58. Her Family (Part - 1)

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Natasha stepped out of the metro , which she took to reach at Moscow. She had put on one of Steve's hoodies, and it comforted her a little bit, she felt his presence. Last time she was been there almost three years ago. But she followed some lead and entered inside a narrow lane. That place was utter silent.

She kept walking till she found a house , which looked like someone abandoned years ago, but footsteps could be heared. Meant , someone might be there. She entered inside that house and went upstairs , and entered inside a room. Just then the door closed behind her and someone jumped towards her.

They threw countless punch at each other, every move was similar, kick , jump and everything. That blonde girl pinned Natasha on the floor and hissed in a low voice," What are you doing here?"

Natasha fliped over her and pinned her down ," What a way to welcome."

That blondy rolled her eyes," Okay you got me , Now get off me. " pushing Natasha off her. Thick Russian ascent could be noticeable from her voice.

Natasha stood up and offered her a hand , which she accepted and stood in front of her. Natasha's eyes softened a bit ," Good to see you Yel." She just rolled her eyes shaking her head and turned around and went inside.

Meanwhile, inside the lab of Suri, Steve and Buckey sat face to face. Buckey's metal arm had been removed and Suri was preparing to put him in ice-sleep with the help of Wakandan technology. Buckey smiled a little shaking his head," You know, You still acts like a dumb. "

Steve raised his eyebrows ," Why's that?"

Buckey shighed and looked at him ," Look Steve, everything is fine now. I'm okay here too. Now go and find her. Don't pretend like you don't have any concerns for her. "

T'Chala told them already about Natasha's disappearance. He nodded ," I know Buck. And I'll find her. "

Buckey smiled again and clapped on his shoulder," I'm sure you'll. Just know that I'm happy for you. You deserve it. "

Suri interrupted the two friends and smiled at them ," Captain, we're ready to start the procedure. "

Steve nodded and stood up, he hugged Buckey," Everything gonna fine Buck."

Buckey returned the smile ," Of course. "

Suri turned towards him ," Brother is waiting for you."

He nodded at her ," I'll meet him. " And left from the lab , outside he saw a Wakandan kings guard . A brave woman. He could tell, full confidence was visible.

She gestured him ahead ," This way , Captain. " And he followed her towards king's chamber.

They reached at T'Chala's chamber and Steve turned towards her," Thank you General. "

She smiled politely at him ," Okoye is fine Captain. " And leave him alone there to talk to T'Chala.

T'Chala called him inside and invited him to take a seat. " As you asked Captain, our pilot is ready with a jet. I'm going with you too. "

Steve smiled at him ," That's so kind of you , your highness. But you don't need to come with me. I've already caused you much problems. I'm afraid I couldn't repay all of these. "

" I'm not asking you to repay anything Captain. And no, there is no problem to help a friend like you. It's important to stand for justice. I've learnt from my father. And I'm sticking with it. I'll be glad to do it Captain. " He said in a reassuring tone.

Steve smiled saying ," Thank you, your highness. "

T'Chala raised his eyebrow but chuckled on his utter respecting nature, " Lets go ." And both went to board the jet to the raft prison, to rescue Wanda , Clint , Sam and Scott Lang.

Meanwhile at Russia , Yelena explained Natasha about Task Master. How he can copy everyone's move which would make easy to beat his opponent. " He also has a shield , uses perfectly , just like your Avenger super captain America. "

Instantly Natasha's hand went to her jeans pocket , where she kept the velvet pouch , which Steve told her about .He didn't know about their baby yet. She didn't respond anything, just mumbled 'oh'.

Yelena narrowed her eyes at her ," What's that ?"

Natasha raised her eyebrow ," What ?" trying to act innocent.

Yelena smirked at her sister ," You're good at lying and I'm good at catching lie. Now spill the beans. "

She just looked away and emptied her beer ," There is nothing to spill. "

She kept smirking at her ," Don't say you're in love with that American golden boy. "

Natasha rolled her eyes," Yes I am. So what ?"

She asked her again," From how long ?"

Natasha's eyes softened and a small smile played on her lips," Maybe from the beginning. "

Yelena was shocked. She never saw this side of her. She understood how much he meant to Natasha. " Where is he now ?, won't you go to find him ?"

" I'm sure he's also thinking the same." She got up from her seat ," We'll see later, Now comon we've some business to do. "

At the roof of the raft prison, Steve helped all of them to board the jet. They landed at some quite place outside of Berlin. Inside the jet , Steve addressed them ," Listen Sam , Clint and Scott , You all have your own families. And I don't want they should face any kinda problem because of me. "

Clint shook his head," It wasn't just your fight Captain, we all fought for our own rights. "

Scott nodded ," Yeah , but you're not wrong about our family though. Government will must try to do something. "

Steve sadly nodded ," I know we decided not to , but now it's better if you all surrender yourself to government. I'll be away from here , maybe I'll be on run from them. So they will be focused to chase me around and can't target you and your family. "

Sam instantly replied," They'll kill you if you got caught. "

Steve shrugged off," I'll try my best not to get caught. "

After a long discussion, everyone reluctantly agreed with Steve's decision. Steve then turned towards T'Chala," Your highness , can you drop all of them at their location? , I'll find some train or something else to travel from here. "

Sam glanced at Wanda , both nodded at each other then before anyone can respond, Sam stood up," We're coming with you, me and Wanda. "

Steve protested ," Sam, You have your sister and her kids , go to them. And Wanda, you'll stay in Wakanda. When I'll find Natasha, we'll meet someday. "

Wanda shook her head in protest ," Not possible. I don't know about Sam, but I'm coming with you. " Before Steve can say anything she interrupted him being a little emotional," I don't wanna stay alone. You and Natasha became like a family to me. Please. I won't cause any problem. "

Steve had always cared for her as his sister. And he was glad that she considered the same. Sam smiled teasingly," What do you mean ?, I'm also coming with Steve. "

He chuckled a little," Okay , You can join me. ", then he turned to Clint ," Take care of Laura and kids. ", then at Scott ," And I hope you will get orders to stay with your daughter. "

He smiled at him and shook hands with him ," I hope so. Thank you Captain. "

Sam and Wanda came out of the jet and before Steve could step outside , Clint called him from behind," Got any idea where she could be?"

Steve smiled a little," Not sure. But a little bit. " And he stepped out of the jet.

Before the door closed Clint shouted from inside," Budapest!!"

And Steve, Sam and Wanda waved them goodbye.

So team Cap. is going to Budapest.

Are you excited to see Alexie and Steve face off. 😁


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