32. Rescue

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When her sob died Steve looked at her and pushed himself to stand and walked to Natasha. She was laid there completely out of clothes. He closed his eyes when a single tear slipped from his eyes. He kneeled in front of her, removed his dirty jacket and carefully wrapped around her.

She didn't protested, just kept looking at the ceiling. When he finished the zipping of the jacket , two stains of tears dropped from her eyes. Steve didn't know what to say her. He made her sit leaning against the wall and sat beside her too.

He didn't say anything, and she was kinda grateful for it. She noticed , his wrist and elbow were bleeding. She hate this. She hate herself. She hate Steve because, he was injured for her again, just like at Sam's house.

But right now she needed him. So she slowly put her head on his shoulder. He too wrapped his hand around her shoulder and put his head on the top of her head.

Whole night they sat like that leaning to each other. Both of their heart ached for whatever happened nearly one day ago. Steve felt awful for this. He couldn't save her from this misery. While Natasha felt disgusting to herself that how weak and pathetically she was screaming. She wasn't strong enough.

After sometimes they heared some explosion from outside. Steve tightened his hold around her. Then one by one all metal doors were opened. Finally when the door of the room opened Steve shielded  Natasha , dragging her to his lap and wrapped his arms around her back tight and securely. She too tightly wrapped her arms around his neck and started sobbing at his crock of his neck.

He never imagined how innocent and fragile she was. She clung on to him like her life depends on him. He too terrified by the thought of something happening to her. But he was determined , he won't let anything happen to her again.

Slowly heavy footsteps neared them . When someone put his hand on Steve's shoulder , he swung his fist and just about to punch that man very hard, but he ducked under it ." Hey , easy easy, Captain. Relax. It's agent Barton. I mean Clint Barton. "

Steve shighed in releaf," Clint?, Oh . Thank God. "

Then Clint's eye moved to Natasha and his eyes widened. " Oh my God, Natasha..." He stretched his hand to reach her , but she flinched and held Steve's neck more tightly. She couldn't think straight. She had no idea, What is real and what's not. Only thing she was sure was , only Steve. He was real.

Steve nodded at Clint and he understood how terrified she was. " Ok now come on, your friend,Wilson is waiting outside with queenjet. "

Steve nodded and picked her up in bridal style and walked outside limping and Clint supported him , while Natasha hid her face at Steve's chest clutching to his dirty and bloody t-shirt.

When Sam saw this , his eyes widened. Steve's hands were still bleeding. His forehead and neck also. He rushed to him ," Steve, Oh my God. Hurry, we need to go to hospital. "

Clint protested," No we can't go to hospital. No one knows about our take down of this old hydra base. We have to go somewhere else. And I know where it is. "

Steve nodded and carried Natasha inside the jet and made her sleep in a bed and sat beside her. After some time, Clint landed the jet at a random place and turned to Sam," Hey buddy, listen, don t mind me. I..um..to where I'm taking them , it's a secret place. No one supposed to know about it. So..."

Sam understood and got up from his seat ," Okay ", Clint wanted to explain more but Sam reassured him with a smile," I got it. Don't worry. Take care of them okay?"

Clint smiled and nodded and Sam came out of the jet. Clint then flew the jet and glanced back to see Natasha sleeping grabbing Steve's hand , while he sleeping resting his head on the head of his seat. Clint smiled sadly at them then looked ahead and set the coordinates to his destination.

The queenjet landed at a green grass field. Clint walked to Steve and patted his shoulder to wake him up," Hey, Captain. We're here."

Steve opened his eyes and looked down , Natasha too awake till then. Steve was about to pick her up in bridal style again but she stopped him. " I can walk by myself. " Steve looked unsure so she reassured him," I'm sure."

Steve nodded but still grabbed her shoulder when she tried to stand up from her bed. Clint opened the door and the trio stepped out of the jet.
He led them to a small but beautiful house at the middle of the field.

Steve seemed confused but Natasha knew what this place is. She calmed down a little when they reached at the door step.  Clint opened the door with his spare key. He held Natasha by her shoulder and led inside where Steve closed the door behind him.

Clint made Natasha sit down on the couch ," Laura , come here."

Someone turned off the stove and entered inside the living room. The woman rushed at Natasha," Natasha, thank God you're okay. " and hugged her tight. " Do you need anything?"

Natasha shook her head," Wash room?", Laura nodded and took her towards bathroom.

When Laura returned , Clint introduced to Steve," Captain, she is Laura , my wife."

Laura smiled at him," Nice to meet you Captain. "

Steve smiled too ," Nice to meet you too, Mrs. Barton. And please you can call me Steve. "

" You call me Laura. Please have a seat. You need anything?"

Steve sat on the sofa," Just some water please. "

Laura nodded and went inside. Steve sat there with Clint on the couch. Just then a young girl and a young boy came running from outside and jumped on Clint's lap wrapping their hands around his arms. " Dad we missed you. " The young boy said in breathless.

Clint laughed," Easy tiger. I missed you both too. "

Laura returned with a jar of water and handed one glass of water to Clint and one to Steve. She laughed at them ," Your dad just left for one day and you missed him lot ?"

Both the kids nodded and hugged Clint. Then Natasha came to the living room and the two kids ran towards her ," Aunty Nat." She bent down to her knee and hugged them .

She ruffled their hair ," Where have you been?"

The girl became more exited," Today we followed a small and cute rabbit at the field. Kooper couldn't chase it."

The boy glared at her ," No, I did. Lila is lying. "

The girl, Lila , rolled her eyes, Steve thought it was just like Natasha does." Yeah yeah , keep saying yourself. "

Clint interrupted their arguments," Enough you two. Do you wanna meet our new guest ?"

The kids looked at Steve in confusion. Lila looked at Clint," Is he a friend of your and aunty Nat's ?"

Clint looked at Kooper ," Yes. He is your favourite superhero . Without his shield and Uniform. "

The young boy jumped in excitement," Oh my God!!! He is Captain America.!!!"

Steve laughed along with Natasha, and both kept looking at each other. They couldn't believe they just came out from hell.


You see , another different plot.
Steve knew about Clint's family, before AOU  in MCU. I made it happen. ☺☺


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