6. Just a Guide or a Partner

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Two days later, Fury sent a massage to Natasha to meet him immediately.  She entered in his cabin and found him in deep thought. He noticed her and nodded to have a seat.

She sat down opposite of his desk and nodded to continue.

Fury left a long breath and rested his elbow on the table." Few days ago,
I offered Captain Rogers to join in SHIELD and he...."

Natasha interrupted " So you want me to recruit him again ??"

Fury shook his head in no." No no, it wouldn't be necessary, he's already accepted it. You have a tough job than that. I want you to guide Rogers about our system  and policy regarding our mission. " 

She raised her eyebrows and said in a annoying and casual voice " You want me to babysit him ??!!"

Fury gave her very hard stern look and leaned forward on his desk, " Captain Rogers doesn't  need any babysitter, Agent Romanoff. He needs a co-worker as his partner. He fought and survived in many worse conditions without nowadays' modern technology and weapons in World War. His skills and leadership qualities could be a biggest asset for us. Besides, his moral to help  save people at any cost is more than any other human being and that's what he known for. "

He was carefully noticing her reaction before continuing, " He sincerely confessed that he needs some more time and help to adjust in this new world. And I believe that's what makes him special. I'm not asking you to help him in his every step. I'm just asking you to be there with him , whenever he makes some plans and desicion . "

He paused for some seconds, " He'll do his job on his own. I'm just saying that, on any mission, you both would be appointed , if his plan seemed something wrong, you just have to suggest about the possible outcomes if his plan backfires. Because we got the best for these kind of planned mission in you, Agent. "

He said the last part more calmly. Natasha realised his point and nodded in agreement mumbled OK.

 When she got up to leave , Fury  interrupted , " He'll join us after three days.  I personally appointing you to take care of all his skill training regarding our missions. I've arranged a whole new team for both of you , our best ones."

She nodded in response and exited his cabin , thinking about her given new role in SHIELD and she had a good feeling about it.

Somewhere she knew that, she doesn't deserve all this and she can't undo what she did in her past. But maybe doing all this, she could somehow wipe out the red in her ledger . She knew it'll take time and it's gonna be very hard, but she was ready to face it.

From day one in Russia, to now in USA , there were many occasions, she almost got killed, nearly escaped from death. But she always survived. 

And now, she wants to do something on her own . May be this was The Reason for her Staying Alive .....

Both are different  , both belonged to different worlds.......

Both started their life in different measiries  and troubles.......

Both have their own different pained past.......

But both of them have same moral and motives , which bringing them together to one single point , where they supposed to meet , where they DESTINED to meet. Because they are Soul mates of each other.

Both are their 'Reason for Stay Alive'  ; for each other.


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