27. Return of the Forgotten

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The three of them sat at the dining table comfortably making small talks but occasionally Steve and Natasha stealing glances with each other.

Steve cleared his throat breaking the awkwardness," So the programme was processing in Limurien Star, who could have helped with it ?"

Natasha shighed leaning back on her chair," Jesper Sitwell was there." Steve raised his eyebrows at her. She rolled her eyes," Oh , really. Now you're gonna say 'I told you so ' ?".

Steve smirked a little," Didn't I ?." She just rolled her eyes and Sam was trying hard to control his laugh. Then he became serious," So is it possible for the two most wanted person of Washington to get a hand on a high level SHIELD officer ?"

Sam stood up and went inside his room and came out with a file . " The answer is it's not possible with out my help." and smirked at Steve.

He picked up the file and shook his head," I can't make you to do it Sam. You left the Army because of this."

Natasha looked at the file too." So you're the well known bird- man."

Sam chuckled shaking his head," Yeah, you can say that. But really I wanna help you with it. I can imagine it isn't a small problem."

Again Steve looked at Natasha for her approval. She shrugged her shoulder and tiled her head. He smiled at Sam ," It won't be that bad. Let's finish this."

Steve and Natasha sat in a car at a corner of a ally. Sam had gone to lure and bring Sitwell. He shighed," So it was planned from the beginning of SHIELD. Still how come no one noticed something fishy ?"

"Because whoever noticed, SHIELD had taken care of them. " Natasha stopped , like something clicked to her mind. " So the winter soldier is just a toy. Someone else , more likely Pierce has the remote control. Haword Stark , now Fury. They both noticed it all, So they killed them. !!"

Steve nodded in realisation. Just then Sam brought Sitwell, with his mouth covered with a gag and hands tied. Natasha drove them to a nearby building. Steve dragged Sitwell by his collar to the roof top and opened his mouth and hands. " Tell me about Zola's programme. "

He acted innocent," I'm hearing this name for the first time. "

Steve greeted his teeth and held him at the edge of the roof ," What were you doing in Limurien Star?"

He chuckled," Is this a fake act to scare me Rogers?, because it's not your style. "

Steve  nodded and straightened his collar," Its not mine. But her's "

And Natasha didn't hesitate. She kicked him to his gut and he flew down , screaming.

He raised his eyebrows at her," Wasn't it too hard ?"

She smirked at him," You complaining?"

He badly controlling his laugh," Absolutely not. " She smiled.

Then Sam came upwards flying with his falcon suit, with Sitwell in his hand and threw him in front of Steve.
Then Sitwell revealed Hydra's plan. How it will kill millions of people in a blink of an eye. How it can target through the satellite and connected to the SHIELD Hallicarrier.

Then Sam dragged Sitwell to his car and they discussing plan to enter inside the Project Insight . But they were interrupted by a bang noise above the car. Suddenly a metal arm threw Sitwell out of the car. And gun fired down , So Steve dragged Natasha to his lap. Their breath hitched by the closeness, but their moment turned in to horror when the winter soldier detached the steering wheel of their car and it hit with other cars. Three of them jumped out of the car , Steve held her above him, So that she doesn't get any injuries and covered them by his shield.

They fought with the winter soldier hard but he managed to shoot right at Natasha's shoulder and she fell on her knees, panting for air. Steve's eyes widened when he saw the winter soldier was going to shoot her , so he charged towards him and attacked him with his shield.

They both fought and finally Steve detached the mask from his face , and the soil slipped under his feet when he saw the figure behind the mask. " Bucky!!!"

Bucky frowned," Who the hell is this Bucky ?", and was going to shoot him but Natasha fired towards him a blast and saved Steve.

But when the explosion died, he was nowhere to found. Steve was still in shocked trance. Even he didn't noticed, Ramlow and his team dragged them towards a van.

Inside the van Steve and Natasha sat side by side while Sam was across them. Natasha was barely conscious due to her blood loss.

Steve hung his head low," It was him. I thought he died. Another failure. "

Natasha weakly squeezed his hand , though her own miserable state." This is not your fault, Steve."

He shook his head," It should be. I didn't tried enough. "

She closed her eyes and squeezed his hand again," Stop blaming yourself. This is not your fault. "

Her voice broke at the last and Steve noticed her blood ." Oh my god, Natasha , keep open your eyes. Ok . Natasha. Nat." He panicked.

Sam looked at the guard in front of him," She needs medical help. She is losing too much blood." He yelled.

That guard stabbed the weapon to another guard beside him, and took off the helmet. And revealed Maria Hill. All three of them shighed in releaf. She raised her eyebrows at Sam and looked at Steve ," Who's this new guy?"

Sam hurriedly said," It can wait. You have got a plan ?". She smirked and started to digging the the base of the van.

Maria led them into a secret dark place. Steve was wrapping his arms around her shoulder and helping her to walk steadily. All of them went inside a room where , someone slept on a hospital bed. Non other than, Nick Fury .


So next will be the end of CA- TWS.
Sorry it was a little short. Next one will be more longer.


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