36. Make a Choice...

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Few weeks passed like that. Steve and Natasha were getting more close with it. It's became a routine now, waking up at midnight, then he would try to console her. Minimum three or four days per weeks they would enjoy a movie night with each other and every time Clint or Maria or even Thor would caught them sleeping in each other's arms till morning at the living room couch.

But Steve never asks about her nightmare, because he knew how much it depresse someone. So Natasha kinda thankful for that, he never forced her to know something.

One day they found that , some psycho scientist had made a chemical injections to create burning sencesion like red chilli on cut wound. So Tony was tracking him down by the help of Bruce.

Next evening they planned an attack on the base of the scientist. Their plan was to surround the base them caught the scientist. Steve and Clint entered through the north gate , Tony flew over the east gate, Thor at south gate and lastly Bruce and Natasha entered through West gate .

Natasha sneaked by distracting the guards to the main lab of the scientist while Bruce didn't hulked out yet. All of them united at the central lab.  Tony blasted the gate by his repulsure and Steve and Natasha entered inside followed by Clint and Bruce. Thor guarded at the door while Tony searched the Scientist.

Suddenly the scientist jumped on Bruce and injected someting down his back of the neck , but Clint fired a shock arrow and he fainted . But before closing his eyes, he gulped some tablets. Steve tried to snatch it but it was too late . He died then and there.

They destroyed the lab and returned to Avengers tower. Later that night, after dinner Steve, Natasha and Clint sat at living room and others went to sleep. Steve looked in deep thought, so Natasha asked," What happened?"

He shighed and shook his head," The same thing happened before with me.
The day I became this super soldier, I followed a hydra guy and I caught him too. But just  like today, he too gulped some chemical and died there. For whom people like them are ready to die ,they might be very dangerous."

She gave him a little smile," But this time we'll figure this out, we'll get him." And three of them went to their separate rooms.

Next morning all of them were at training room when Bruce entered inside and sat next to Steve, who finished his punching and was drinking water . " Good morning, Bruce." He didn't replied, just nodded. He was continuesly blinking. So he asked again ," You sleep well?" Again nothing. So he put his hand on his shoulder," Hey you alright?"

Then suddenly Bruce kicked the glass table in front of them, grunting loudly. Looks like he was turning into Hulk.
All of them surrounded him. Clint asked in confusion," Hey what's happening to you?"

But the Hulk roared and threw a large sofa at him to which he ducked under it, but it broke a glass partition. Steve shouted at Tony ," Tony, We need to bring him out of the tower." Tony nodded and ordered Jarvis for his suit. Steve gestured Maria to throw his shield at him and she did so.

He caught the shield at midair and slammed right at the face of the Hulk. Hulk stumbled on his feet but controlled himself and charged towards Steve with heavy footsteps.

But Natasha fired her widow bite at near his eyes which caused the Hulk turned towards her with red eyes. She continuesly fired but this time the Hulk didn't budged her. But Natasha didn't backed off and kept firing at his face.

When Steve noticed this was no effect on hulk , his eyes widened in horror.
" Natasha , get away from there." But unfortunately she couldn't hear it because of the loud roaring of Hulk. He wake up to his feet and ran towards her.

Just when the Hulk was about to give a massive punch to her , Steve pushed her out of the way and the blow landed on his shield. By the effect of the massive force of the punch, Steve's shield dropped from his hand at a large distance. Which gave advantage to the Hulk and he gave a more forceful punch to Steve, right at the chest.

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