towards the queenjet. But Natasha wasn't with them. So Steve decided to go check on her along with Sam and Wanda.

They searched for her everywhere but didn't find . Then Steve's mind clicked something. He ran towards the security room of the warehouse followed by Sam and Wanda. Panic arised in him , thinking millions of what ifs. 

When he arrived at the security hall , he saw a man threw a grenade towards her. Sam and Wanda took cover behind a metal desk , but there was no cover for Natasha. So Steve ran towards her," NATASHA GET AWAY ", . Just when the grenade exploded, he hugged her tightly and covered them with his shield and jumped aside . Natasha was on top of him and eyes closed. Steve stood up and helped her stand as well. " What were you doing here ?"

She shrugged casually," I was storing some information. " and showed the pen drive.

Anger took over him," Do you really think I care about this stupid drive. You could have died by the explosion. " He yelled at her.

" You didn't need to come back for me. I could have make it on my own. And..
what do you think of yourself , huh?, you jumped in front of a grenade to save me ?. Why the hell would you do that ?, you could've died too." She spatted back at him.

" I just couldn't leave you alone here , okay?" He hissed at her in anger.

She didn't know what gotten into her , she yelled at him ," And why would you do that?!!!"

He angrily grabbed her shoulder and pulled her in to his chest ," If something happened to you , I can't live with myself. I'll die without you!!"
He didn't realise the words slipped .

Her heart raced by his confession . She whispered looking into his eyes," And ....why's that ?"

He shighed and without hesitation, he kissed her softly. After some seconds of shock , she pulled his neck down and kissed him passionately. Behind the cover Sam covered Wanda's eyes indicating her to stop screaming. After few minutes they pulled apart breathless by the kiss , still in each other's arms. She gave him a little smile," And...why's that ?" teasing him.

He shook his head smiling down at her. " You know I...I.. really like you. And it's true. That's why I don't want anything happen to you. I can't loose you Nat. "

She cupped his cheek ," That's why I don't want you to get hurt, can't you see it ?. I can't loose you too. And...I like you too. " And for the first time her heart won the race with her brain. She didn't listen her brain saying ' love is for children ', but she listened to her heart saying , Its not that bad to turn into children for sometimes. To live the present for sometimes. Again she leaned forward and kissed his lips so lovingly. He wrapped his arm around her waist and pulled her closer.

Sam and Wanda reluctantly decided to end their moment. Sam walked towards them while Wanda cleared her throat," Sorry to break your moment, but our queenjet is waiting."
They separated from each other and walked towards jet with the other two Avengers following them smirking at each other.

So here is the confession. I hope you like it. Let me know in the comments how the story is going on.


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