50. Thanks Giving...

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Now all the Avengers landed at Clint's farm for thanks giving. They decided to arrange it at some quite and relaxing environment, and Clint's farm was perfect option. Whole the jet journey, Steve was reading some book and Natasha slept beside him putting her head on his shoulder.

They didn't talk yet about getting together or more , but they knew , they had immense love , care and respect for each other. They were spending more time together and as Natasha promised, they went on a date last weekend.

It was simple and peaceful at the backyard of the Avengers Compound, in front of the small lake. Natasha had arranged everything. In fact, she took Steve on a date you can say. She brought a suit for him and a red-black dress for herself as well. As he wasn't healed completely, it gave her more opportunity to do something for him and she gladly did everything she could do.

That was the happiest evening of their life. After that they became more comfortable around each other. They weren't worried anymore about others knowing about their relationship. Speaking of others, they knew Steve and Natasha weren't confirmed their relationship, but they were happy whatever was there between them. Especially Clint and Wanda. Both connected with Steve and Natasha very well. Wanda didn't need to use her powers to know about their love for each other. Anyone around them could see it.

When they landed at Clint's farm, Laura and Barton kids were already there to welcome them. Inside they chatted and enjoyed the day. Around afternoon, it was Laura and Steve took the charge of kitchen. Well others were enjoying at the living room. Except Clint, no one had kids , so it was more enjoyable around his three kids.

Inside the kitchen, Steve and Laura talked about Natasha and her bond with the Bartons. How she convinced Clint to marry Laura, and many stuffs. And Steve revealed about their first date and their happy life. So it's safe to say, the Bartons became in-laws for Steve. And Laura didn't miss a chance to tease him about it.

Around evening at seven or eight, they set mat at the backyard of Clint's house, around burning woods. Well it was adventurous. Like some forest tour. They finished their dinner , laughing and talking, enjoying the feeling of being this large family. Finally it was time for thanks giving.

Tony started first ," Well first of all, a huge thank to the Bartons, for arranging this here from all of us. And , to be honest, Laura your meat tasted really good , unlike the pasta made by capsicle. " He said raising his eyebrows at Steve.

Laura shook her head, chuckled at his tease.," Steve made the meats for everyone. And sorry for the pasta, which you didn't liked."

Tony instantly shook his head in no," No no , it was good. I didn't thought Cap can cook so well. " And all of them shared a laugh. " Then , I would like to thank all of you guys, for live like a family. Can you believe it ?, I'm saying it. Yes , I think we got a new family for us. My friends. Lastly, Pepper , my best friend, my girlfriend , my life. Thank you for coming to my life ." He sat down at his previous seat giving a small kiss to Pepper.

Then, it was Clint," Like Tony said , thank you all of you guys, for accepting each other like a family. Thank you Natasha, my best friend, my sister, because of you I have Laura and these three bundle of joy. And Laura , thank you for coming to my life and bringing this happiness with you. "

Next was Thor," First of all, I don't understand this ritual you guys celebrates here. But still, thank you Lady Barton and Lord Steve for this amazing food. I really liked it. It's really good to work with you guys. Smashing the bad monsters. Thank you." He finished with a loud laugh.

Then next was Wanda , her eyes were getting wet. " Thank you everyone. I don't remember clearly if I ever had this kinda happy family. But being here around all of you , I felt like I'm a part of this family. Because all of you accepted me like a member of family. Special thanks to , Steve and Natasha. For being my guardian , for showing me the right choice. I never thought I would find someone like my brother, but I find him in you Captain. Thank you. " She sat at her seat , Maria side hugged her rubbing her back soothinghly, trying to console her. Steve smiled at her emotionally.

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